Sunday, August 21, 2011

Can't Put a Price Tag on It.

I don't know why, but I really REALLY like this song by Jessie J. and BoB. It is a quirky little song with a pretty powerful message, I think. When did money become the be all end all? Why did it become the be all end all? Why must everything have a price? Is there anyone who doesn't have a price?

I love the line "Money can't buy us happiness. Can't we all slow down and enjoy right now?"

Life is more than material goods or money or how pretty you are. It isn't about the cost of your Gucci shoes or your GoodWill scarf. It isn't about how many diamonds are weighing your hands down or how many cats live in your house. It is about enjoying the journey and the experiences that life provides. It is about discovering this beautiful world and all the history and riches of it. It is about dancing in the rain.

So, Jessie J., I'm paying with love tonight.

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