Sunday, October 04, 2009

Some more craziness...

Current mood: Creative

Sarai: My vagina's name is Delilah because it draws your penis in like Samson

Mrs. Wilhoit: What do you think?
Sarai: The Doctors and Nurses don't know.

Sarai: *Ice Cream Zombie Sarai moves in on the unsuspecting Chocolate Ice Cream in the Freezer, it has no idea that it is about to be CONSUMED!*

Sarai: *singing* Its raining muffins, hallelujah! Its raining muffins, AMEN. I'm going to go out and get, absolutely STUFFED AND WET!!

Chris: If it was German it would've gone through that wall.
Sarai: Yeah right, if it was German it would've stopped for CAKE!

Sarai: I dreamt the toliet paper was trying to molest me and THEN it threatened to plug me up so that I wouldn't be able to go to the bathroom ever again! So I tore it into pieces and burned it.

Donnie: They created a special exhibit just for Him in the Museum of Sodomy!
Sarai: Yeah, it teaches you how to shove your head all the way up your ass!

Sarai: You are a cat perch. I shall call you CP from now on


Sarai: SPARKLES! I have sparkly AIDS. Its very sad. And I infected everyone else!

Sarai: The first book says "Guide to seduction" The middle says "Everything Tantric Sex" and the last says "Getting Pregnant"

Trent: How much sugar and caffeine have you had today?
Sarai: A LOT!!! SO MUCH!! WHIPPED CREAM!!! *bounces*

Sarai: If i spray Fawn with whipped cream, can I hide out at your house?

Sarai: No the hermaphroditic part.

Sarai: Did you hear? I'm sleeping with a french mime!

Sarai: Sucks to be you right now, stuck in that chair. its okay though, I won't hurt you or anything. you just get to be my toy, forever and ever and ever and ever and ever.....................................................................................................................

Sarai: Fawn ate my boob shaped chips... *sigh*

Sarai: When Fawn plays Toshi incessantly she makes me want run into the arms of Jennifer Lopez!!!

Sarai: So Fawn is going to kill me
Trent: Because you stopped resisting.
Sarai: No, because I said I wanted to dance around the house naked to Jennifer Lopez

Sarai: I cook Your food...
Fawn: So?
Sarai: Well how do you know I didn't poison it with Jennifer Lopez?

Sarai: You know, it all comes down to that epic question: am I smarter than George W. Bush?

Trent: *looks shocked*
Sarai: You know, I actually have other interests besides cross-dressing singers.

Sarai: I'm sorry, my brain isn't inside my head... its floating about with the flies.

Trent: How many times has Fawn been adopted?
Sarai: Well, Yo and my Mom... Wow, Yo and my Mom could be married... awkward
Trent: Especially with you having the hots for him.

Sarai: No reason. I'm SG (silly girl), GG (goofy girl), PB (pedantic bitch) and CG (crazy girl). I do strange things!

Sarai: Now you're just getting fawning ridiculous

Sarai: I just got gang raped poked!!
Trent: There are things I don't need to hear.

Trent: I know because I've been there.
Sarai: Did you buy the t-shirt while you were there?

Sarai: Then how does oral work?
Trent: You know I'm not comfortable explaining that.

Sarai: She's strangling me ... and now she's touching my boobs
Trent: You probably deserve it.

Trent: So let me get this straight.
Sarai: There is nothing straight about this.

Sarai: So I've been mind-fucked 4 times today... How was your day?

Sarai: And then i decided to come down from my pedestal and talk to you people
Fawny: Oh you have a pedestal...?
Sarai: Yes, yes I do. hide lent me one to see if I liked it

Sarai: I was giving Fawn a lesson in breasts today.

Sarai: Not bothered love, just dead... I mean not dead madam, just wounded. Tis only a flesh wound.... where was I?

Sarai: DAMN STRAIGHT! or crooked... either way

Fawny: Boob-gram?
Sarai: Yes, I delievered a "boob-gram" to you

Sarai: Yes, her boobs are screen squigglies. And beautiful screen squigglies they are!

Sarai: Yep, you're undead. Thus speaketh the Fawn

Sarai (ON MIDOL): Only slightly... BARELY WORTH MENTIONING! I need Coffee... do we have any coffee? I NEED MT. FUCKING DEW!!! *dances about living room in sugar craze*

Sarai (ON MIDOL): I'm not going insane... I swear... I hit my hand... I think my head hurts... fjweorur9y4hkljk;fj]]=024up *SQUEE* I HAVE SPARKLY PANTS!! *dances*

Sarai (ON MIDOL): I cna't rememebr my name right now. Sarai? name? age? ocial ecurity? _*_ Upside down!

Sarai: I GIGGLE AT THEE!! Beware my giggling!

Sarai: (ON MIDOL): Yes, precious deep breathings

Sarai: (ON MIDOL): *whispers* i see gay people!! Like "i see dead people" except the people are of the homosexual nature

Sarai: there was a bug on me...
Trent: Did it go for shelter?
Sarai: it was crawling on me
Fawny: No it didn't go after her boobs...
Sarai: and i squealed and then knocked it off. do you suppose it died?
Trent: No, it's just plotting until you aren't looking.
Sarai: oh... maybe it will grow wings like the pink spider and fly away

Sarai: Elsewhere in the world, people are eating pygmy pies made entirely of White dental floss!

Sarai: If aliens really do exist... I'll give my brother a piggyback ride to mars!

Sarai: Things could be worse: At least you're not being rectally probed by aliens.

Fawny says:
Fawny says:
Cry faced...

Sam says:
just checking
Sam says:
I mean your bowel movements are extremely important to me

A Conversation with Myself
Sarai One says:
she says no, but i'm sure this is annoying
Sarai One says:
that is why she would kill me
Sarai Two says:
or us
Sarai Two says:
Sarai One says:
or maybe she'll just kill you
Sarai One says:
and leave me be
Sarai One says:
did you ever think of that?
Sarai Two says:
no, actually i didn't

Sarai says:
so i might be talking to Zombie Yog?
Yog says:
Quite possibly.
Yog says:
I feel like a zombie.
Yog says:
But I dreamed about vampires ... so you never know.
Sarai says:
I'm so very sorry. Art thou hungry for brains?
Yog says:
No, and strangely not thirsty either.
Sarai says:
yep, you're undead. thus speaketh the fawn

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