Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Horror of Red Mist

I am on a Horror/Scary kick right now, courtesy of my friend Joe. Last night I happened to go to Joe's group on Facebook, which I belong to. He had been posting creepy articles and stories, some of which I read and watched. Okay, I read all of the articles (and a few extras). I only watched parts of the videos, because they ended up being too disturbing for me.

One video in particular from an article titled "Red Mist" having to do with a "lost" episode of my favorite cartoon "SpongeBob SquarePants." The episode is titled "Squidward's Suicide" and, alternatively, "Red Mist." The article itself was disturbing enough, but the videos sent fresh chills down my spine. Particularly one of the Red Mist videos.

In fact, it scared me so badly that I ripped the headphones off of my head at one part and quickly closed out of the page before leaping to my bed. Which is where I remained for several minutes until Donnie checked under the bed for anything that might grab me. I'm serious, it freaked me out that bad. And all it was was a picture of Squidward with creepy bloody eyes staring. In the background you could hear what sound like screaming mingled with what was perpetuated to be a bagpipe and a clarinet. It got loud all of a sudden and I flipped. I didn't finish that video.

Now, I've been reading articles online and wishing I knew what it was I wanted to look for. Also wishing I had an encyclopedia set so I could just read through them, like I did as a child. (Don't look at me like that, it is perfectly normal for a child to pick up an encyclopedia and read through the whole thing.)

If you are interested in checking it out yourself here is the link:

It is a companion article to "Squidward's Suicide." so you may want to read that first if you want the full story. Don't read this at night in the dark. At least, if you get freaked out like I do.

I am now watching "The Bathtub Mystery" on Dateline MSNBC's website. About a young woman, named Sarah (I'm serious bad shit ALWAYS happens to Sarahs.), who supposedly drowned in her bathtub. Luckily for me it is 2:18pm in the afternoon so I have nothing to be worried about. Right?

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