Thursday, April 22, 2010

Word of the Day (15-21)

Its that time of the week again!! It is the day that Sarai updates everyone on her words of the day work. So, here you go!!

April 15th: Fleer
April 16th: Cloistered (Donnie likes solitude words)
April 17th: Disenfranchised (Thank you, Trent)
April 18th: Lethologica (Donnie for you)
April 19th: Quincunx (I found this by accident)
April 20th: Lugubrious (Thank you, Judes)
April 21st: Disambiguate (Arlin picked this one)

My Paragraphs, some of them suck, some of them are decent and some are just plain weird.

She was not comforted by his malevolent fleer. "C'mon Jack. We don't have to do this." His grin grew bigger as he edged toward her. He brandished an axe, his eyes full of psychosis. She backed up against the wall, trying to fade into it. He lifted the axe and, with all his strength, brought it back down.

Cloistered in his hole, John could hear clawing outside. Screams and singing echoed through the cavernous house he had locked himself in. In retrospect he should've picked a smaller house. How exactly did "I Am Legend" end? He had never finished the book and it was probably lost by now. A board creeks behind him and he turns.

"No longer will we be disenfranchised! Women should be able to vote too!" The protesters were standing outside the courthouse, holding signs.
"We are being deprived of our rights, ladies! We deserve to vote, like any other citizen. We will no longer tolerate the disfranchising of our sex!"

"I think I have lethologica." said Amy.
"Why do you say that?" asked Mark.
"I can't remember a word."
"What word?"
"I don't know! I can't remember!"

The problem was in the quincunx. She couldn't seem to figure out how to make it work with the rest of the room. She had flowers for the center table, all with petals in a quincunx formation. She had positioned the couch, tv and chair, but she was missing the fourth element. The center table was waiting, looking like a drunk in a fancy restaurant. So lopsided, everything was lopsided!

The atmosphere was lugubrious at best. It was also quite creepy and dark. The group of ghost hunters set up their equipment quickly. What better place to film than a graveyard? The door of a mausoleum creaked open slowly; moonlight dripping like blood into the darkness. These ghost hunters were about to get more than they bargained for.

She doesn't understand disambiguate. She can't spell it or structure a sentence around it, let alone put it in a paragraph. But she is determined, bound to come up with something. She reads the definition again. A glimmer of understanding begins, bubbling up. Finally, she is read to write.

See you next week!!

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