Thursday, March 18, 2010

I thought Love was a Myth

Okay so this is crazy because I am going to post randomly. I'm not posting any pictures or recipes or videos or news. Just Sarai. You need a pure dose of Sarai every now then when it isn't intertwined with news, pictures, recipes or videos to stay alive. Bet you didn't know that.

So I am completely insane. You probably figured that out by now. And I have nothing interesting to relate, because I am ENTIRELY TOO BORED with the internet and the world right now.

I dream about seeing the Eiffel Tower in the Autumn. Starry red and gold leaves cascading to the ground and the scent of a café. I want to stand underneath it while it rains and watching the people running for safety.

I think about our world, how it is deteriorating and all the wildlife that is slowly disappearing into the oblivion of legend. It isn't fair.

I hate how people disregard history, how they forget and ignore it. I hate how we just let historical sites fall into disrepair and then it has to be demolished.

I have fallen in love with a dying man, as we are all dying of the human condition. I am dying, you are dying. The world is ending. But I don't think it will end in 2012, just so you know.

I believe in mermaids and unicorns and ghosts. I believe in the stars as they dance above me, I wish they could hear me.

Do the ones we love look down on us after they are gone? Are we re-incarnated or do we just fade out, like a candle at the end of its wick? I hope I am re-incarnated as a flower. An unobtrusive and beautiful flower like a tiny calla lily hidden by stones near a quiet stream. Doesn't that sound perfect?

I want to see the ocean under a violent sky.

I love it when it snows, but I wish it was warmer. I miss the flowers, like the sun misses them in winter. Beauty is cold, you know? It is you know.

I love giraffes. I have an affinity for strange and awkward animals. Like porcupines and platypi and narwhals and giraffes and penguins. Admittedly, who doesn't love a cute little penguin?

Well I'm getting ready to head out of here. Have to go eat with my friend. So I hope you have enjoyed just me. I am going to write more eventually about more interesting things than what I have been rambling about here.


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