Friday, July 17, 2009

Awkward Questions with Sarai

Current mood: Amused

Okay, so obviously some people aren't going to be able to ask me their awkward questions when the camera is rolling, so I'm going to blog my first online awkward question and how I responded to said question.

DaYog says:
* Hey Sarai, I have an awkward question for you.

Sarai says:
* Oh Dear God
* What?

DaYog says:
* Penis?

Sarai says:
* *dead*

DaYog says:
* Please expound.
* To be more precise the question should be: Penis, please expound.

Sarai says:
* Well you see, Penis is the part of the male body that enters into the vagina of the female body to interact in mating rituals. Sometimes if the vagina (and the female who owns it) gets too angry it grows teeth and devours said penis. The end
* Pomme says you are her hero

DaYog says:
* Hmmm interesting, so the purpose of penis is to be devoured by an angry part of the female anatomy. What if it sings nicely?

Sarai says:
* Well, if it sings nicely, maybe it will survive. Maybe.

DaYog says:
* And if it sings in a nice japanese accent?

Sarai says:
* Then it will definitely live for another concert. ^^

DaYog says:
* Provided it doesn't do anything awkward like spit I suppose.

Sarai says:
* Yes
* No spitting. Even though it is in the nature of Penises to spit

DaYog says:
* Not true, the penis usually streams. Spitting is just the function most often witnessed by women.
* I knew I'd break you down eventually.
* So Pomme, is Sarai still blushing or has the glow faded a bit?

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