Thursday, March 11, 2010

Mommy, I want a Mermaid!

A quote for the day.
"Thy kiss is comfortless as frozen water to a starved snake." Troilus and Cressida by Shakespeare

So, let's start with the news.

Female reporters in foreign countries don't feel like women. They feel like a "third sex". Confusing? A little, but quite understandable none the less

In Thailand there are people who believe that tattoos give you super powers. If they are the right tattoo that is.

This is hilarious, try it out!

A Senior girl's Senior prom was canceled because she is a Lesbian and wanted to go with her girlfriend wearing a tux. Lawsuit pending.

A man breaks into a church to watch Porn. Don't believe me?

A baby elephant dies during 9 days of traumatic labor, but a live baby elephant is born. Zombie maybe?

A young woman gets suspended from school for NOT taking drugs. Yep, the world just got turned upside down.

And a Piano teacher is being charged with having Child Porn. He was already a sex offender.

And now a song. Today's song has nothing to do with my quote or the title of the blog, but I thought that the title was funny. ^^ Anyway, I am slightly addicted to this song right now, don't know why.

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