Friday, August 21, 2009

The Three Little Pigs (A K-Pop Fairy Tale) (a rough draft)

Current mood: Adventurous

Once upon a time, before the world knew the brilliance of hideto matsumoto, there were three little girls. These girls were named Sarai, Pomegranate and Fawny.

One day these girls decided to build themselves houses in various parts of the world. Sarai decided to build her house out of straw in China. Pomegranate decided to build her house out of sticks in Korea. And Fawny decided to build her house out of bricks in Japan.

Shortly after the completion of her straw house, Sarai heard someone calling outside.

"Little girl, little girl let me come in!" said the sexy voice. Sarai looked out the window and saw Jaejoong, of DBSK, dressed in a wolf costume.

Giggling to herself, she called back,

"Not by the hair on my chinny-chin-chin. Though I don't have any, I will not let you in!"

"Then I will huff," began Jaejoong.

"Yes?" replied Sarai.

"And I will puff," continued Jaejoong.

"Uh huh!" said Sarai.

"And I'll blow your house in!"

"Well, that was a bit of a disappointment. That will never do, I worked hard on this house!" cried Sarai.

"Then let me in!" replied Jaejoong, coming closer to the door and looking particularly cute.


"Then I'll blow your house in!"

And with a huff and a puff, Jaejoong sang one pure muiscal note that blew the house in.

With her house blown to smithereens, Sarai hopped on a train and fled to Pomegranate's house in Korea.

Pomegranate and Sarai were sitting in the living room of the stick house sipping on some hot cocoa when there was a sexy voice heard outside.

"Little girls, little girls let me come in!"

Pomegranate looked out the window and then looked at Sarai.

"You ran AWAY from him? God, I'd let him blow my house in and eat me any day!" with that Pomegranate flung open the door to her house and was promptly carried away by Jaejoong. The last Sarai ever saw of her, Pomegranate was kissing her captor and apparently quite content. However, Sarai was not content and hopped a train to Japan.

When she arrived at Fawny's brick fortress in Japan, she felt quite safe and decided it was okay to let her guard down. Apparently not, for right as she was getting settled in they heard a sexy voice saying,

"Little girls, little girls, let me come in!"

Fawn peered out the window of the brick house and said,

"Not by a non-existant hair on my mother-fuckin' chin!"

"Then I'll huff," began Jaejoong.

"You know, I thought it was going to be sexier when he started saying that." said Sarai.

"And I'll puff," continued Jaejoong.

"Well, dear. Never trust a man in a wolf costume. Even if he is Asian." replied Fawny.

"And I'll blow your house in!" finished Jaejoong.

"I'd like to see you try!" called Fawny, sitting back and turning up her J-Rock.

So Jaejoong, quite perturbed as he was looking forward to seducing three girls instead of just the one, huffed and puffed and let his musical note fly. But nothing happened.

"Is that the best you have?" called Fawny, clutching her sides and laughing.

So he tried again. And failed again. After about an hour, his throat started to get sore and he decided it was all a lost cause. Though this was not a complete failure of a mission, he still had a delicious Pomegranate waiting for him at home. With that thought he loped off.

And they ALL lived happily ever after. ^^


After note by the author:

This story is in no way meant for little children. EVER! lol. I would also like to point out that, with the exception of Fawny, I think we all wouldn't mind if Jaejoong just showed up to blow down the house and eat us. Well, all the females anyway... Another thing, I don't know if I like how this turned out, but I will re-write it and trim it up and then do it again. But this is to keep you occupied until that time! ^^

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