Monday, February 28, 2011

Rosa Parks

I want to know what the hell is wrong with this nation that we degrade and drag people through the mud? Where we have no respect for others and devour people's dirty laundry.

I want to know what is wrong with us that we enjoy pulling people down and destroying heroes for the younger generations. Where we worship music that idolizes violence and sex with random girls and boys. We are a sick, twisted nation, with no hope for the future generations because we have not learned anything.

What kind of time have we come to when young people make vile comments against people like Rosa Parks on YouTube and no one cares? How is that acceptable behavior?! How is that right?

Everyone is human, we all have our flaws and our imperfections, that is what makes us human. Since when do we have the right to destroy someone for those same flaws we ourselves have?

When is it right to say that heroes are not heroes, but are actually the villains? What is there left to believe in after we have destroyed everything good? What is there left to hope for when the people to follow us; the people who will be our doctors, our lawyers, our presidents and pastors; have learned nothing about the struggles of humanity and are too ignorant to learn from our mistakes?

What dreams are left to a country such as ours, where children are parents and those children raise themselves? What kind of life is it where people spew infectious venom and everyone around them spews their own? What kind of people are we that even Rosa Parks cannot escape without being called a "cocksucker" and "a bitch" for not giving her seat up to a white man?

We have no respect, no gratitude, no honor for those before us and without that we are doomed to a generation of ignorant racists who have learned nothing from the mistakes of the previous generation and worship only themselves and destruction.

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