Tuesday, June 08, 2010

My Stand on World Peace

My stand on World Peace if I were a contestant in the Miss America Competition. Note: I've only watched like 1 Miss America Competition, so forgive me if some of the details are off.

Let's pretend for a minute that I am Sarai (which I am) and I am Miss Random State. Now, as is often posed to Miss America candidates, I am asked a question about World Peace. The following is how I picture this going.

Question: Do you think that World Peace is possible and if so, how can it be accomplished?

Miss Random State: World Peace cannot be as long as Human Beings exist.

Question: Explain.

Miss Random State: Human beings are what holds us back from World Peace because of our inability to settle conflicts peacefully and live in harmony. We are constantly bickering with one another and hating those who are different from us. If there was no hate, no fighting, no war or conflicts, we could have peace. Unfortunately it is Human nature to have conflict, from the moment that we discovered the ability to kill others. With our own hands we have murdered any hope for peace whilst we exist within the realm of reality.

Audience: Stunned and angry, most likely. Some people agree with me. In the end I do not win the bid for Miss America and receive a bunch of hate mail that only goes to prove my point.

Why am I doing this, you might ask? Well I posted on Facebook earlier the following statement "World Peace cannot be as long as Human Beings exist." and one of my friends from high school commented on this with "Is that your miss America stand?", which got me thinking.

My reply was "Why yes, yes it is. Lol, if I ever were in the competition. I'm pretty sure that wouldn't get me voted into being Miss America either. :D" and the rest is history (so to speak).

I think about some very interesting things sometimes. ^^

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