Sunday, June 28, 2015

A Conversation about Books

I love reading.

Books are my happy place. Always have been. I don't remember a time that being in a book store didn't make me ridiculously giddy.

Except today.

Today being in Barnes and Noble made me angry. It made me angry for a few reasons.

1. The "Men's Interest" section (which I've spoken about before) still has the same set up.
Fishing, hunting, having rock hard abs, half naked women, guns, fast cars. There were no Men of Colour on any of those magazines. Not a single one. This also goes back to the sad societal fact that Men are regarded as cavemen. They are incapable of feeling anything except for raging lust and the desire to kill things. We, as a society, have decided that this is what the definition of Masculinity IS. There is no room for people who are different. Especially if they are of a different ethnicity. Because we like to WHITE WASH everything.

2. The "American History" section.
In this section of the store I counted only 3 or 4 books that were dedicated to People of Colour. And none of them were dedicated to peoples from the Asian continent. One book was on escaped Slave narratives (which ARE important to American History, but ONE is NOT enough!), one book was written by Condoleeza Rice, one was about Rosa Parks and one about a Military Officer's wife during a Crow Indian uprising. I only count that one because it does involve Native peoples. As a book ABOUT Native Peoples... That's debatable. That's it. And the American History shelves were rather large. They could've held a whole shelf dedicated to Civil Rights, Emancipation, Native People's history, etc. Did they? Nope. Not at all.

3. The "Civil War" section.
In this section there were literally NO books on Peoples of Colour. None. And I saw ONE book on Women. That was it. I do believe the Civil War was an integral part of History, but there were more than WHITE MEN involved in that period of Time.

4. The "World History" section.
Basically it was all European history with a smidgen of African history thrown in for good measure. There was a small amount of Middle Eastern history, but almost exclusively in how it correlated to America. Last I checked that was NOT the extent of the World...

5. The Store in General.
I wandered around the store and found very few books that pertained to People of Colour or were written by People of Colour except in the Classics sections... This bothers me. Not just because its all White Washed all the time, but because Authors of Colour write books ALL THE TIME. Not just way back when.

So, I think from now on I'll shop at Second-hand stores or online where I can find variety that isn't completely white washed and only about Men.

Saturday, June 27, 2015


In case you haven't heard, this was a thing...

Bree Newsome, an activist, took matters into her own hands and did a beautiful, brave and AMAZING thing by taking down one of the BIGGEST symbols of racism in America. She's right, we shouldn't have to wait for some White Lawmaker to take it down. We shouldn't have to wait to take down a symbol of tyranny.

#FreeBree #FreeJames #KeepItDown

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Friday, June 26, 2015

Equality comes to America

Congratulations to the United States of America for FINALLY legalizing Gay Marriage (hereafter referred to as, simply, marriage) for the ENTIRE country!

Finally something I can be proud of America for.

Of course, as we all know, there is far more work to be done, so we can't rest on our laurels for long.

But today, let's be happy to have made this progress! For today, we have achieved something that so many people dreamed of and dared to hope for.

To Quote Harvey Milk:
"Hope will never be silent."

So, let us not be silent and continue toward what we all hope for. A world at peace.

Sunday, May 24, 2015


This is what is going on in America.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Woman vs Female

Am I the only woman who hates being referred to as "female?"

I mean, I know that I am, in point of fact, a female. But every time someone refers to me like that I feel like I'm being put down and that I'm reduced to body parts...

Seriously. I'm a human being.

Not just a "female."

Please stop referring to me as such.

And, we could get brave here guys... I have a NAME! Hard to believe, I know, but you could (when in doubt) just call me by my NAME.

Like human beings do. I don't go around saying "that male did this..." or "that male did that..."

Nope. I say "Donnie licked my deodorant" and "Chris ordered pizza."

I just humanized them! Woah!

Saturday, April 04, 2015

Quick Rant.

Quick Rant.
1. Stop trying to demean someone else's experience by saying "Not all police men," "not all men," "not all white people," etc... YES not ALL police officers, men or white people behave a certain way. That is true! However, if you are using it against someone who has experienced something terrible at the hands of *insert person type here* then you are being just as BAD. I'm so tired of seeing people saying "if this officer had been black he would've gotten away with it..." or "would the media have reported about this if a woman had done it?" That's BS and it completely demeans the experiences of people.

2. YES bad things happen to EVERYONE. That is true! Its NOT a contest! No one has had it as bad as you think you have. We're humans. We're never going to fully understand each other because how we experience things is unique to US as INDIVIDUALS. That being said, don't come in and say that a guy who has been molested doesn't understand being raped because he is a guy. That's simply not true. And its not a contest. Stop making it a contest! If we would all just SUPPORT EACH OTHER through the bull instead of trying to make ourselves out to be the bigger victim we'd a bit better off.

3. People just need to stop doing bad things to each other! Seriously. How hard is it to be kind to someone? Just because you don't understand something, doesn't mean You have the right to judge!! DON'T JUDGE. We're all just trying to make it in this world. And its a crappy one. So, instead of making it harder on someone else, why don't you mind your own business and just love? Its not you. Just let it go.

End Rant.

Thursday, April 02, 2015

Sexual Objectification and other weirdness

(This was a Twitter rant I went on. You can find me on Twitter: @wicked_roses)

How is it so easy to sexually objectify someone? I have a hard time believing my hubby has a dick until I see it. Even then, its a body...

We all have one... So why is MY body more sexual than his? Just because I have boobs? Dude, he has them too. They're just flatter...

I'm over here going "Oh wow... This person is trying to be sexually appealing. I didn't know they did the sex."

Maybe that's because I grew up in such a restrictive environment (Christian Nazi step-father), or because I was introduced early on?

I find it odd. I don't see people as sexual objects. Shockingly, I see people as (wait for it...) PEOPLE! Holy fuck!

Even people I'm attracted to... Its weird. I don't think of sex until I'm turned on I guess.

Even then, I don't think of objects. I think of flesh meeting flesh. Person with person... We're people sexing. That's a thing, right?

Do objects have sex when I'm not looking?

Am I missing out on some hot lamp on desk action?

Because really, I see someone and I can be like "Oh hey, he's gorgeous" or "oh hey, she's gorgeous."
Not "oh hey, I want to have sex with that object over there."

Though, admittedly, I might still think "damn, she has a lovely body" or "damn, he has a lovely body." Still seeing a person.

Not just a breathing sex doll. Or a walking dildo.

I guess this stream of consciousness is brought on by watching this video:

And thinking, "Oh yeah, she's an adult trying to be sexy." I'm still thinking of her as a young woman who might not be into that yet.

I suppose I'm not exempt from looking at the "naughty bits" (only naughty as defined by society mind you). But I'm still seeing a person...

Its not like I just see walking boobs. Or walking pecs...

I love boobs. I love penises. I just love bodies. All kinds of bodies. I like lots of people. I'd rather have sex with people than objects.

I'm just so confused on this sexual objectification shit. I've been objectified before, but I don't understand it. Why? Why do people do it?

How can you blithely turn a person into a thing only existent for your sexual gratification?

Monday, March 30, 2015

Governor Pence and the Road to Discrimination

Hey guys!

Long time, no blog. I've been doing a lot of stuff recently. And by a lot of stuff I mean I've been stressing out and being absolutely lit pissed over things out of my control.

And one of those things is this whole RFRA (Religious Freedom Restoration Act) going on in Indiana.

Confession time:
I live in Indiana.

Its a terrible law. Its a terrible thing. There is no actual FREEDOM in this law. None. The writing is so ambiguous that you can pretty much claim Religious freedom to do anything. Technically the laws can't touch you.

Its already being used to defend against child abuse and spousal abuse charges in other states... Just fyi.

And no matter what Governor Dip-Shit (I mean, Pence) says, this was designed to enable Government Approved Discrimination. You know why?

He said that the LGBTQIA community being classified as a protected class of citizen wasn't even ON his priority list. Why? Because he is a bigot.

On Saturday I went (along with at least 3,000 other Hoosiers) to Indianapolis to protest and rally against the signing of this into Law. It was signed into law on Thursday last week.

This is reality, kiddos. This is happening. Its 2015 and the Civil Rights Movement has pretty much been trashed by a law signed IN PRIVATE (because he knew the outrage and then has the AUDACITY to say he didn't know this would negatively impact the state!) by a Bigot.

Welcome to Fucking Indiana.

I live here and I am wanting to #BoycottIndiana.

So, here's what I want you to do:
If you live in Indiana, please use your right to VOTE! This is how these things happen guys. People don't use their VOICES and they get drowned out.

Your vote DOES matter!
It DOES make a difference!
And if you aren't voting, shitty things like this happen. We didn't have enough people who voted (especially in my area) and this asshat got elected. Along with several other people in his party who specifically wrote this bill so that they could push their ANTI-GAY agenda on the state.

Not only that, but please only visit businesses that serve EVERYONE! This is another way to fight back. Don't purchase, endorse or help out businesses that refuse service based on "religious belief."

I am so ashamed to be living in a state that has legalized Bigotry. Seriously, this is fucking pathetic guys.

America was built on Religious FREEDOM for ALL. Not just a few. EVERYONE is supposed to be fucking free under that banner.

We are all created EQUAL.

And if you have to boost your ego/religious beliefs by being shitty and denying equality to someone else, then you are failing at religion.

If there is a God, I hope he isn't anything like the people that fucking follow him.