Saturday, December 21, 2013

Love is Love is Love is Love!

I've never cried over a wedding before. This had me crying hard. So beautiful. Love is so beautiful. In every way!

Friday, December 20, 2013


Normally this would be the time of year that I rant about the rampant commercialism and hypocrisy surrounding one of the biggest holidays of the year. I do that often. Rant, that is. I rant about a lot of things. A lot of the time. I can rant until I'm blue in the face, but it changes nothing. Not a single thing. I'm not even sure it changes any opinions.

I just keep talking, hoping that someone will come to their senses, but I'm not sure they do.
Its a side effect of being a Libra, if you believe in that kind of thing. I want everything to be balanced. I want intelligence to be prevalent and acceptance to be commonplace. I want everyone to be happy. That never happens.

I think I'm done with that. I can't change the world as a whole. I am just one voice. Just one verbose, opinionated, ranting, voice. I raise it, but am I really heard?

I'll keep ranting, keep talking, if only to hear myself I guess. I just am not going to pin my hopes to changing anything. I'm going to pin my hopes that I will change one mind and they will raise a voice to join mine. And maybe that will happen and maybe it won't.

I feel abnormal right now. But I'm tired and don't feel like fighting.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Random Tweets

These are random tweets from my Twitter (@wicked_roses). I hope you enjoy my zaniness.

April 2011
"I finally got a Twitter. Is it normal to feel like I just sold my soul to the Devil? Because that is totally what it feels like right now."

 "A vampire's kiss to resurrect her, a wicked kiss to seduce her. Lost in the tapestry of love and lust, a dagger soaked in blood."

"I want Starbucks. And not to have to go to work... just sayin'."

"Dreamt that I was listening to music by the Beatles with Ringo Starr. I think that is going on my bucket list."

"I am going to be lost in a Korean music kick... Don't send the search dogs, I'll be fine!"

"The Vampire watermelon pushed against the poor girl, kissing all the way up her neck until it had reached the apex of her anatomy."

"The line "Esc-a-pay. That's funny, it's spelled just like the word 'escape'." is not funny in Spanish."

"Dreamt about Russell Brand texting me about a story I wrote. Weird."

"Yay Easter dinner means Cheese Pizza and cookies when you are on your own! ^^ I don't like Ham anyway. Happy Zombie Jesus Day!"

"Piglet doesn't get any love. Just sayin'."

"Actually got my fucking Starbucks today. Damn them and there high prices. Cocoa Cappuccino is good!"

May 2011
"Oh. My. God. Gackt is not only a God, but he is most definitely THE SEX. *just died*"

"'Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as much as you please.' - Mark Twain"

"Jeez louise! "Friday" by Rebecca Black is a shitty song... She sounds like a monotone pekingese trapped in an electro basket. Eek."

"'I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy.'"

"All ends are beginnings. Welcome to your beginning graduates of 2011. So proud of you."

"Fenris, why must you give me so much trouble?! I know you have the whole brooding hot elf thing going, but you are making this love harder!"

"Why does the first part of 'Judas' always make me think of Vampires? I don't understand!"

"I seem to have misplaced my name, can I borrow yours?"

"So the world didn't end yesterday. Can't say I'm surprised. Who else saw that not happening?"

"Fenris, why can't I get you to love me?"

June 2011
"Groucho Marx is a god."

"Had a dream about young Michael Jackson, Archie Bunker and a wonderful play. Unfortunately Archie Bunker ruined everything. Stupid Man."

July 2011

August 2011
"Drunks breaking into your vehicle at 12 something at night is NOT fun. I repeat NOT FUN!"

September 2011
"Guess who got married? This girl right here!! So happy to finally be married to my wonderful Husband!"

November 2011
"Is it bad that I feel like a rock star in my new white jeans?"

"I wish I was a red-head again. I felt so pretty."

"The dog peed on my brand new white jeans. Other than that had a lot of fun. Happy Turkey Day to everyone!! I hope you have fun."

December 2011
"The Dutch speak 4 languages and smoke marijuana. - makes me giggle. Every time."

"It is amazing what a shower does for your mood, your outlook on life and, not least, your personal hygiene. I feel much better. I'm hungry."

"I want to be better than I am. I want to be brilliant. I want to be perfect. But perfect never really comes does it?"

" That's almost like cheating really. I mean, who is going to purposefully go for frankincense? Gold sells better, just sayin'."

"It should be illegal to have to work at 3:00am the day after Christmas. Just sayin'."

January 2012
"Great start to the New Year: Migraine headache, crashing the van, breaking my favorite cup. What next? Alligators in top hats?"

"I am out of cheerios. This is a crisis of astronomic proportions. :("

"Milk duds, with their self-deprecating name and remarkably mild flavor, are the most apologetic of the boxed candies."

"Thinking about flying a kite at night with a glow stick attached."

"Randian Philosophy states that Man is heroic, with his own happiness as his moral purpose and reason his only absolute."

March 2012
" but then I remembered that I'm a woman and I belong in the kitchen."

"Want to blog, eat some yogurt... Do something worth tweeting about?"

April 2012
"Going to go see Titanic in 3D!!"

September 2012
"Tweet. Tweet tweet tweet, tweet tweet."

December 2012
"My hijab brings all the boys to the yard..."

February 2013
"The whole while playing the game of truth and falsehood, waiting on this tightrope, only to stumble and drown because of my heart."

"Maybe its me, but could we consider the possibility that it could be you?"

"I'm not saying that I want to be mean, I just want to be the kind of girl Matchbox 20 sings about."

March 2013
" how many Chuck Norrises could Chuck Norris chuck if Chuck Norris could Chuck Norrises?"

April 2013
"The stars made us and we are composed of the dust of stars."
July 2013
"Well, at least I can recognize 사랑 when I see it."

August 2013
"I am here; in a physical, metaphysical, astronomical, way. Distribute me into particles and watch me explode."

November 2013
"All I want for Christmas is a slow-dance with Morgan Freeman. "

December 2013
"Hell, I make it up as I go anyway."

"What does it take to be the other half of a soul?"

"The ocean always spoke to her in ways no human voice could. It spoke to the parts of her that descended from mermaids and myth."

"Your songs are left unfinished, your coffee left un-drunk."

Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Vaginal Art

People seem to have this preconceived notion that the vagina is ugly, disgusting, naughty, etc. The truth is that the vagina is just flesh, just like any part of the body. The difference is that the vagina is specifically for sexual intercourse and babies.

And now its also for knitting. :)

Monday, December 02, 2013

A World Away

Many years ago there was an HIV/AIDS Epidemic in the United States. It is no longer at such dramatic proportions in the US, but it is still an Epidemic for many other parts of the world. Especially portions of Africa.

Yesterday (Dec. 1st) was World AIDS Day and former US President, Bill Clinton, did an episode of Sesame Street in South Africa to teach young children about HIV/AIDS. This was a beautiful video and I'm not going to lie, I cried. A lot. Because I can't even imagine how terrifying it must be to have this infection in your body and to not even be hugged because people are so ignorant. Especially for a child, who desperately needs hugs and love and kisses to feel better.

HIV/AIDS is not a "world away." It is not a fairy tale that exists somewhere else. It is happening to people, to children, all over the world.

Sunday, December 01, 2013

The In's and Out's of Success

I've had several friends tell me that my being in a relationship/being married is an "accomplishment."

Here are a couple reasons I have a problem with that statement.
1. Being in a relationship is NOT all there is in life. It should probably be noted that the majority of people who say this to me are single. Its not that big of an accomplishment to get married unless you have never been able to be married before (i.e. Gay marriage, interracial marriage, etc.), in that case its a big freakin' deal. But the fact that any Tom, Dick and Harry can get married does not inspire my belief in your statement.

2. When you say that my marriage is an "accomplishment" it almost cheapens it. Its like I got an achievement on my X-Box or something, its not a real thing. Its just something that looks good on a resume. Especially since anyone can do it. Any idiot can get married (except people who love the same gender, as previously stated). And most of those idiots end up getting divorces too.

3. Marriage is hard work. It is a continuing process. An accomplishment implies that it was finished. Marriage is never really finished (unless you die or get divorced). It keeps going. You have to keep working at it. Hard. Did I mention that marriage is hard work? You know why? Because you have to give 100% on both sides for it to work. It's not that 50/50 bullshit you read about. No. When you get married you commit your whole person to another person. You don't just give them sections of you. You are committing to give them your everything.

4. When I think of accomplishments I think of things like: Going to college, getting a degree, getting a job in your field, following your dreams, seeing places you've never seen (and no, I don't mean the men's restroom in Arby's. Everyone's seen that), etc.

Maybe its just me, but I'm not entirely sure about this love affair we have with getting married. I mean, the tax break is good, but that's about the only thing that changes. I will grant that the sex is better too... But other than that, not a whole lot changes when you get married.