What's your first thought when the bell rings at the end of the school day?
Well my first thought used to be HELL YES, let's blow this popsicle stand.
Have you ever sucked in helium and talked funny?
Helium Man's penis tastes like Helium... and yeah, it made me talk funny... O.O
Have you ever changed the prices of items at a store?
Actually I have not.
Has a bird ever pooped on you?
No, I have been lucky thus far, the invisible cloak has done its job. ^^
Have you ever laughed while drinking & shot something out of your nose?
No; my nose is titanium so nothing but the lasers shoots out of it.
Do you go for walks often?
Not since I lost my legs in 'Nam. I used to have long walks on the beach until then.
Would your parents disown you if you got pregnant?
No, but she would be incredibly worried about my health.
How strange do people say you are?
Insanely so.
Are you straightedge?
I don't even know what that means.
Have you ever had the chicken pox?
Yes. And it sucked.
Have you opened food at a grocery store & ate it without or before paying?
No, because I was taught that was stealing.
Do you believe in the 10 second rule?
Yes. It is something I swear by.
If you could have anyone as your room mate who would you choose?
Oh god, I can't pick just one. Judes, Erica, Donnie, Keira Knightley, Marilyn Monroe, Fawn, Trent, the list goes on and on.
Do you fall for people easily?
Not since I fell for Donnie. ^^
Have you ever ate a whole pizza by yourself?
Mini-pizza yes. A real size pizza? I don't think I have.
Have you ever played 7 minutes in heaven?
No, but I have read some interesting stories about it.
Have you lost a best friend?
Yes, I have lost many. Mostly when I was in 'Nam.
Have you ever been in a food fight?
Once or Twice, but I'm a wet blanket so not very many
Have you ever spent all day online?
Yes *shamed look*
Are you a stubborn person?
Quite. In fact, my name MEANS stubborn.
If you were in love with someone & found out they had aids would you stay?
Yes. Because only a selfish person would desert someone they love because of an illness.
Would you rather have super strength or super intelligence?
Both, that way I could carry arm loads of books to my house. ^^
Do you think tattoos on the opposite sex are a turn on or turn off?
Depends on the tattoo, but generally I would say TURN ON!
What was the last bet you made? Did you win or lose?
with Donnie on library books. I lost. I had to butter my face.
Do you own any tye dye shirts?
I did. But I don't know where it is now.
Do you give or receive advice more?
Give. Because everyone needs advice.
Do you get your feelings hurt easily?
Have you ever had a pillow fight?
I love those!! ^^
What's your favorite condiment?
Does onion powder count? Or cream cheese icing? Because I fucking love those. ^^
Have you ever been stuck in a traffic jam?
Several times.
What is the longest amount of time you have ever talked on the phone?
8 hours straight. With one of my besties, Sarah W.
Do you like hot tubs or saunas better?
Saunas. I feel like I am sweating out the fat and it makes me feel good. Plus I love being that warm, its kind of a turn on... >.> I mean... <.< ... Saunas. Yes, that is all I said. Saunas.
Do you like tank tops or tube tops better?
Tank tops are more comfortable. Though I have never actually worn a tube top. I just think tube tops look skanky.
Have you ever been in a limo?
No. *pouts*
What about a cab?
several times, especially when I lived in the last city I lived in. ^^
Did/Do you play super mario?
I did play it, not so much anymore because I suck at it now. *pouts*
At what age did you first learn about sex?
Um, this is tough. I first learned what it meant when I was 11. But I kind of had some first hand experience before then due to being molested.
Is there a certain type of girls/guys you go for?
I have a tendency to be kind of superficial about girls, I am most readily attracted to them by looks. Men however, I am more attracted to their intellect. If a man can hold a REAL conversation with me, then he is the guy for me.
Would you ever go on a hot air balloon?
Yes. And I believe I've been in one before. They used to have hot air balloon rides at the fair.
Have you ever been scared for your life?
Several times.
Describe the most dangerous situation of your life:
When my ex sent gang members to watch my house.
Are you a negative or positive person?
I am a Debbie Downer. I just can't help but be negative sometimes.
Are you self conscious of anything?
Is there anyone that knows you better than yourself?
Donnie and possibly Judes.
Do you go to church regularly?
Not anymore
Do you have any luck charms?
I used to, but the rabbit wanted its foot back and sued me for it.
What makes you nervous?
EVERYTHING! I am so petrified ALL the time.
In your opinion, Which hurts more physical or emotional pain?
I think Emotional pain hurts more, because it lasts longer. Physical pain generally goes away.
Have you ever been on tv?
What do you do to clear your head when you have a lot on your mind?
Listen to music, talk on the phone.
Do you like showers or baths better?
Baths, but my bathtub sucks. I love soaking for long periods of time with a good book. Mmm. ^^
Where do you go when you want to be alone?
My bedroom.
How many years is the longest friendship you've ever had in your life?
21 years, with my Mom. She is one of my best friends. ^^
Do you show or hide your feelings?
Hide them generally. Except from Donnie, I can't hide them from him.
Have you ever worn something strange or unusual in public?
I dressed as a Muslim woman and went to my racist school like that. Not even my friends recognized me at first. I also wore an American flag that had a Native American Indian on it as a skirt. That was fun.
What is one of your most meaningful memories of your childhood?
Growing up in the middle of no where in a trailer, playing with my brother and sister.
Have you ever seen a shooting star?
Yes. They are GORGEOUS!
Have you ever been soo bored that you counted ceiling tiles?
Yes. Especially when I can't sleep.
When did you last yawn?
A little bit ago.
When you look in the mirror do you like what you see?
Is there anybody you just wish would fall off the planet?
Most definitely.
Are you an over or under achiever?
I try to over achieve, I used to. But now I am more under.
When are you more alert, morning or night?
Were you named after anyone?
one of my mom's friends.
What is the first thing you notice about people?
Do you like your eggs scrambled or sunny side up?
Poached actually, that is the only way I will eat them, unless they are deviled or in Egg Salad. I generally don't like eggs.
Do you like the smell of gasoline?
OH YES!! *breathes deep*
Have you ever had a secret admirer?
Once, a LOOOOONNNNNGGGG time ago!
Can you read other people's expressions?
Quite often.
Do you enjoy challenges?
Where were you when 9/11 happened?
in my Aunt's car, on my way home.
What do you do when vending machines steal your money?
Have you ever caught a butterfly?
No, but I have had one land on me. ^^
Have you ever sat on a roof?
No, but I want to!
Do you hold grudges?
Depends on what the person did.
Do you enjoy sleeping in late?
Oh Yes.
Do you believe in yourself?
Not particularly
Can you taste the difference between pepsi and coke?
Nope, really don't care either way.
Have you ever faked being sick?
Have you ever danced in the rain?
I'm sure I have.