Thursday, October 08, 2009

Noddin' my head like YEAH!

Current mood: Bouncy


Explosives and marijuana were discovered at a Southern California home that was also a child day care center after Benjamin Kuzelka, 23, blew off his hand while mixing homemade explosives. The guy, Benjamin, walked into the ER saying he had SHOT his hand, instead of blowing it up.

So apparently you should check your Bananas before eating them. Why? Because the Mexicans have started trying to ship several tons of marijuana underneath over-ripe bananas. Apparently before that it was bricks of cocaine in the Virgin Mary and a Frozen Shark. What do the Holy Virgin and a Frozen Shark have in common? Well they are both frigid. (I'm going to hell for that one) Moving on, follow the link and read the article.

At a Dartmouth Nursing home a 100 year old woman was strangled and suffocated with a plastic bag. Police vow to find her murderer. Why would someone strangle a 100 year old woman? No one knows.

And I don't even know where to begin on this article!

Apparently Bozo the Deer Clown died recently... he was found on someone's porch still dressed in his clown outfit... Well his name wasn't Bozo, but he was definitely dead and he was definitely dressed as a clown and he was DEFINITELY a Deer.

And, for good measure, enjoy these two articles:

So my mom and I were driving down the highway yesterday, on our way to test out my new car (Yeah, I got a car!) and this song came on the radio. Immediately my mom and I started dancing in the truck, singing along and being silly. We were stuck in bumper to bumper traffic that wasn't going to move any time soon. And apparently the people in the car in front of us heard the same song, because they started dancing too. It was so great to share that moment with my mom, I only wish Hannah (my baby sister) had been there too, it would've been perfect. So, in honor of yesterday and the happiness that I will now ALWAYS associate with this song, here is what we crazy people were dancing to. ENJOY!

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