Sunday, August 28, 2011

Yoü and I

I am what some people would call an indecisive music lover. Sometimes I will absolutely adore everything an artist has ever done (Gackt), I'll absolutely hate everything an artist has ever done (Taylor Swift) or I'll like some of it and hate some of it. Which is where Lady Gaga comes in.

I am all for being original and unique. I'm all for trying to be yourself. I'm all for pushing the proverbial envelope and making yourself be heard. I'm okay with that, which is why I have to have some respect for Lady Gaga. I get that she is trying to be original (failing miserably, by the way) and that she is trying to get everyone to think she is fabulous. Which, admittedly, seems to be working quite well. I like Gaga, but I'm beginning to think that she has lost her damn mind.

Her latest video, "Yoü and I", made absolutely no sense to me.

For one thing, why does she have a trema (also known as diacritic and umlaut) over the letter U in You? It doesn't make any sense to have it there, because it doesn't change the word at all. You isn't transformed into something spectacular (like a semi-naked superhero come to save you from a sexless sex-life) it is just You with two dots over the freaking U (like a hobo with a bow on his head. He is still a hobo, just with an extra accessory)!

To be fair, I kind of liked the song. I thought it was kind of interesting. However, it didn't fit the video at all. In the video, Gaga is wearing her usual revealing and elaborate outfits. Nothing unusual there. Until you start to notice all the S&M stuff going on while she is in those outfits. She is being sexually and electrically tortured by some guy. Who she seems to be marrying in some of the first frames of the video.

I am all for being open about what you like sexually, but there is a freakin' limit! I really don't want to see her being tortured and fucked. If I want to see someone having kinky sex I have access to the internet and, as we all know from listening to Avenue Q, the internet is for porn.

The scene in the piano field with her as a guy on top of the piano and as the woman playing the piano makes me feel like I'm watching something slightly incestuous. Or like she is two people performing some strange form of masturbation due to being the same person while still technically separated. It just made me feel very strange. However, Gaga does make a decent looking man. Not going to lie.

There were several images in this video that confused me. For example: the partially cyborg Gaga, the ice cream truck man with the doll, the mermaid for pete's sake! Why is Gaga a mermaid? Why is her boyfriend/former lover/husband raping/experimenting on her? What is with all this medical stuff and creepy electrocuted references? If it had been a horror film with some substance I would totally have enjoyed the hell out of it, but it was a music video that had no frame of reference for me.

I don't mind the song. In fact, Fawn doesn't even mind the song (which is weird because she doesn't like Gaga at all). Except I don't really like the video.

P.S. Mermaid sex does not work like that at all. Which makes me feel like I just watch some bestiality porn.

So, for your viewing pleasure (or displeasure depending), "Yoü and I" by Lady Gaga.

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