Monday, May 03, 2010

A Full Course Meal.

I suppose it is that time again, where I post something. I have been a little lax in posting the words of the day, partially because everything has been so crazy here. So, this is a short apology and a post just for you!

I'M SORRY! (See, short apology)

Now onto the rest of the post...

On today's menu we have as an appetizer:

Je Reviens by Kaolin as our song of the day. I heard these guys after a friend of mine on Facebook posted a status about them. I really like this particular song and I hope you do too!!

and we have for the main course:

Some interesting articles I have found recently. Some of them warm my heart and others make it grow cold as ice, but for now, let's start with some that warm the heart!

A Tabby cat named Zoe has adopted 3 abandoned BOBCATS. Everything is being done to protect the tabby and the bobkittens, and hopefully the bobkittens can return to the wild!

A teenager (allegedly obsessed with death) dug up a corpse in a private Jewish cemetery and hacked off it's foot. No word yet from the corpse's lawyers. ^^

Apparently the U.S. and China are in a Honey war... Well, isn't that a sticky situation (I know, that joke was terrible, but still funny)!

and for dessert:

These are a few interesting bits that I found whilst stumbling around on the net. I hope you enjoy them as much I do!

Stephanie Metz creates wool sculptures. That's right, she takes wool and a felting needle and creates beautiful sculptures with it. I love the pictures of her work!

France, known as the Romantic Country, is home to a very bizarre statue. Born of the Renaissance, this statue is called Transi de René de Chalon. It is a replication of the decomposition of the human body, a skeleton with dried flesh hanging from its limbs and holding its own heart. It once held the REAL heart of the person it was created for (René de Chalon, Prince of Orange), but that has long disappeared.

The picture that I am about to post is a new thing called the "bijini" It is the combination of jeans and a bikini. I would really like to know your opinions on it, as it seems really crazy to me. I kind of like it though. ^^
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That's all for now, I plan on posting the words of the day tonight before I go to work. Hope everyone has a good day!!


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