Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Buckaroo Banzai across the Eighth Dimension

This is something new I'm trying out. I am going to be posting a blog (every now and then) about some 80's movies I have seen and enjoyed. They are all ridiculous (mostly because of bad 80's fashion), but some of them are ridiculous in a good way. Take, for example, the following movie.

If you have never heard of the movie "The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the Eighth Dimension" you don't even know what you are missing. Besides who could resist a title like that?

Here is a sample of what you are missing:
* Romance
* Aliens
* A bunch of people with the name John
* Worst Eighties styles ever
* Un-real Science
* Peter Weller when he was young and fucking hot.

The Trailer

If that didn't impress you here are some quotes from the film:
- "May I pass along my congratulations for your great interdimensional breakthrough. I am sure, in the miserable annals of the Earth, you will be duly enshrined." - Lord John Whorfin (played by John Lithgow)

- "Sealed with a curse as sharp as a knife. Doomed is your soul and damned is your life." - Lord John Whorfin

- "I've been ionized, but I'm okay now." - Buckaroo Banzai (played by Peter Weller)

- "Why is there a watermelon there?" - New Jersey (played by Jeff Goldblum)

- "You're like Jerry Lewis, you give me hope to carry on, then you leave me in the lurch while you strap on your six-guns..." - Penny Priddy (played by Ellen Barkin)

- "Buckaroo, I don't know what to say. Lectroids? Planet 10? Nuclear extortion? A girl named 'John'?" - President Widmark (played by Ronald Lacey)

- "Buckaroo, The White House wants to know is everything ok with the alien space craft from Planet 10 or should we just go ahead and destroy Russia?" - Mission Control (played by Kent Perkins)
"Tell him yes on one and no on two." - Buckaroo Banzai
"Which one was yes, go ahead and destroy Russia... or number 2?" - Mission Control

- "No, she's not. Now, let her out and give her your coat." - Buckaroo Banzai
"Why me?" - Perfect Tommy (played by Lewis Smith)
"Because you're perfect." - Buckaroo Banzai
"You have a point there." - Perfect Tommy

Some things you must know about this movie (besides what I already told you)

Buckaroo Banzai is not only a Neurosurgeon, but he is also a Rock star, Crime fighter, Superhero, Genius who is half Japanese (even though Peter Weller doesn't look Asian at all). Did we mention that he is an inventor too?

His wife died, but that's okay because he falls in love with her twin sister, Penny Priddy, who didn't even know that she had a twin! Don't you love those 80's twists?

Perfect Tommy is Perfect.

Apparently all Aliens are named John. Even the girls.

What kind of name do these wonderful crime fighters have for their group? The Hong Kong Cavaliers. ^^

And one of my favorite parts of the movie is the Credits. Why? Because I like the music and its fun to watch the entirety of the crew walking in their bad 80's clothes. Did I mention Perfect Tommy was perfect? Well, he is also shirtless... O.O So, for your enjoyment, the credits!!


Thus concludes my blog. I'm Sarai, this is my blog and I am out like the Eighth Dimension.

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