Thursday, July 28, 2011

For One Lost

Today's song of the day is by a J-Rock group called Kagrra,. It is in part dedicated to the lead singer of Kagrra, who passed away recently from congenital heart failure. And in part dedicated to the fans who will mourn his passing for years to come.

Isshi, you remain in our hearts and in our minds. Your music is ever present and your soul will live on in your voice. Thank you for sharing your beauty with us.

Utakata by Kagrra,.

Rest in Peace, Isshi.
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5 Things I find Oddly Frightening

As the title suggests the following are things that for, some strange reason, frighten me. I don't know why I feel like writing this, but I was thinking about odd things that just freak me out. So here it is:

1. The bathroom at the McDonald's. You know those horror movies where the hero walks into a room that has stark lighting and there is the low hum of machinery in the background? Yeah, that's how this one particular McDonald's bathroom is lit. Also, when I walked in all the doors to the stalls were slightly ajar and a little off, making it even more creepy. The whole time I was expecting something to jump out and drag me off.

2. Dreams where the rooms are darkly lit and have objects you wouldn't normally expect to find in them. For example, I had a dream the other night that there was a secret room at my job. The room was dim and stacked upon themselves were these potty training chairs for little kids. And I don't know why! I'm not afraid of using the bathroom, the dark or even children, but it scared the crap out of me. No lies! In my dream I wanted out of there as fast as possible!

3. Running away from people. Well, you'd expect this to be a normal fear, but it isn't. When I was younger I had a friend named Annie. One day, while hanging out at Annie's house, she convinced me that she was a vampire (I was seven, okay) and chased me all over her house. Her house was big and there was a lot of unknown stuff that scared me about it to begin with, but her chasing me made it even worse. I was literally scared of her. I'm still scared when people chase me, even if it is just play. There is something about it that frightens me. It kicks into gear that fight or flight response and I run like I have no choice. Which leads to asthma attacks.

4. Men. Especially men I find attractive. I have been treated rather poorly by the male gender for a good portion of my existence. I've been used, abused and what have you. They not only make me incredibly nervous, but sometimes I'm flat out scared of them. I never purposefully choose to be alone with a man, unless I've known him for a decent chunk of time. Even then, I'm still wary. I've had 3 boyfriends. One of them doesn't even count because I was 10. My second did the most damage. Now I'm with Donnie. And I was scared of him when we met, aside from finding him rude. The problem is, when I'm attracted to a man, I feel even more vulnerable and therefore, more afraid. When I am vulnerable what could he do to me? I'm not a very strong person, I'm also not fast. I feel trapped sometimes, depending on the man.

5. Worms. Not going to lie, but when I was younger I could handle hooking worms for fishing, but now I can't touch one without freaking out. Part of this is because of an incident where I had a panic attack at church involving worms. A guy friend of mine, John, put worms on me while I wasn't looking and freaked me out. I screamed and ran off crying. I was already having a manic/depressive day that day and that sent me right over. I spent the better part of the rest of the service in the bathroom trying to gain some composure, telling myself that I'm not actually afraid of worms. Just when they touch me... Anyway, I haven't hooked my one worms for fishing since.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Rest In Peace.

In everyone's life there is one person who makes an impact on who you eventually become. Someone who mentored you and showed you things you had never seen before. I have had many of these people in my life. Many of them teachers, relatives and friends. Today I would like to dedicate this blog to a mentor of mine, Mrs. Judy O'Connor, a librarian at the high school I attended.

Mrs. O'Connor and I didn't get along at first. I thought she was kind of grouchy and annoying. I'm sure she thought the same of me. However, as time went on I discovered that she wasn't what I had perceived at first glances. She was a woman of intellect and pride in her work. She was a lover of literature and encouraged me to read. She held the a book club meeting after school, she participated in the Spell Bowl activities, she held book fairs and invited authors to speak at our library.

It was through her that I met author James Alexander Thom and his wife, Dark Rain. She encouraged me to read at every opportunity, to write. She once suggested that I go into Library Sciences since I spent all of my free time in the School Library checking out books.

A few months ago I saw her. I barely recognized her because she had changed so much. She had had cancer, she said. But she was in remission. I hadn't seen her since, not because I didn't want to, but simply because our paths never crossed. I wish I could've told her what a difference she made in my life before she was gone. Isn't that the way it works, you never get a chance to say goodbye until it is too late? You never get a chance to tell someone that you love them and think about them often, until they are gone from you. Often, permanently.

Dear Mrs. O'Connor,
This is a posthumous thank you. A thank you for all the hard work you performed while I was in school. For your constant encouragement that I further my education, for always being there when I needed someone to talk to. For always showing me more of the book world than I could ever hope to see on my own.

Thank you for introducing me to Mr. and Mrs. Thom and for encouraging me to speak with them, even though I was so shy.

Thank you for laughing with me while on trips to Spell Bowl competitions. Thank you for suggesting books and a degree in library sciences. Thank you for being a strong woman that I never had a chance to properly thank while you were living.

I'm so sorry for that, Mrs. O'Connor. So very sorry for that. I wish I had had the chance.

You were a wonderful woman, a hard worker and a caring person. I will miss you more than I could ever express.

Rest in Peace, Mrs. Judy O'Connor: November 11, 1943 - July 23, 2011.
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Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Clown in My Closet

THIS BLOG IS DEDICATED TO MEGAN M! (who kind of demanded that I have a blog at least dedicated to her. :P )

Coulrophobia is the extreme fear of clowns.

I was thinking about clowns the other day. (Today I was thinking about abortions and fruit, but that is a different blog for [perhaps] a different day) And I asked my friends on Facebook (yay, Facebook addiction) who was afraid of clowns. 8 of my friend responded.

Three of my friends were scared of them.
Two of my friends weren't.
And three friends said that they just couldn't stand them, but weren't actually afraid of them.

Why are we (as a society) afraid of clowns? Is it because of Stephen King? Is it urban legends? Is it people like John Wayne Gacy? Is it a fear of the unknown and a fear of the masked? Donnie says that clowns fall into the realm of the uncanny. Which is why those who haven't seen "It", encountered John Wayne Gacy or urban legends still don't like them. Even if they have no real reason to dislike them.

I have personally never had a problem with clowns (except for when I was a year old and my parents got me a clown for my first birthday. I wasn't entirely sure what to think of that). In fact, I really like the ideas of clowns. I especially like older versions of them, such as harlequins and jesters. I like French clowns and mimes, too. There is something oddly beautiful, to me, about clowns. Certain clowns that is. Obviously there are clowns out there that are just plain horrifying and disturbing.

Here are some examples of what I call, beautiful clowns.

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Okay, this one is kind of just because I think Keira Knightley is hot and she looks good with the "fuck me" red hair. :P Also, she is too pretty to be an "evil" clown, even if that is what her make-up implies.
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This one actually has hardly anything to do with clowns. This one is more because I love mermaids and this is a clown fish mermaid... Hey, clown is in the name!
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And just for the cute factor, a whole class full of clowns. ^_^
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I suppose I can understand being afraid of something that you can't see its real face. That is slightly unnerving (unless you're into that kind of thing), but I don't find it frightening. If a clown was following me at night, I would be nervous, but I'd be nervous with anyone following me at night. I'm the type of person who is constantly keeping track of the vehicle behind me when I'm driving. I always plan ahead in case they ARE following me and I need to take a different route (because you NEVER EVER go to your house if you suspect someone of following you, you find a safe place to go).

I read in an article that one of the reasons people are afraid of clowns is because of Batman. In the Batman comics his arch-nemesis is the Joker (and his sexy sidekick, Harley Quinn). The Joker is a bat-shit insane man who always looks like a deranged clown. Heath Ledger (may he rest in peace) really brings that creepy clown vibe to the forefront in "The Dark Knight". Personally, The Joker was my favorite male villian in Batman (Batman being my all time favorite superhero, but once again that is another blog for another day), my favorite female villian being Catwoman.

When I was young (and stupid) I had a terrible crush on the Joker, partially because he was brilliantly insane and insanely brilliant. He was witty and often terrifying and he totally owned a piece of my heart because of it. I don't see why the Joker would make people afraid of clowns. Are you seriously going to believe that every clown, everywhere, is a Joker in disguise waiting to kill you or fuck with your head?

The Joker and his many faces (fun fact: Mark Hamill [aka: Luke Skywalker in Star Wars] voiced the cartoon Joker).
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Anyway, I guess what I'm really trying to say is...
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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Fairy Tales

As a child my favorite fairy tale was "The Little Mermaid". I had the Disney movie and it was my security blanket. I took that movie with me everywhere. I watched it all the time (My second favorite movie was "The Wizard of Oz", which should've been obvious from my "J-Rock Wizard of Oz" tribute) and had it memorized. I have a picture of me watching it with my father on the couch at my Memere's house. My mom even got me one of those tents. If you grew up in the 90's you know exactly what I'm talking about. Those plastic play tents that your mom or dad would set up in your room or the living room and you would play with your toys in there.

However, whilst I love "The Little Mermaid" (both the Disney movie and the Hans Christian Anderson story), I love a few other interesting fairy tales. Not all of them happy. So, here is my Top 5 Favorite Fairy Tales list. Just to be random! (Since "The Little Mermaid" is a given it will not appear on this list)

1. The 12 Dancing Princesses (Germany)
This story is kind of weird. Which would probably be part of the reason that I love it so much. The Twelve Dancing Princesses was originally published by the Brothers Grimm (unsurprising to be sure) and since then it has seen many different places and things. Including, Faerie Tale Theatre (Shelley Duvall!) and Barbie (ugh!).

The tale goes that a king becomes incredibly suspicious as to why his daughter's dancing shoes are always worn out every morning. Especially since they all sleep in the same room and their door is locked every night! They can't possibly be going out dancing! Or so he thinks. Of course, one can't blame him. He has to pay for new shoes for TWELVE DAUGHTERS every day... I'd be a little suspicious too.

He decides to give a reward to whomever can figure out what is happening to his daughters' shoes each night. A soldier arrives and decides he is going to try his luck. After meeting an old woman (who gives him an invisibility cloak and some good advice), he eventually discovers what is happening. I won't spoil it for you, but as the title suggests, it has to do with dancing girls.

If you are interested you can read the story here:
As far as I can tell it is the full story, at least as close to the version I have always read as I can get on the internet.

I always enjoyed this story just because I loved the idea of these princesses escaping their father for one night and dancing it away with handsome princes in an enchanted forest. Who wouldn't love to do that?!

2. Bluebeard (France)
"Bluebeard" was written by Charles Perrault, also known as Mother Goose. Bluebeard is not your typical fairy tale. It doesn't feature princesses or ghosts or anything like that. In fact, it is one of the most disturbing fairy tales I've ever had the pleasure of reading. And, something I didn't know before now, it may have been based on a couple of real people.

Bluebeard is NOT Prince Charming. No where near it in fact. He is described as hideously ugly because of his horrifically blue beard. Hence the name. At any rate, he has been married several times, but no one knows what has happened to his wives. (I'm sure you can see why that would be a little weird and somewhat frightening to any future wives) According to Monsieur Bluebeard, they all left him. But none of them returned to their families.

Eventually, after throwing many lavish parties, Bluebeard marries again. This young woman decides that under all that blue facial hair is a handsome and refined man that she wants to marry. And she does. After all, his beard isn't really all that blue. (<--- That is almost a verbatim quote from the story, just sayin')

So, this beautiful young woman moves into her husband's ridiculously huge house (I mean, the man has a key for every room, every closet, every cupboard, etc...) and is content with her lot. That is until the day her husband decides he has to go on a business trip. Because he knows that his new wife is young and because he knows she will miss him, he leaves her his keys and tells her to throw a huge party. To invite everyone she knows and have them stay with her for a few weeks while he is gone. His only stipulation is that she not open the little closet in the bottom floor of the house. He is even kind enough to show her the key that opens said forbidden closet. Of course she swears her loyalty to her husband by promising to not go anywhere near said forbidden room.

As soon as he is gone, she invites over everyone that she knows for a huge party. However, being a curious girl and a poor hostess, she quickly goes to the bottom floor of the house and opens the door to the little closet. What she finds there so startles her that she passes out, dropping the key. It is this little key that leads to her undoing.

Of course, you have to find a copy of the story to find out what happens, 'twould be a tragedy for me to spoil it.

3. The Girl with the Rose Red Slippers (Egypt)
I found this fairy tale not that long ago (about a year ago) while looking for stories from Egypt. This story is considered to be one of the first "Cinderella" stories every told.

A beautiful girl is bought as a slave. Except this owner is quite nice to her and somewhat indulges her, even giving her a pair of beautiful rose red slippers. One day, while she is bathing, an eagle comes out of nowhere and steals one of her rose red slippers (of which she was particularly fond) and makes off with it. The beautiful girl weeps bitterly over the loss, but resigns herself to it.

In the meantime the eagle (Horus' sacred bird) flies toward Memphis, (Egypt, not Tennessee) where Pharoah is currently. The bird swoops down over the courtyard and drops the slipper where Pharoah can see it. And, for some reason, because he thought the slipper was SO beautiful it MUST belong to a most beautiful woman. Which doesn't make much sense, because ugly girls like beautiful things too... Anyway, he determines to find said beautiful woman and issues a decree that they sure all of Egypt to find her.

For the rest of the story go to (My previous blog post! :P)

4. The Old Hag's Long Leather Bag (Ireland)
This story never fails to amuse me. Partially because of the repetitive and exhaustive rhyming and the crazy. Mostly the crazy.

This story starts with a young widow who has all of her money stolen by an old woman passing herself off as a maid. Because of this the young woman and her three young daughters are forced to live hand to mouth for many years. When the time comes for the oldest of the three daughters to go out into the world she tells her mom to bake her a bannock (or at least that is what my version says, the version I found online definitely does not follow my story as closely) and send her on her way. Her mother asks if she will take a half of the bannock with her blessing or all of it without. Being greedy, the eldest daughter takes the whole without.

The oldest daughter goes into the world and meets up with an old woman. The old woman says she needs a maid and asks if the daughter will work for her. The daughter agrees and the old woman says, clean everything, but on your life do not look up the chimney (does that sound familiar?). The daughter promises. And for a few weeks she refrains from looking up the chimney. One day, however, while the old woman is out (playing bingo or attempting to cook Hansel and Gretel perhaps) the eldest daughter looks up the chimney. Inside she sees a long leather bag. She pulls it down and discovers her mother's entire fortune!

Well, obviously she takes off immediately with the long leather bag to go back to her mother and sisters. Along the way, however she meets many interesting things. Including a horse, a windmill, a goat, a sheep, a cow and a kiln.

Each one asks her for a favor and she refuses each time. When the old woman finally comes home and discovers her bag is gone she asks each animal/item the same question. The question goes like this (though not in the link I will give you, because as aforementioned they didn't follow my version):
"Horse of mine, have you seen this maid of mine? With my tig, with my tag, with my long leather bag and all the gold and silver I have earned since I was a maid?" And because the eldest daughter was not nice and helped out the Horse would reply with she went that way.

She eventually catches the girl (she is asleep inside the windmill) and she strikes her with her cane turning her into a stone (the old woman isn't called a hag for nothing!).

Cut to the second daughter. Its been a year, so obviously her sister must be doing well and she decides she is going out into the world too. She also takes the whole bannock without her mother's blessing and meets up with the old woman. She also promises not to look up the chimney and eventually does. She also discovers her mother's fortune and takes off with it. And, just like her older sister, she isn't kind to the things she meets along the way.

Because of this she, too, ends up turned into a stone inside of the windmill.

Its now been two years since the eldest daughter left and a year since the middle daughter left. Obviously this is a sign that they are doing so well that they don't have to write home. The youngest daughter decides to follow their idea by going out into the world. Except, she takes the half a bannock with her mother's blessing, unlike her two greedy sisters.

So, because she is obviously different from her sisters, when the time comes that she is running back home with her mother's fortune she naturally stops to help those along the way that ask for help.

When the old woman follows suit, she asks: "Horse of mine, have you seen this maid of mine? With my tig, with my tag, with my long leather bag and all the gold and silver I have earned since I was a maid?" and the horse basically says, "Do you think I have nothing better to do than to keep track of your maids?"

To find out what happens to the nice daughter and the two stones in the windmill you may follow this link:

5. Marya Morevna (Russia)
The story of Marya Morevna starts off with Prince Ivan. Prince Ivan has three beautiful sisters and he just inherited the kingdom of Russia. His sisters are, one by one, married off to some awesome shapeshifting princes and Ivan finds himself incredibly alone.

One day, while walking around on a battlefield, Ivan encounters the beautiful Warrior Princess Marya Morevna. He immediately falls in love with her and they get married. They live happily for a long time, but one day Marya decides that she must leave to fight someone or other and she makes Ivan promise not to go into a closet (or the upper turret, depending on which version you read. Also, doesn't that sound really familiar?). He promises, however, as soon as she is gone he totally opens it.

Inside he finds Koshchei the Deathless in chains, except Ivan doesn't know that. He just sees a withered old man who is begging for food and drink because Marya hasn't given him either in 10 years. Obviously, Ivan gives him water. Once Koshchei drinks up all the water he breaks his chains and vows to kidnap Marya. He takes off and poor Ivan realizes what an idiot he has been.

Not deterred by the creepy deathless dude that just escaped his wife's closet, Ivan vows to go after Marya and save her from Koshchei. On his journey to save his wife he decides to stop by and visit his three sisters as well. He explains to them and his brothers-in-law what has happened and each brother-in-law asks Ivan to leave something of his behind. Presumably to remember him by.

Anywho, eventually he finds Marya Morevna. He tells her that they should leave and that she should forgive him, though I wouldn't blame her if she didn't, since god only knows what Koshchei has been doing to her since he captured her.

However, Koshchei is not only Deathless, but he has a magical talk horse as well that stumbles when there is trouble. So Koshchei asks it what's going on? and the horse replies with one of my favorite lines in a story (partially because it is totally unnecessary and partially because it is ridiculous):

"It is possible to sow wheat, to wait 'til it grows up, to reap it and thresh it, to grind it to flour, to make five pies of it, to eat those pies, and then to start in pursuit - and even then to be in time."

So obviously, Koshchei catchs them. He tells Ivan that because he gave him water, he will spare him this time. He will even spare him the second time. However, if he attempts to rescue his wife a third time Koshchei will personally chop him into itty-bitty pieces.

Un-dettered by this threat. Ivan obviously rescues his wife again. The horse once again says something ridiculously impossible that they could do and still catch them and Koshchei once again says he will forgive Ivan. However, next time he will cut him up.

And again Ivan rescues Marya, so Koshchei chops him into little bits. Not only does he chop him into little bits though, Koshchei puts those bits into a barrel, covers the barrel with pitch and iron hoops and drops it in the middle of the ocean.

Now, as soon as that barrel falls into the ocean, the items Ivan left with his brothers-in-law turn black. Obviously this is a bad thing and the brothers-in-law set off to rescue their slightly derpy brother-in-law, Ivan.

The rest of the story can be found at

There you have it, my top 5 favorite fairy tales of all time. Expect more fairy tales sometime in the future, as I am a huge lover of fairy tales and fantasy. Nothing like a story where a little girl has her hands chopped off by her own father (which is apparently a parable about incest).

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Lullaby for a Myth

I love this song. It is one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard and it involves mythology. Always a plus for me.

For those of you who might not keep up to date on different mythologies, this song is about Arthurian legend and Mordred, the illegitimate son of King Arthur and his half-sister, Morgause (often confused with Morgan Le Fay). Mordred is considered one of the biggest villians in Arthurian legend, as he is a traitor and attempts to kill Arthur.

In this haunting lullaby, as sung by Heather Dale, Morgause is singing to her infant son about how he will be her weapon of revenge. How his loyalty to her will ultimately lead to his own death and the mortal wounds of King Arthur, "My Brother the traitor." She prophecies to her infant all that will happen in his story.

As a huge fan of mythology and legends in general, this song is both awesome in its theme and delightful in its sound. The Celtic feel lends credence to the theme and adds a touch of haunting beauty to the song.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Jack Sparrow

This song is so awesome that I have completely forgotten how I found it. All I know is that I found it and I am so happy I did!

I think the best part of this video is when Michael Bolton says "This whole town's a pussy just waiting to get fucked" because who expects that kind of language from Michael Bolton?! The second best part is probably where he dresses up as Erin Brockavich... just sayin'.

Jack Sparrow (feat. Michael Bolton) by the Lonely Island.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

What Sarah Said

Perhaps it is because I am morbid, perhaps it is because I have been unable to do this, perhaps it is because it is the truth. For whatever reason, I love this song by Death Cab for Cutie, though, in general I am not the biggest fan of theirs.

I agree with the sentiment that "Love is watching someone die." Don't we all watch those we love die? Little by little and day by day? We are all rotting inside of this all too fragile humanity that houses us. The only truest form of love is watching this and continuing to go on when the inevitable arrives. Yes?

Sometimes, when I listen to this song, I think about a few years ago. Before my mother's divorce, before Donnie, before my entire family fell apart. I think about an uncle I had. My uncle by marriage, but a man I had enjoyed spending time with when I saw him. He was in the hospital for the last time. His wife and his daughter were unable to get to the hospital that night and had called my mother to see if she would sit with him in his last hours.

I believed it would be interesting to experience death happening, rather than just seeing its aftermath. Morbid curiousity, I suppose. I went along, on the pretext that my mother not be alone. I don't remember how long we sat with him. When my ex-step-father showed up for a little bit, he offered to take me home. It was late. I remember thinking, "I'm not brave enough to watch someone die." I couldn't stand to stay, even though I wanted to. I knew then, that it would be a regret I carried for the rest of my life, but I could not stay to watch him transform from a human being with a soul to a corpse waiting for a coffin.

I think of this while I listen to this song and I wonder if, because I couldn't stay and I couldn't watch, he (wherever he may be) thinks that I didn't love him because I couldn't stay. If love is truly watching someone die, I have failed. I failed him in that way. Don't we always fail those we love, in the end anyway?

For those of you who are curious, "il m'aime" means "He loves me."

Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Randomness

My Questions are as follows (along with my answers):
1. Where do you stand on the proverbial political fence?
Somewhere to the East?

2. What kinds of drinks do you like when you are hot and sweaty?
Anything soda-y.

3. If purple were a number what would it be?

4. Your karma ran over my dogma, response?
There goes my good karma...

5. If a yellow train is traveling at twenty-five miles per hour on a blue track what color is the engineer's underwear?
He isn't wearing any.

6. Who invented Swiss Cheese?
The emperor of Japan.

7. If you could do anything in the world, without the limits of time, money, etc. what would it be?
Read every book on my list, lose weight, become that famous movie star I wanted to be and kiss the hell out of Gackt and Wentworth Miller!

8. Roses are white, violets are?

9. What is your favorite book?
Exquisite Corpse by Poppy Z. Brite

10. If you could live to be 101 1/2 what would you like to say on your death bed?
Damn, I am old!

It seems to me that the most common answer for #5 was green. I'm not quite sure how people came up with Green, but they did. *shrug*

Donnie's Answers
1. I can't stand on a proverb.

2. Semen in a can.

3. Purple.

4. Bitch had it comin'?

5. Yes.

6. Sir Swiss.

7. Um, fondle every pair of breasts on earth.

8. Probably violet.

9. No H's Picture Book of Wood.

10. I told you I was sick.

Fawn's Answers
1. On top of Trent on top of the pole. (Trent: We call it the pole position!)

2. Donnie's Semen in a can. (Fawn: Chai, dammit, Chai!)

3. Sexy. (Sarai: You know, you people don't understand the concept of numbers. Just sayin'.)

4. (Trent barks) Yeah, what he said.

5. Its the color Kurosawa. (Trent: Brown. From SHIT!)

6. Jesus invented it. (Sarai: Jesus invented Swiss Cheese?)

7. I'd grow three new arms and three new legs to go with the two I've got. (Trent: Because if you had three more of each you might have two that worked?)

8. Sex deprived? (No comment)

9. That book by Christian Humber... (Donnie: Oh yeah, I should've said "Christian Humber Reloaded"!)

10. Damn, my diaper is full. (Sarai: Oh my...)

Trent's answers
1) On a post, because the fence is too narrow.

2) The kind of drink that quenches thirst. (Sarai: Smart ass...)

3) Orange

4) It was in the road and needed killin'.

5) Vodka

6) The Pope

7) Give every woman huge boobs. Think Aegis.

8) Still Blue.

9) The Twilight Saga with a twist of lemony goodness.

10) Huge boobies were a great idea.

Envy's answers
1. Can I break down the fence instead? That sounds more fun.
2. Sodas. Or just something sweet and tastes marvelous.
3. Uhm... 5?
4. The dogma deserved it. Get outta my street.
5. Red, of course. Rail Tracer, anyone?
6. I don't know, but they rock.
7. Jack a plane, go to Germany, and attend a rave under the stars with my best friend.
8. Overrated. Get other flowers instead.
9. Brave Story, by Miyuki Miyabe. Best Japanese-to-English novel ever.
10. "Famous last words? No, thank you. Let me die in silence."

Phil's answers
1. Definetely lean left
2. A coke is nice, maybe some water, Iced Tea?
3. 140
4. I got you my pretty and your damned dogma too!! (Thank you Wizard of Oz!)
5. Chartreuse
6. The Swiss (duh)
7. Head Meterologist at the National Hurricane Center
8. Cerulean
9. The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin
10. Why did you little bastards let me live this long!!!

LED's answers
1. I am solidly so far left I am almost right. Woo circular fence!

2. Water. PERIOD.

3. Purple would be the number 5.

4. Then that means I will be reincarnated as a rich politically awesome man in my next life.

5. Green.

6. Not the Swiss. T'was the French.

7. Travel around the world in twenty times in forty years. Oh and fly to the Moon and Io.

8. Purple. And yellow. Duh.

9. Wicked was pretty good. But when it comes to adolescent-geared violence and necromancy, it's got to be Sabriel by Garth Nix. Oh and my favorite mindless fighting/D&D/fantasy book series is the Legacy of Drizzt.

10. I wish I had not lived to this age. I am alone and now I die alone. May those after me die with less regrets and may they live in an age when they did not have to watch the world die.

Callibre's Answers
1. Who stands on a fence?
2. Hmmm ice water
3. it would equal the sum of red and blue
4. The stigma was driving (I like that answer best!)
5. lime green
6. weight concious mice
7. Travel to every single country and meet the amazing people I know :P
8. not right
9. The Sea of Silverlight
10. I knew I should have had better answers when answering 10 questions on DA.

Pomegranate's answers
1. I don't think I can stand on fence very well. Hello, I loose balance just by walking!! So why would I stand on fence regardless if you say it is proverbial!! ♥♥ (Love you momma)
2. I like water.
3. Most likely a negative number I mean come on, purple has a sad life, their is no purple Power Ranger but their was a purple teletubie!! Seriously!! The color has a sad life!!
4. Tough shit~ ♥♥
5. Pink. No reason, I just love Pink!!
6. Most likely someone Holy.
7. See what I could do~ Cause I has no idea, I use to think I knew what I would do but now the more I think about it the less I know what I would do with all the limits of time and money.
8. PURPLE yet again the color has a sad life.
9. To Kill A Mockingbird!! ♥♥ Best book ever!!
10. Most likely something to the fact that I still outlived some bitches~ ♥♥

Amber's answers
1. I will be honest, I have no clue what proverbial political fence means.... but I am a conservative if that is what you are asking. lol
2. water
3. purple would be number 3
4. sorry
5. green
6. some guy in Italy?
7. I would live the rest of my life in the mountains surrounded by trees and wildlife
8. black
9.Lonesome Dove by Larry McMurtry
10. thank you and goodnite

Hellas' answers
1. My balance isn’t that good, I prefer to move around.
2. Coffee does it for me every time.
3. 1
4. My karma is a bitch and thinks you should keep your dogma on a leash
5. Green…of course
6. The same people hat invented the Swiss?
7. Pleasure every small breasted redhead and brunette I saw :P…hey you asked for it.
8. Not always blue
9. The Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio
10. I’m not quite dead yet, honestly I feel fine…no I don’t want to go on the dead wagon

Judes' answers
1. Where do you stand on the proverbial political fence?
-I don't stand ANYWHERE near it!!!

2. What kinds of drinks do you like when you are hot and sweaty?
-Ice cold water with a squeeze of lemon or lime.

3. If purple were a number what would it be?
-It's number would be 7, for the order it appears in the rainbow.

4. Your karma ran over my dogma, response?
-Sorry darling, lemme make it up to you.

5. If a yellow train is traveling at twenty-five miles per hour on a blue track what color is the engineer's underwear?
-Well, if the Engineer is as close to his train as he should be, then his man panties should be GREEN, because yellow and blue make green, and trains and and speed make time.

6. Who invented Swiss Cheese?
-Some really awesome Swiss guy. I'm gonna go with Leif Holestag.

7. If you could do anything in the world, without the limits of time, money, etc. what would it be?
-Make sweet love endlessly until I ceased to breathe.

8. Roses are white, violets are?
-Blue. They're always blue, in fact, I don't have any idea as to why they call them 'VIOLETS' when clearly, they're NOT violet in shade!

9. What is your favorite book?
-Okay, if you couldn't think about this a second, and had to ask me this, then you clearly do NOT know me! ;) (Sarai: It's Gone with the Wind, ladies and gents)

10. If you could live to be 101 1/2 what would you like to say on your death bed?
-"What the hell am I doing on my death-bed?! I've got another 101½ years to live!!!"

Eric's answers
1. No comment.

2. Gatorade.

3. 29

4. Why was it in my karma's way in the first place?

5. Depends- green seems to be obvious, but I'd say red to keep a primary colors trend going here.

6. The Swiss.

7. Go to L.A. and win an Oscar.

8. Technically, they're blue.

9. The Catcher in the Rye.

10. It's been fun.

Terri's answers
1. A democrat who knows how to think for herself and questions stupid things that politiians say, like anything Michelle Bachman and Fairly Failin' says (note: had to put it that way due to copyright she has on her stupid name!). (Sarai: How can she have a copyright on her name?! How do you do that?)

2. Sweet tea with Lemon, or a cold coke..

3. 2

4. I would be devastated...crying and so sorry...

5. He's wearing underwear?

6. The Swiss Guard

7. Peace and Quiet and time with my husband

8. Purple, don't know why they say blue...they are NOT blue, they are purple, it is so confusing, I can't stand it.

9.The one I am reading right now, at any given time...

10. it was a good run...sorry it had to end so soon...

Jennifer's answers
‎1. I jump off of it. And generally ignore the silly thing all together.
2. Ice cold water. Maybe one of those mountain flavored Powerades.
3. 8
4. ॐ
5. Infinity.
6. God.
7. Everything. The answer would be too broad I think.
8. Fuzzy.
9. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak.
10. I. Am. A. Badass.

Willie's answers
1. neither, 'cause the poltitcal game is shit
2. Mt dew
3. #1 cause it is that
4. I'm better cause I'm awesome
5. green
6. its not the swiss
7. just be me
8. black
9. The calling of Cthulu
10. respawn in 10....9....8...7...

So the Darkness I became

Today's song is "Cosmic Love" by Florence + the Machine. This song is so romantic and beautifully done. Florence Welch's voice truly brings this song to life. At turns sweet and at others lonesome.

My favorite part of the song is the chorus. Florence sings "The stars, the moon, they have all been blown out. You've left me in the dark. No dawn, no day, I'm always in this twilight. In the shadow of your heart."

This is definitely on the playlist for my wedding!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Oh, the Crazy Things We will Say!

Donnie: Damn Vampires.
Me: Yeah, always trying to take my Count Chocula Cereal.

Kid: I don't think Strawberry Shortcake would appreciate that they are selling her. Especially for 50 cents off.
Me: That's how toe (an affected version of tore) up she is.

L.E.D. (In movie voice over voice) Bruce Storm...
Me: (In same movie voice over voice) Real Estate Agent. Awh Yeah!

Quote of the day (over heard whilst handing out fruit during my second job as a sample lady): Did you get her pie?!

Kid: I need windshield wiper fluid, not new windshield wipers.
Me: (straight faced) I know, but look, it says Windshield wipers and refills!
Kid: I'm going to punch you in the face.
Me: *giggle*

Me: Why did a Madonna mood have to hit at 1 in the morning?!

Donnie: I had sex with every melon on the stand.
Jamal: They're not even robots!

Me: But I put on my brave face and strap on my big girl shoes and suck it up. (You know, this could be taken for something completely wrong.)

Mom: I blame you that the Safety Dance kept me awake last night!!!
Me: You know that you love it and you KNOW that you are thankful that I showed that awesome video to you.

Me: Apparently it is "Sarai is trying to blog let's all start talking to her at once" time. I thought it was only 11:43.

Me: Kyle. I'm drunk texting you. Lol
Kyle: I love you.

Me: I'm thinking I'm now in love with fresh mozzarella.

Donnie: (Very Seriously) Bacon.

Me: I wish you would listen to me when I'm whispering so that I didn't spend half of my time shouting.

Zach: God, you're such a tease!

Me: I even love you times Gackt!

Donnie: It could be worse; you could be black.
Jamal (My roomie, who so happens to be Black): He's right. It could be worse. You could be black!

Donnie: Hey Jamal,
Jamal: Yes, Donnie, I know I'm black.
Donnie: You fucking racist! That's not what I was going to say at all!

Commander and Chief

Back in May I purchased some Parisian themed note cards which I sent to random people, for random reasons. One of those cards went to the President of the United States. I had no hopes for a response, I mean, it's the President! He is probably not even going to read my note. It probably will get tossed in the trash anyway, because it has glitter and a picture of the Eiffel Tower on it. After they test the glitter to make sure it is safe to dispose of it, of course.

Donnie and I are preparing for bed. It is 11:53pm and I have to be up early to work my second job. We have just turned out the lights when mon frere (my brother), Chris, knocks on the door.

"Come in," I say.

"So, when did you start corresponding with the White House?" says Chris.

I am thinking that Chris is playing some kind of joke and I am really tired.

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

"You have an official letter from the White House." He replies.

I sit up and tell him to turn on the light. As soon as the light is on he hands me the envelope and I see the words "The White House Washington, DC 20500" on the envelope, along with my name and address. I am addressed as "Ms."

I quickly open the envelope and read the following letter:

"Dear Sarai,

"Thank you for your kind note. Your thoughtful words join a chorus of millions of Americans who are eager to lead our Nation towards a brighter tomorrow.

"Each day, I am inspired by the encouraging messages of hope and determination I have received from people across the country. With the magnitude of challenges we face, we will only overcome them if our imagination is joined to common purpose.

"The future we leave to our children and grandchildren will be determined by our willingness to shoulder each other's burdens, take great risks, and move forward as one people and one Nation. With your help, we will build on what we have already achieved and lay a new foundation for real and lasting progress.

"Barack Obama"

I almost died! I received a letter back from Barack Obama, President of the United States! The only thing that could've been better would have been a phone call or meeting him in person, but I will settle for a letter!

Now, I just feel like I'm dreaming it all, except that I still have this white envelope addressed from the White House, with a watermarked sheet of paper with my name and the President's signature. I'm thinking I need to find a cool picture frame for this pronto!

Friday, July 08, 2011

I Need You

Today's video is "I Need You" by The Beatles (as written and performed by George Harrison). The video is taken from their movie "Help!", one of my all time favorite movies, actually.

This song is my favorite by The Beatles. When I was younger (and we lived in the country) I would wander through the woods singing it to myself, imagining I was a lovely ghost. Silly, I know, but my imagination has always wandered. I would sing to the trees, stopping to wrap my arms around some of them (just because that is picturesque, don't you know?). The trees have always been my friends. When I was still a Christian, I used to take my battered Bible and preach sermons to them. All very strange, and totally off topic.

I Need You by George Harrison, as performed by The Beatles.

Thursday, July 07, 2011

Now, in easily accesible Blog Form!

I dislike Taylor Swift. Intensely, in point of fact. I despise her music, I don't really like her as a person (though, admittedly she is pretty) and I was one of the few people cheering when Kanye was a dick to her. I could just spout off a bunch of stuff about her, but why not dissect one of her songs? That sounds like fun!

Note: You do NOT have to subject yourself to the following video. You can, instead, read the lyrics that I will provide below the video. If you want to hear the song for yourself do not blame me when your ears start bleeding. You have been warned.

First up, let's look at "Our Song". This song plays quite often at work. Every day in fact. It drives me CRAZY. Partially because I have a bad habit of singing along with songs that I know. I don't even realize I'm doing it half the time and it is annoying as hell!

Lyrics (As provided by
I was riding shotgun
with my hair undone
in the front seat of his car
He's got a one-hand feel
on the steering wheel
The other on my heart
I look around, turn the radio down
He says, "Baby is something wrong?"
I say, "Nothing,
I was just thinking
how we don't have a song"
And he says...

Our song is the slamming screen doors,
Sneakin' out late, tapping on your window
When we're on the phone and you talk real slow
'cause it's late and your mama don't know
Our song is the way you laugh
The first date "Man, I didn't kiss her, and I should have"
And when I got home ... before I said amen
Asking God if he could play it again

I was walking up the front porch steps after everything that day
Had gone all wrong
and been trampled on
And lost and thrown away
Got to the hallway,
well on my way
to my lovin' bed
I almost didn't notice
all the roses
And the note that said...


I've heard every album, listened to the radio
Waited for something to come along
That was as good as our song...

'Cause our song is the slamming screen door,
Sneakin' out late, tapping on his window
When we're on the phone and he talks real slow
'cause it's late and his mama don't know
Our song is the way he laughs
The first date "Man, I didn't kiss him, and I should have."
And when I got home ... before I said amen
Asking God if he could play it again

I was riding shotgun with my hair undone
In the front seat of his car
I grabbed a pen and an old napkin
And I wrote down our song

My first problem with this song is the video. I just watched it. Not a single boy. The only guys in this video are playing back up instrumental. I pictured something semi-romantic, being a romantic at heart. A cute guy, actually following along with the lyrics of the song in some shape or form. Nope. It starts off with a shot of Taylor's toenails drying and her talking on the phone. The rest is just a montage to how pretty she is. Seriously?

My second problem is this: Slamming screen doors, tapping on windows in the middle of the night, laughter and thought bubbles on how you should've kissed on the first date do not constitute as a song.

A song is defined as "a short metrical composition intended or adapted for singing, especially one in rhymed stanzas;". How do you adapt slamming screen doors for singing? I could see it as a rhythmic slamming for background music, but it isn't really a song. All of those things aren't a "song". They are just sounds that are associated with their feelings for one another. And a thought doesn't count as a sound.

Thirdly, if they are both living with their parents (as suggested by "When we're on the phone and you talk real slow, 'cause it's late and your mama don't know"), how did he get into her house to put roses everywhere and a note? Its kind of suggested from the song (as well as the music video) that there are rose petals everywhere:
"Got to the hallway,
well on my way
to my lovin' bed
I almost didn't notice
all the roses"

What parent allows their teenage daughter's boyfriend to sprinkle rose petals everywhere? That is a very romantic gesture, one that is usually followed up (in the movies) with copious amounts of sex. Not only that, so many flower petals would be a hell of a mess to clean up. They get mooshed and smashed into the carpet, or cause a tripping hazard.

Also, how did she "almost" not notice a crap ton of roses? Seriously? I don't care how bad your day has been. You are going to smell all those flowers before you see them, or you should. Not to mention that you should see them, they're kind of obvious. I mean, they are really colorful! You'd think they would be noticeable! Apparently not. I wonder how many times she completely missed the romantic things her boyfriend did for her, because she doesn't pay attention.

If her parents didn't sanction this, slightly, suggestive romantic gesture that means he broke into her house! Which (as I mentioned in my Twilight blog) is NOT romantic. That is illegal. And creepy. VERY CREEPY.

Finally, my biggest problem with this song:
"I've heard every album, listened to the radio
Waited for something to come along
That was as good as our song..."

There are literally millions of albums from thousands of genres from the four different corners of the known world and she just said she heard them ALL.

Japanese Techno, she heard it.
German Country, she heard it.
Swahili Opera, she heard it.
Irish Pop, she heard it.

Not only that, but she apparently listens to the radio. And somehow she heard all of this, not only from the various albums she has randomly lying about (apparently), but she heard some of it on the radio. I don't know about radio in her part of the world, but mine repeats the same songs over and over. You are bound to hear the same song at least twice in a 4 hour period. Sometimes more than that. Plus, you have all the commercial breaks and DJ's talking, so you aren't actually getting to hear music for most of that time.

Anywho, there is my blog on my least favorite song by Taylor Swift. I feel better.

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Best Wedding Idea Ever

As many of you know I am planning on getting married September 1st, 2012. Whether this happens or not is another topic for another blog. So, let's put the emphasis on PLANNING. Anyway, I was sitting with my roommate, Jamal, and my brother, Chris, eating a frozen dinner and reading "The Looking Glass Wars" (which is pretty awesome so far) when I get this text from LED.

The text says "Sarai go look at the message i sent u on facebook"

So, I get on Facebook and see that she has sent me a rather lengthy message. Little did I know that the message was going to contain extreme amounts of AWESOME!

LED's message

Sarai! Sarai! I just had a fantastical idea for your wedding!

Picture this:

You are Lady Guinevere or Maid Marian or whatever, and you are getting ready for your wedding to you true love--the squire-wannabe knight, Donald. You are getting ready and then--poof!---the dreaded Prince Phil (or whoever) comes and kidnaps you to make you his bride! You are locked in a tower! Guarded by a large, fire-breathing dragon (played possibly by Chris)!

"Oh, no! The Lady has been kidnapped! Someone must rescue her or she will be forced to marry the evil, dreaded Prince Phillip!"

"I will save her!" And Donald, donning his shining armor and sword, races off to save you! He fights the great fire-breathing dragon as you watch on from your tower, crying, "Oh! My beloved! Save me! Oh! ...Watch out for the dragon!"

And Donnie will fight valiantly and slay the great dragon! (We can add a dice role to add his favorite pastime if he wants. But we might need to rig the dice to make sure he gets a twenty every time. Unless, of course, he doesn't want to win.) Then Donnie will race up the steps to your tower and fight the dreaded evil Prince Phillip and defeat him in front of a nervous, apprehensive crowd! The final battle--who will win?--DONNIE OF COURSE

When Donnie finishes off the evil Prince Phillip, he comes to your tower and rescues you! Then the two of you walk down the aisle of Christmas-light-covered trees and rose petals and get married.

The end.

We can change that last part, it is a little anti-climatic...

End Message

And, after reading this, I totally realized this was the BEST WEDDING IDEA EVER!! It not only incorporates my Medieval theme, it incorporates my love of acting, my acting friends, Donnie's love of D&D and our mutual love for one another. Who doesn't want to be saved by their Prince Charming on their wedding day?

Every little girl dreams of a fairy tale wedding to their Prince (or Princess) Charming. I just may get mine.

The Loom Ladies

My friend, Sarah J. and her friend, Taylor K., have started their own business selling things that they have knit. Because I love my friend Sarah, I agreed to blog about her Facebook page for her, trying to promote business. If you get some time, please go over to the following link and like her business on Facebook.

She and Taylor are actually really good at this and they have come up with some pretty things, including:
* Baby blankets
* Hats
* Baby booties
* Scarves, etc.

So, check them out and let me (and them) know what you think!!

Saturday, July 02, 2011

Are You Gonna Kiss Me Or Not?

First off I would like to wish my younger brother, Chris, a very Happy 21st Birthday today. I am glad that he seemed to be having a great time at his party, even though he doesn't like birthdays.

Today it seems to be my day for random musical selections. I have listened to Evanescence, some foreign music and now I'm on one of the biggest Country music kicks I've been on in a LONG time.

In honor of this randomness, I have decided to post one of my newest favorite country music songs. "Are You gonna Kiss Me or Not?" by Thompson Square (great name, by the way!). I wish Donnie liked country music, because I would love to dance to this song at our wedding, some day. Oh well, we can't all have what we want, can we?