Monday, June 20, 2011

This is for the Insane Birds

Here are ten ways to know that you are insane:

1. You use your boyfriend's penis as a microphone, while singing to a really weepy break up song.

2. You suggest taking lung into your air, rather than air into your lungs.

3. You laugh like an idiot for a few minutes before realizing that you don't even remember why you were laughing.

4. You get so trashed that you don't even care when you fall down and your "friends" roll you down the parking lot.

5. You pick out random Robert Frost poetic references during a song that is played incessantly at work.

6. You get excited when a video game character references a Harrison Ford movie.

7. You actually contemplate making up a Facebook page for a video game character so you can be friends.

8. Your boyfriend catches you rocking out to "The Safety Dance"... in your underwear.

9. You get so upset when your skinned hound dies in "Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion" that you not only cry, but you refuse to play the game for a week or so.

10. For some absurd reason you actually believe in Mermaids and Unicorns and/or you have celebrated Zombie Appreciation Month.

Well, I think there was no doubt before this post, but I'm pretty sure I'm insane. Partially because I come up with lists that prove that I'm insane. Also, its fun to rock out to "The Safety Dance" in your underwear, until you get caught. Then its just awkward. O.O

And suddenly, I don't know why, but I have the line "This shit is bananas, B A NA NA S!" by Gwen Stefani...

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