Sunday, November 02, 2014

Not Enough Love for All

Dear Aerie,
Today I was visiting one of your stores and there was a mirror that said "The Girl in this Mirror has NOT been retouched. The real you is sexy. #aerieREAL"

I have two problems with this.
1. By using "girl" you are completely ignoring those of us who are WOMEN, both Cis and Trans. We're not all children that look in that mirror. And, personally, I would hope you aren't marketing such items at little girls.

2. If we are ALL sexy, then why don't  you offer lingerie in bigger sizes for women like me? I'm not saying you should encourage obesity, that isn't it at all. But the best way to build a woman's self-esteem is to NOT exclude her.


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Hello Everyone!
Today I officially reached 20,000 views on this blog!! How very exciting!

I hope that you will all be following me for the next 20,000 and beyond! I still have lots to say, even if I don't say the things I want as often as I should/would like to.
