Monday, July 08, 2013


This list is in no particular order.

1. Circumcision is wrong, no matter your gender, simply because it takes away YOUR right as a human being to decide what is done to your body, even if you are infant.

2. Abortions should be legal for everyone. I may not always agree with it, but I have not stood in that woman's shoes and should not be allowed to make decisions for her. Regardless of my personal views.

3. Gay marriage should just be Marriage. And MARRIAGE is a human right that should be available to anyone. (If you are one of those people who likes to quote the bible, but you are living in "sin" with your boyfriend, keep walking. Hypocrisy doesn't further your viewpoint.)

4. All Human Beings were created EQUAL.

5. Marijuana should be legal. It should be controlled, like alcohol and cigarettes, but it should be available for consumption instead of crowding up our prisons.

6. Equal pay for Equal work. How hard is this concept?!

7. Healthcare should be free.

8. Rapists should be punished, not the victim.

9. Freedom of Religion means freedom for ALL religions, not just yours.

10. If you don't vote you have no right to bitch.

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