Thursday, May 05, 2011


I haven't really been liking some of Lady Gaga's newest music. I am definitely not a fan of "Born this Way" and I didn't really like "Judas" the first time I heard it, but I'm a sucker for her videos so I decided to give the new "Judas" video a chance. I actually kind of liked it. Well, some of it. As per usual, a good portion of it didn't make sense.

Judas is an interesting character in the Bible, being the ultimate betrayer of Christ. After his betrayal the Bible says that he killed himself. There is a lot of symbolism in the video related to Christ's relationship to Judas, including the kiss of doom. Christ is the hot leader of a motorcycle gang in the video, with a golden crown of thorn appropriately placed on his head. I am leaning towards Gaga being Mary Magdalene mostly due to her actions through out the video. Her continous following of Jesus, the foot washing scene, so forth.

A couple other reasons would be the lyrics themselves. She refers to herself as a fame hooker, prostitute wench. Though Gaga, like many others, is under the false impression that Mary was a prostitute, even though there is no actual biblical evidence of this. She also mentions washing his feet with her hair, which is something Mary did.

Though, she is referring to Judas. Not Jesus. Mary of Magdalene did all of this for Jesus Christ. Not Judas. All in all, it is quite an interesting video full of symbolism realted to the biblical tales surrounding Jesus and Judas. If you are interested I would suggest Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. In the meantime, while you are searching for that Bible you never use, give a listen to "Judas" by Lady Gaga.

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