This is my attempt to not bring everyone down with me.
So I'll make this short and sweet. Or as sweet as possible.
Even though Christmas is one of the worst depictions of Christian hypocrisy and I've long given up on it, today was better than most and for that I'm grateful.
I have many things to be grateful for, though sometimes its hard to remember that.
Two years ago, I was trapped in the hotel for Christmas. A half hour away from my family, away from home. My lower half mangled from that horrific car accident. My wonderful grandmother-in-law, who has stood by my side from the beginning, helped me out for Christmas Eve. She and Donnie helped me, in my wheel chair to her house, only for a couple hours. But it was so worth all the pain and discomfort.
I suppose, when she asked me what the best Christmas present I ever received was, I should've said that moment. When I thought I was going to have to miss Christmas too. When I had already been stuck there since Halloween (and before that two weeks in the hospital). When I was already beginning to lose faith that I would ever get to walk again or go home.
I can walk now. I can drive. I have a job, that I sometimes hate. I even had two jobs. I have recovered farther than anyone thought I would.
And yes, I can't have children because my pelvis won't support a pregnancy.
And yes, I still have nightmares.
And yes, I've never been back to that cemetery.
And yes, I'm being sued by the guy that hit me.
But, I can walk. I can drive. I am still alive. And even when I begin to doubt that I would want to be, I am happy to be alive.
So, this Christmas, if you are feeling down for what reason or another think of this:
You can walk, you are alive. You have a roof, a bed, the internet (or you wouldn't be reading this), food to eat, etc.
You have things to be happy about, even when you think you don't.
This coming from someone who is always down this time of year. This coming from someone who detests the holidays for the memories they bring.
I am thankful.
I am too political for my own good. I believe in Mermaids and Unicorns. I am the ringleader of Lunacy. I am sane inside insanity. I am who I am and I am what I am. And, truly, that is all I can ever be.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Being Thankful
car accident,
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Carol of the Bells
For those who celebrate Christmas, here is a my favorite Christmas Carol. In three different forms...
The first is by the Trans Siberian Orchestra. As YouTube won't let me embed it, I'm afraid you'll have to follow the link...
The second is from Claymation Christmas, which I used to watch religiously since my Memere loved the California raisins, as well as my mother. :D
The third an acapella version by Barlow Girl.
The first is by the Trans Siberian Orchestra. As YouTube won't let me embed it, I'm afraid you'll have to follow the link...
The second is from Claymation Christmas, which I used to watch religiously since my Memere loved the California raisins, as well as my mother. :D
The third an acapella version by Barlow Girl.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Walk the Plank with Eyes wide open.
200: My middle name is: Elizabeth
199: I was born in: Palo Alto California
198: I am really: Tired
197: My cellphone company is: AT&T (unfortunately)
196: My eye color is: Brown/Black, depending on mood.
195: My shoe size is: 11
194: My ring size is: 10
193: My height is: 5'1"
192: I am allergic to: Corn, Rice, Shellfish (most recently discovered), bee stings and numerous antibiotics...
191: My 1st car was: 1985 Fleetwood Brougham Cadillac
190: My 1st job was: Cleaning houses
189: Last book you read: "Before I go to Sleep"
188: My bed is: on my right.
187: My pet: is currently non-existent
186: My best friend: my husband
185: My favorite shampoo is: Anything by Suave
184: AIM name: Is non-existent, because I don't have AIM
183: Piggy banks are: AWESOME! Especially if it is a Vampire Pig Piggy Bank, like mine :D
182: In my pockets: is lint.
181: On my calendar: I have nothing circled
180: Marriage is: wonderful, if it is to the right person.
179: Spongebob can: be my best friend!! I love that yellow sponge!
178: My mom: is one of my best friends and I cherish her.
177: The last three cd's I bought were? Lungs by Florence and the Machine, Josh Groban by Josh Groban and Awake by Josh Groban (those last two were purchased almost four years ago... I don't buy cds often...)
176: Last YouTube video watched: Happy Wheels Let's Play... Unfortunately. Thanks to my wonderful husband...
175: How many cousins do you have? If we count just first cousins, I have 6. If we get into all my other cousins I quickly lose count...
174: Do you have any siblings? I have 11. 4 adopted older siblings, my brother, my half-sister and 5 half-siblings that who died before seeing the sun.
173: Are your parents divorced? Yes.
172: Are you taller than your mom? Not anymore.
171: Do you play an instrument? I used to play the recorder. I now am able to pick out small pieces of random songs on the piano.
170: What did you do yesterday? Bought some Christmas presents.
[ I Believe In ]
169: Love at first sight: No. I believe in LUST at first sight. But not love.
168: Luck: Yes. And I have horrific luck.
167: Fate: Yes.
166: Yourself: Not really.
165: Aliens: No.
164: Heaven: Not as much as I used to.
163: Hell: Yes. Earth is hell.
162: God: I believe in A god, not necessarily any specific god, however.
161: Horoscopes: Not really, though they are fun to read.
160: Soul mates: Yes.
159: Ghosts: Yes.
158: Gay Marriage: Yes. Everyone has the right to be married. No matter if they are gay or straight.
157: War: No.
156: Orbs: I'm not sure what those are...
155: Magic: I wish I did.
[ This or That ]
154: Was there supposed to be a question here?
153: Drunk or High: Drunk.
152: Phone or Online: Phone.
151: Red heads or Black haired: Red heads! Though, I do like both.
150: Blondes or Brunettes: Brunettes.
149: Hot or cold: Hot. I can always take off clothes. I can only put so many on however...
148: Summer or winter: Summer.
147: Autumn or Spring: Autumn.
146: Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla.
145: Night or Day: Night. Easier to see the moon.
144: Oranges or Apples: Oranges. They don't hurt my teeth.
143: Curly or Straight hair: Curly. I wonder why that could be? lol.
142: McDonald's or Burger King: McDonald's. Though I should say neither...
141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: White Chocolate.
140: Mac or PC: PC.
139: Flip flops or high heals: Flip flops all the way!!
138: Ugly and rich OR Sexy and poor: Sexy and Poor. Just like my hubby. :P
137: Coke or Pepsi: Coke!
136: Hillary or Obama: Obama.
135: Buried or cremated: Neither.
134: Singing or Dancing:
133: Coach or Chanel:
132: Katherine McPhee or Taylor Hicks: Katherine McPhee
131: Small town or Big city: Small town
130: Wal-Mart or Target: Wal-Mart
129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Neither.
128: Manicure or Pedicure: Neither.
127: East Coast or West Coast: West Coast
126: Your Birthday or Christmas: My Birthday
125: Chocolate or Flowers: Flowers
124: Disney or Six Flags: Six Flags
123: Yankees or Red Sox: Neither. I don't give two shits about baseball.
[ Here's What I Think About ]
122: War: It is horrific and often completely pointless. I thank all those who fight for my so called "freedoms", however you should be at home fighting against corrupt politicians rather than dying thousands of miles away.
121: George Bush: is an idiot who fucked up our economy.
120: Gay Marriage: should be legalized, because it is MARRIAGE. If two people love each other they should have the right to be married. And this whole debate about it is fucking ridiculous and unconstitutional. Everyone has the right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. If your happiness is being Gay, than you should have the right to pursue it!
119: The presidential election: is coming soon and I don't know who I'm voting for.
118: Abortion: is okay in certain situations. However, I generally am pro-life.
117: MySpace: is obsolete.
116: Reality TV: is stupid.
115: Parents: are there to take care of us, though sometimes they fail. Miserably.
114: Back stabbers: are the worst.
113: Ebay: is something I'm not into.
112: Was there supposed to be something here?
111: Work: is necessary, but not always fun.
110: My Neighbors: are annoying when they've been drinking.
109: Gas Prices: are too high.
108: Designer Clothes: aren't worth the designer prices.
107: College: is where I'd like to be next year.
106: Sports: are okay, but I don't have time to be interested right now.
105: My family: is dysfunctional, crazy, fun, spastic and wonderful.
104: The future: is dim.
[ Last time I ]
103: Hugged someone: was fifteen minutes ago.
102: Last time you ate: was fifteen minutes ago.
101: Saw someone I haven't seen in awhile: Yesterday!
100: Cried in front of someone: Last night.
99: Went to a movie theater: July
98: Took a vacation: September
97: Swam in a pool: Last year?
96: Changed a diaper: May
95: Got my nails done: Never.
94: Went to a wedding: September. (Attending my own counts, right?)
93: Broke a bone: Two years ago.
92: Got a piercing: Actually, I've never had a piercing, though my husband is paying for me to get my ears done as my Christmas present.
91: Broke the law: Earlier today... I didn't put on my seat belt.
90: Texted: 7:32PM
[ MISC ]
89: Who makes you laugh the most: Donnie.
88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: My bed!
87: The last movie I saw: was some Bleach movie that I only watched to please my brother.
86: The thing that I'm looking forward to the most: is the beginning of a new year.
85: The thing I'm not looking forward to: is moving. Again.
84: People call me: Crazy.
83: The most difficult thing to do is: to admit you're wrong.
82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: Never.
81: My zodiac sign is: Libra.
80: The first person I talked to today was: my hubby.
79: First time you had a crush: I was two and I told my mother that I was going to marry Elvis Presley when I grew up. Unfortunately I was born in '88 and Elvis was long gone by then.
78: The one person who I can't hide things from: my friend, Sarah Jo.
77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: Last night.
76: Right now I am talking to: No one.
75: What are you going to do when you grow up: be a linguistic literature translator?
74: I have/will get a job: at Sam's club doing demos.
73: Tomorrow: I have to work.
72: Today: I worked.
71: Next Summer: I want to be thinner and preparing for school.
70: Next Weekend: I work.
69: I have these pets: non-existent.
68: The worst sound in the world: is nails on a chalkboard.
67: The person that makes me cry the most is: myself.
66: People that make you happy: Donnie, Sarah Jo, my brother, my mom, my friends!!
65: Last time I cried: Last night. Unfortunately.
64: My friends are: wonderful.
63: My computer is: annoying sometimes.
62: My School: is going to be IU
61: My Car: is a 1988 Chevy Astro Van.
60: I lose all respect for people who: have double standards.
59: The movie I cried at was: A lot of them?
58: Your hair color is: black/brown, aka: my natural hair color currently...
57: TV shows you watch: none right now.
56: Favorite web site: Facebook
55: Your dream vacation: Ireland in the fall.
54: The worst pain I was ever in was: right after my car accident. A shatter pelvis, shattered leg and miscellaneous injuries. Not to even mention the emotional trauma/pain of losing my car.
53: How do you like your steak cooked: Well.
52: My room is: quickly filling up with presents.
51: My favorite celebrity is: currently Lee Jun-ki
50: Where would you like to be: In bed with my husband, sleeping.
49: Do you want children: Not anymore. It doesn't matter. After the wreck I was told not to have children.
48: Ever been in love: Yes.
47: Who is your best friend: Didn't I answer this already?
46: More guy friends or girl friends: Currently? Girl friends... and it is fucking WEIRD! I've always had more guy friends.
45: One thing that makes you feel great is: when Donnie kisses me.
44: One person that you wish you could see right now: My Memere. I want to tell her all the things I didn't get to before she died.
43: Do you have a 5 year plan: Sure?
42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: Yeppers.
41: Have you pre-named your children: I did have all their names picked out. Now I guess I'll use them in stories instead.
40: Last person I got mad at: This bitch at Wal-Mart who got super shitty with me for no reason.
39: I would like to move to: Sweden!! :D
38: I wish I was a professional: writer.
[ My Favorites ]
37: Candy: Banana Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.
36: Vehicle: Cadillac and a Dodge Charger...
35: President: John Quincy Adams
34: State visited: Wisconsin
33: Cellphone provider: I don't have a favorite. They all suck.
32: Athlete: Michael Jordan
31: Actor: Cary Grant and Wentworth Miller
30: Actress: Keira Knightley
29: Singer: Gackt.
28: Band: The Beatles
27: Clothing store: Maurice's
26: Grocery store: Wal-Mart
25: TV show: Remington Steele and Case Closed
24: Movie: Inception
23: Website: StumbleUpon
22: Animal: Horse, Lion
21: Theme park: Holiday World
20: Holiday: Labor Day
19: Sport to watch: Football
18: Sport to play: Soccer
17: Magazine: TV Guide
16: Book: Daughter of the Blood by Anne Bishop
15: Day of the week: Saturday
14: Beach: A tiny one I visited while I was in Florida.
13: Concert attended: Don Francisco... That's really the only one...
12: Thing to cook: Homemade Pancakes
11: Food: Waffles
10: Restaurant: O'Charley's
9: Radio station: B97
8: Yankee candle scent: Almond Cookie and Fresh Cut Roses
7: Perfume: Crush: Blue
6: Flower: White Rose
5: Color: Blood Red.
4: Talk show host: Regis Philbin.
3: Comedian: Eddie Izzard
2: Dog breed: Doberman Pincer
1: Are you ready for this survey to be over? Yes?
199: I was born in: Palo Alto California
198: I am really: Tired
197: My cellphone company is: AT&T (unfortunately)
196: My eye color is: Brown/Black, depending on mood.
195: My shoe size is: 11
194: My ring size is: 10
193: My height is: 5'1"
192: I am allergic to: Corn, Rice, Shellfish (most recently discovered), bee stings and numerous antibiotics...
191: My 1st car was: 1985 Fleetwood Brougham Cadillac
190: My 1st job was: Cleaning houses
189: Last book you read: "Before I go to Sleep"
188: My bed is: on my right.
187: My pet: is currently non-existent
186: My best friend: my husband
185: My favorite shampoo is: Anything by Suave
184: AIM name: Is non-existent, because I don't have AIM
183: Piggy banks are: AWESOME! Especially if it is a Vampire Pig Piggy Bank, like mine :D
182: In my pockets: is lint.
181: On my calendar: I have nothing circled
180: Marriage is: wonderful, if it is to the right person.
179: Spongebob can: be my best friend!! I love that yellow sponge!
178: My mom: is one of my best friends and I cherish her.
177: The last three cd's I bought were? Lungs by Florence and the Machine, Josh Groban by Josh Groban and Awake by Josh Groban (those last two were purchased almost four years ago... I don't buy cds often...)
176: Last YouTube video watched: Happy Wheels Let's Play... Unfortunately. Thanks to my wonderful husband...
175: How many cousins do you have? If we count just first cousins, I have 6. If we get into all my other cousins I quickly lose count...
174: Do you have any siblings? I have 11. 4 adopted older siblings, my brother, my half-sister and 5 half-siblings that who died before seeing the sun.
173: Are your parents divorced? Yes.
172: Are you taller than your mom? Not anymore.
171: Do you play an instrument? I used to play the recorder. I now am able to pick out small pieces of random songs on the piano.
170: What did you do yesterday? Bought some Christmas presents.
[ I Believe In ]
169: Love at first sight: No. I believe in LUST at first sight. But not love.
168: Luck: Yes. And I have horrific luck.
167: Fate: Yes.
166: Yourself: Not really.
165: Aliens: No.
164: Heaven: Not as much as I used to.
163: Hell: Yes. Earth is hell.
162: God: I believe in A god, not necessarily any specific god, however.
161: Horoscopes: Not really, though they are fun to read.
160: Soul mates: Yes.
159: Ghosts: Yes.
158: Gay Marriage: Yes. Everyone has the right to be married. No matter if they are gay or straight.
157: War: No.
156: Orbs: I'm not sure what those are...
155: Magic: I wish I did.
[ This or That ]
154: Was there supposed to be a question here?
153: Drunk or High: Drunk.
152: Phone or Online: Phone.
151: Red heads or Black haired: Red heads! Though, I do like both.
150: Blondes or Brunettes: Brunettes.
149: Hot or cold: Hot. I can always take off clothes. I can only put so many on however...
148: Summer or winter: Summer.
147: Autumn or Spring: Autumn.
146: Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla.
145: Night or Day: Night. Easier to see the moon.
144: Oranges or Apples: Oranges. They don't hurt my teeth.
143: Curly or Straight hair: Curly. I wonder why that could be? lol.
142: McDonald's or Burger King: McDonald's. Though I should say neither...
141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: White Chocolate.
140: Mac or PC: PC.
139: Flip flops or high heals: Flip flops all the way!!
138: Ugly and rich OR Sexy and poor: Sexy and Poor. Just like my hubby. :P
137: Coke or Pepsi: Coke!
136: Hillary or Obama: Obama.
135: Buried or cremated: Neither.
134: Singing or Dancing:
133: Coach or Chanel:
132: Katherine McPhee or Taylor Hicks: Katherine McPhee
131: Small town or Big city: Small town
130: Wal-Mart or Target: Wal-Mart
129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Neither.
128: Manicure or Pedicure: Neither.
127: East Coast or West Coast: West Coast
126: Your Birthday or Christmas: My Birthday
125: Chocolate or Flowers: Flowers
124: Disney or Six Flags: Six Flags
123: Yankees or Red Sox: Neither. I don't give two shits about baseball.
[ Here's What I Think About ]
122: War: It is horrific and often completely pointless. I thank all those who fight for my so called "freedoms", however you should be at home fighting against corrupt politicians rather than dying thousands of miles away.
121: George Bush: is an idiot who fucked up our economy.
120: Gay Marriage: should be legalized, because it is MARRIAGE. If two people love each other they should have the right to be married. And this whole debate about it is fucking ridiculous and unconstitutional. Everyone has the right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. If your happiness is being Gay, than you should have the right to pursue it!
119: The presidential election: is coming soon and I don't know who I'm voting for.
118: Abortion: is okay in certain situations. However, I generally am pro-life.
117: MySpace: is obsolete.
116: Reality TV: is stupid.
115: Parents: are there to take care of us, though sometimes they fail. Miserably.
114: Back stabbers: are the worst.
113: Ebay: is something I'm not into.
112: Was there supposed to be something here?
111: Work: is necessary, but not always fun.
110: My Neighbors: are annoying when they've been drinking.
109: Gas Prices: are too high.
108: Designer Clothes: aren't worth the designer prices.
107: College: is where I'd like to be next year.
106: Sports: are okay, but I don't have time to be interested right now.
105: My family: is dysfunctional, crazy, fun, spastic and wonderful.
104: The future: is dim.
[ Last time I ]
103: Hugged someone: was fifteen minutes ago.
102: Last time you ate: was fifteen minutes ago.
101: Saw someone I haven't seen in awhile: Yesterday!
100: Cried in front of someone: Last night.
99: Went to a movie theater: July
98: Took a vacation: September
97: Swam in a pool: Last year?
96: Changed a diaper: May
95: Got my nails done: Never.
94: Went to a wedding: September. (Attending my own counts, right?)
93: Broke a bone: Two years ago.
92: Got a piercing: Actually, I've never had a piercing, though my husband is paying for me to get my ears done as my Christmas present.
91: Broke the law: Earlier today... I didn't put on my seat belt.
90: Texted: 7:32PM
[ MISC ]
89: Who makes you laugh the most: Donnie.
88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: My bed!
87: The last movie I saw: was some Bleach movie that I only watched to please my brother.
86: The thing that I'm looking forward to the most: is the beginning of a new year.
85: The thing I'm not looking forward to: is moving. Again.
84: People call me: Crazy.
83: The most difficult thing to do is: to admit you're wrong.
82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: Never.
81: My zodiac sign is: Libra.
80: The first person I talked to today was: my hubby.
79: First time you had a crush: I was two and I told my mother that I was going to marry Elvis Presley when I grew up. Unfortunately I was born in '88 and Elvis was long gone by then.
78: The one person who I can't hide things from: my friend, Sarah Jo.
77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: Last night.
76: Right now I am talking to: No one.
75: What are you going to do when you grow up: be a linguistic literature translator?
74: I have/will get a job: at Sam's club doing demos.
73: Tomorrow: I have to work.
72: Today: I worked.
71: Next Summer: I want to be thinner and preparing for school.
70: Next Weekend: I work.
69: I have these pets: non-existent.
68: The worst sound in the world: is nails on a chalkboard.
67: The person that makes me cry the most is: myself.
66: People that make you happy: Donnie, Sarah Jo, my brother, my mom, my friends!!
65: Last time I cried: Last night. Unfortunately.
64: My friends are: wonderful.
63: My computer is: annoying sometimes.
62: My School: is going to be IU
61: My Car: is a 1988 Chevy Astro Van.
60: I lose all respect for people who: have double standards.
59: The movie I cried at was: A lot of them?
58: Your hair color is: black/brown, aka: my natural hair color currently...
57: TV shows you watch: none right now.
56: Favorite web site: Facebook
55: Your dream vacation: Ireland in the fall.
54: The worst pain I was ever in was: right after my car accident. A shatter pelvis, shattered leg and miscellaneous injuries. Not to even mention the emotional trauma/pain of losing my car.
53: How do you like your steak cooked: Well.
52: My room is: quickly filling up with presents.
51: My favorite celebrity is: currently Lee Jun-ki
50: Where would you like to be: In bed with my husband, sleeping.
49: Do you want children: Not anymore. It doesn't matter. After the wreck I was told not to have children.
48: Ever been in love: Yes.
47: Who is your best friend: Didn't I answer this already?
46: More guy friends or girl friends: Currently? Girl friends... and it is fucking WEIRD! I've always had more guy friends.
45: One thing that makes you feel great is: when Donnie kisses me.
44: One person that you wish you could see right now: My Memere. I want to tell her all the things I didn't get to before she died.
43: Do you have a 5 year plan: Sure?
42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: Yeppers.
41: Have you pre-named your children: I did have all their names picked out. Now I guess I'll use them in stories instead.
40: Last person I got mad at: This bitch at Wal-Mart who got super shitty with me for no reason.
39: I would like to move to: Sweden!! :D
38: I wish I was a professional: writer.
[ My Favorites ]
37: Candy: Banana Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.
36: Vehicle: Cadillac and a Dodge Charger...
35: President: John Quincy Adams
34: State visited: Wisconsin
33: Cellphone provider: I don't have a favorite. They all suck.
32: Athlete: Michael Jordan
31: Actor: Cary Grant and Wentworth Miller
30: Actress: Keira Knightley
29: Singer: Gackt.
28: Band: The Beatles
27: Clothing store: Maurice's
26: Grocery store: Wal-Mart
25: TV show: Remington Steele and Case Closed
24: Movie: Inception
23: Website: StumbleUpon
22: Animal: Horse, Lion
21: Theme park: Holiday World
20: Holiday: Labor Day
19: Sport to watch: Football
18: Sport to play: Soccer
17: Magazine: TV Guide
16: Book: Daughter of the Blood by Anne Bishop
15: Day of the week: Saturday
14: Beach: A tiny one I visited while I was in Florida.
13: Concert attended: Don Francisco... That's really the only one...
12: Thing to cook: Homemade Pancakes
11: Food: Waffles
10: Restaurant: O'Charley's
9: Radio station: B97
8: Yankee candle scent: Almond Cookie and Fresh Cut Roses
7: Perfume: Crush: Blue
6: Flower: White Rose
5: Color: Blood Red.
4: Talk show host: Regis Philbin.
3: Comedian: Eddie Izzard
2: Dog breed: Doberman Pincer
1: Are you ready for this survey to be over? Yes?
barack obama,
john quincy adams,
Monday, December 19, 2011
Eyes Wide Open
But it was like to stop consuming, to stop being human
And why'd I make a change if you won't?
We're all in the same boat
Staying afloat for the moment.
Eyes Wide Open - Gotye
And why'd I make a change if you won't?
We're all in the same boat
Staying afloat for the moment.
Eyes Wide Open - Gotye
Dear Santa,
Dear Santa,
Is it wrong that I feel the way that I do? Is it so wrong that I still feel this way, after years. I've tried to wipe it out with hate and anguish. The anguish remains, but I'm too tired to hate anymore. I'm just sadly angry and angrily sad. Is it fair to feel this way? Should I try to squash it?
Do you know what I want most for Christmas, Santa? I want a family again. I want my grandfather, Memere, Pepere, grandma Bobbi, my dad, I even want Wes and his family back. Just to feel like we were a family again. Just to feel the illusion of love, even for a few moments. Is that wrong? Is it wrong to want even the illusion of it again?
But if Wes wanted to be a father, he should've tried harder. If he wanted to be a part of my life he should've tried. I shouldn't have to go to him to make things work. He should've acted like an adult.
I am my mother's daughter first. I am his daughter second.
I am my brother's sister first. I am his daughter second.
If he couldn't love my mother any longer, couldn't tolerate my brother any longer than he no longer loved or tolerated me. They are a part of me and I am a part of them. I really did love him at one point.
If Carolyn wanted to be my grandmother she should've tried to love my mother, love my brother. She should've tried harder, but I suppose she didn't know how. But that isn't my fault.
I am my mother's daughter first. I am her granddaughter second.
I am my brother's sister first. I am her granddaughter second.
If she can't accept and love them, then she can't accept and love me. And the saddest thing is that I really did love her. Looked up to her. But I can't tolerate her talking shit about my mother. I won't stand for anyone to talk shit about my mother or my brother or my sister.
Mom, Chris and Hannah are almost all I have really. I have several other relatives, but none that I see on a regular basis. And my mother's husband, Mark, is a nice enough man, but he isn't my father. He never will be. He will always be a nice man that my mother is married to. And I'm okay with that. I'm okay with him just being a friend.
I want acceptance for Christmas. I want to believe that Wes actually cared once. Or maybe I don't, because then I'll just blame myself for him not caring any longer.
I'd like to not be so pathetic that I can't sleep because I'm thinking about everything that is wrong. I'd like to not be so hung up on missing people that don't care about me. People who don't even think about me, even though I can't stop thinking about them.
I really just want peace on earth, I guess.
But you aren't any more real than the unicorns and mermaids I claim to believe in. You can't solve my problems anymore than I can. And if there is a God, he has long since stopped listening to me. I suppose this is where I should end this then. What's the point, Santa?
If I say I've been a really good girl this year, will that make any difference?
If I say that I've really tried this year, will that make any difference?
I hate you. I truly do. I hate you for not being real. I hate you for being a childhood principality that can't exist in this world. I hate that this is how everything has worked out.
I am too tired to hate you. I'm too tired to hate anyone, anymore.
Is it wrong that I feel the way that I do? Is it so wrong that I still feel this way, after years. I've tried to wipe it out with hate and anguish. The anguish remains, but I'm too tired to hate anymore. I'm just sadly angry and angrily sad. Is it fair to feel this way? Should I try to squash it?
Do you know what I want most for Christmas, Santa? I want a family again. I want my grandfather, Memere, Pepere, grandma Bobbi, my dad, I even want Wes and his family back. Just to feel like we were a family again. Just to feel the illusion of love, even for a few moments. Is that wrong? Is it wrong to want even the illusion of it again?
But if Wes wanted to be a father, he should've tried harder. If he wanted to be a part of my life he should've tried. I shouldn't have to go to him to make things work. He should've acted like an adult.
I am my mother's daughter first. I am his daughter second.
I am my brother's sister first. I am his daughter second.
If he couldn't love my mother any longer, couldn't tolerate my brother any longer than he no longer loved or tolerated me. They are a part of me and I am a part of them. I really did love him at one point.
If Carolyn wanted to be my grandmother she should've tried to love my mother, love my brother. She should've tried harder, but I suppose she didn't know how. But that isn't my fault.
I am my mother's daughter first. I am her granddaughter second.
I am my brother's sister first. I am her granddaughter second.
If she can't accept and love them, then she can't accept and love me. And the saddest thing is that I really did love her. Looked up to her. But I can't tolerate her talking shit about my mother. I won't stand for anyone to talk shit about my mother or my brother or my sister.
Mom, Chris and Hannah are almost all I have really. I have several other relatives, but none that I see on a regular basis. And my mother's husband, Mark, is a nice enough man, but he isn't my father. He never will be. He will always be a nice man that my mother is married to. And I'm okay with that. I'm okay with him just being a friend.
I want acceptance for Christmas. I want to believe that Wes actually cared once. Or maybe I don't, because then I'll just blame myself for him not caring any longer.
I'd like to not be so pathetic that I can't sleep because I'm thinking about everything that is wrong. I'd like to not be so hung up on missing people that don't care about me. People who don't even think about me, even though I can't stop thinking about them.
I really just want peace on earth, I guess.
But you aren't any more real than the unicorns and mermaids I claim to believe in. You can't solve my problems anymore than I can. And if there is a God, he has long since stopped listening to me. I suppose this is where I should end this then. What's the point, Santa?
If I say I've been a really good girl this year, will that make any difference?
If I say that I've really tried this year, will that make any difference?
I hate you. I truly do. I hate you for not being real. I hate you for being a childhood principality that can't exist in this world. I hate that this is how everything has worked out.
I am too tired to hate you. I'm too tired to hate anyone, anymore.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Under the Sea
"I once received a bra...with 'I Love John' embroidered on it. I thought it was pretty original. I didn't keep it, mind you - it didn't fit." ~ John Lennon
"Jeweler you've failed!" - John Lennon
"When you're drowning, you don't say 'I would be incredibly pleased if someone would have the foresight to notice me drowning and come and help me,' you just scream." - John Lennon
"I am alive and well and unconcerned about the rumors of my death. But if I were dead, I would be the last to know." - Paul McCartney
"As far as I'm concerned, there won't be a Beatles reunion as long as John Lennon remains dead." - George Harrison
"I hope the fans will take up meditation instead of drugs." - Ringo Starr
"I think the French girls are fabulous." - Paul McCartney
“Life goes on within you and without you”
"Jeweler you've failed!" - John Lennon
"When you're drowning, you don't say 'I would be incredibly pleased if someone would have the foresight to notice me drowning and come and help me,' you just scream." - John Lennon
"I am alive and well and unconcerned about the rumors of my death. But if I were dead, I would be the last to know." - Paul McCartney
"As far as I'm concerned, there won't be a Beatles reunion as long as John Lennon remains dead." - George Harrison
"I hope the fans will take up meditation instead of drugs." - Ringo Starr
"I think the French girls are fabulous." - Paul McCartney
Did You Ever Know Me?
A time or two ago, ages and ages hence, I was introduced to a song that I fell in love with. It was called "How Do You Tell Someone" by Cowboy Mouth. This was to be the first of a couple of their songs that I like. (Including "Kelly Ripa", which is hilarious, btw!)
And 'tis true, often times it is hard to tell someone that you no longer love them, that you no longer wish to talk to them. That you no longer desire them. Yet, you do still care. Just not in the same way.
Well this song is dedicated to those who no longer love and are no longer loved.
How Do You Tell Someone? - Cowboy Mouth
And 'tis true, often times it is hard to tell someone that you no longer love them, that you no longer wish to talk to them. That you no longer desire them. Yet, you do still care. Just not in the same way.
Well this song is dedicated to those who no longer love and are no longer loved.
How Do You Tell Someone? - Cowboy Mouth
I keep running
I keep running. Never staying in one place, never letting anyone close enough to touch me.
I dream of flying, while tethered to the cruel earth, my feet never stopping their ragged rhythm.
Eventually I will be forced to stop. I can only run so far and so long.
Eventually I will be laid beneath the soil I have tread, forgotten by it.
If only dreaming of flying gave birth to wings.
If only wishes were horses and I, a beggar, could ride.
If only gravity could be defied and wings wished into being, I would fly farther than I can even dream.
I dream of flying, while tethered to the cruel earth, my feet never stopping their ragged rhythm.
Eventually I will be forced to stop. I can only run so far and so long.
Eventually I will be laid beneath the soil I have tread, forgotten by it.
If only dreaming of flying gave birth to wings.
If only wishes were horses and I, a beggar, could ride.
If only gravity could be defied and wings wished into being, I would fly farther than I can even dream.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Confession of a Broken Heart
Having felt like I was abandoned by my father, as a young girl, I relate to this song. And it still has the power to bring me to tears.
Confessions of A Broken Heart - Lindsay Lohan
Confessions of A Broken Heart - Lindsay Lohan
Video Games anyone?
Yep, I've been distracted by Dragon Age II... My bad! Oh well, I hadn't been playing video games for a while there. I think it is okay to take a little break and actually enjoy myself... Maybe?
My head hurts, my stomach hurts. My whole body aches. And I have two more days of work to look forward to.
Have been looking into buying a house. Yes, friends, a house. With a mortgage and a yard. A little house or a duplex. Haven't decided yet. But we are looking into it. May have found one that we could live with/in. Still hoping to move to Sweden, though we are hoping to go ahead and get a house now and then save (in-between mortgage payments) for a place overseas. The sad thing is, it will be cheaper paying on a mortgage than it will be to keep renting. *shrug*
Is it wrong that I want to start writing little bits of fan-fiction again? Donnie says I'm a dork and that fan-fiction is objectively bad, no matter how well you write it. But I still kind of want to write it again. Especially since I'm playing video games lately.
A BioShock fan-fiction or Dragon Age (II)... Or maybe I'll just stick with silly J-Rock/K-Pop fairy tales... I don't know. Maybe I won't do it at all, but its something I feel the urge to do. Maybe I should do it for the sake of just writing...
I am hoping to apply for college next month *fingers crossed*
The plan is, currently, to double major in Linguistics and English Literature. With the hope that one day (when I have a degree) I can translate works of fiction and non-fiction into various languages so that everyone can enjoy the beauty of literature and reading. That's my dream anyway. I don't know how it will be trying to double major. That is going to suck, mightily. But I am determined! I don't want to be a demo lady at Sam's Club forever!
Plus, this would enable me to continue to write AND read! Maybe I will make it through that massive book list I have going?
I should really go and do laundry now, though I am not looking forward to it. I desperately miss having a washer and dryer!! I never knew how inconvenient it was to have to go out to do your laundry! How can people stand it? I certainly can't!
Have been having interesting conversations about religion with one of my co-workers who is Muslim. I don't know what to think about that either. I think he just wants me to believe in something, versus believing in nothing. But it is hard to explain to him that for years I have felt utterly abandoned by God (the gods/goddesses) and that my life hasn't changed from when I followed Him (or her) with utter abandon. My mother says that God is proofing me for the years to come. That I am being tested so that I can help others through the same things.
I think that is bullshit (Sorry, Mom). I really do. Do I have to go through every horrible thing to be able to sympathize with others? That seems stupid to me. I'm obviously not going to go through everything there is to go through and there are always going to be people who are going through something different from me. I can be sympathetic and there for someone without having to go through it myself!
Granted, the list of tragedies and atrocities is long in my short life. But I seriously doubt that whomever exists out there is keeping track just so I can "minister" to someone later.
I also hate the holidays. They are never very happy for me. And I wish we could skip over them. I do appreciate the break from work, however, so I suppose that is something.
I am rambling, skipping from topic to topic... Oh well. You guys love me anyway right?
Enough randomness for now,
My head hurts, my stomach hurts. My whole body aches. And I have two more days of work to look forward to.
Have been looking into buying a house. Yes, friends, a house. With a mortgage and a yard. A little house or a duplex. Haven't decided yet. But we are looking into it. May have found one that we could live with/in. Still hoping to move to Sweden, though we are hoping to go ahead and get a house now and then save (in-between mortgage payments) for a place overseas. The sad thing is, it will be cheaper paying on a mortgage than it will be to keep renting. *shrug*
Is it wrong that I want to start writing little bits of fan-fiction again? Donnie says I'm a dork and that fan-fiction is objectively bad, no matter how well you write it. But I still kind of want to write it again. Especially since I'm playing video games lately.
A BioShock fan-fiction or Dragon Age (II)... Or maybe I'll just stick with silly J-Rock/K-Pop fairy tales... I don't know. Maybe I won't do it at all, but its something I feel the urge to do. Maybe I should do it for the sake of just writing...
I am hoping to apply for college next month *fingers crossed*
The plan is, currently, to double major in Linguistics and English Literature. With the hope that one day (when I have a degree) I can translate works of fiction and non-fiction into various languages so that everyone can enjoy the beauty of literature and reading. That's my dream anyway. I don't know how it will be trying to double major. That is going to suck, mightily. But I am determined! I don't want to be a demo lady at Sam's Club forever!
Plus, this would enable me to continue to write AND read! Maybe I will make it through that massive book list I have going?
I should really go and do laundry now, though I am not looking forward to it. I desperately miss having a washer and dryer!! I never knew how inconvenient it was to have to go out to do your laundry! How can people stand it? I certainly can't!
Have been having interesting conversations about religion with one of my co-workers who is Muslim. I don't know what to think about that either. I think he just wants me to believe in something, versus believing in nothing. But it is hard to explain to him that for years I have felt utterly abandoned by God (the gods/goddesses) and that my life hasn't changed from when I followed Him (or her) with utter abandon. My mother says that God is proofing me for the years to come. That I am being tested so that I can help others through the same things.
I think that is bullshit (Sorry, Mom). I really do. Do I have to go through every horrible thing to be able to sympathize with others? That seems stupid to me. I'm obviously not going to go through everything there is to go through and there are always going to be people who are going through something different from me. I can be sympathetic and there for someone without having to go through it myself!
Granted, the list of tragedies and atrocities is long in my short life. But I seriously doubt that whomever exists out there is keeping track just so I can "minister" to someone later.
I also hate the holidays. They are never very happy for me. And I wish we could skip over them. I do appreciate the break from work, however, so I suppose that is something.
I am rambling, skipping from topic to topic... Oh well. You guys love me anyway right?
Enough randomness for now,
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
A Romeo and Juliet Complex
What is so romantic about Romeo and Juliet? I mean, seriously, why do we think of that as being the epitome of tragic romance? Romeo and Juliet's love is so pure, so innocent, so perfectly tragic.
Is it because they die to be together? Is that something we should strive for? Dying together? It adds a new dimension to "'til death do us part", I suppose. However, that brings me to another question.
Is love worth dying for?
Not that I'm knocking love, because it is great to be in love. I love my husband with everything I have inside of me. And I would die for him. If it came down to his life or mine, I'd gladly give mine up. Because I love him.
But that is a little different than killing yourself for someone, I think.
If Donnie died, I would be devastated. Would I kill myself? Would life be completely and totally without meaning after he was gone from it? I'd like to believe that I would continue living, if only because I know that he would want me to. I know that he wouldn't want me to end my life, just because he was gone. Besides that, it is such a waste of life.
Suicide in general, is such a waste of life. I'm not saying that to be harsh. I understand, better than most, the thoughts and the terrible anguish that can often drive one to committing what the Catholics call "the unforgivable sin." But suicide is selfish as well, even if you think you are doing it for the "right reason" (not that there are any 'right reasons' for killing yourself).
And speaking of selfishness, is it selfish to continue living when the person you were madly and truly in love with passes on? Is it selfish to want to continue to live when that person is gone?
Shakespeare was a genius, I will give him that. He created the perfect story, one that still has power after so many years. But the power is more in that we misinterpret it.
Yes, Romeo and Juliet were in love. Yes, they killed themselves to be together.
But Romeo was just "in love" with another girl. Rosalind. And Juliet is thirteen, what the hell does she know about love? I guess, even though it is one of my favorite plays, Romeo and Juliet are really just two teenagers who have an instant attraction to one another. So much so that they decide to get married. Which is really stupid, considering that Juliet is engaged. And not to Romeo.
Then, because Romeo kills Juliet's cousin (which, I don't know about you, but that would kill any romance for me. If Donnie killed one of my cousins I'd be damn upset!) he gets banished. This is where Juliet should've come clean. She doesn't, pretends to be dead and then ends up really dead after Romeo thinks she's dead and offs himself.
To be fair though, Juliet's dying monologue is beautifully written and one of my favorite passages from the play.
"What's here? A cup closed in my true love's hand?
Poison, I see, hath been his timeless end.
O churl! Drunk all, and left no friendly drop to help me after? I will kiss thy lips.
Haply some posion yet doth hang on them to make me die with a restorative.
Thy lips are warm!
Yea, noise?
Then I'll be brief.
O happy dagger!
This is thy sheath; there rust, and let me die."
It is a beautiful and tragic play. Teenaged love, murder, suicide, secret weddings and ridiculous family feuds.
I have rambled enough, I think. I never did actually answer my own question... Why do we think that Romeo and Juliet is romantic? I don't know.
Because we think that it is true love? Because we think there is nothing purer than the love two star-crossed lovers (aka: stupid teenagers) have for each other? Something to think about, I guess.
Is it because they die to be together? Is that something we should strive for? Dying together? It adds a new dimension to "'til death do us part", I suppose. However, that brings me to another question.
Not that I'm knocking love, because it is great to be in love. I love my husband with everything I have inside of me. And I would die for him. If it came down to his life or mine, I'd gladly give mine up. Because I love him.
But that is a little different than killing yourself for someone, I think.
If Donnie died, I would be devastated. Would I kill myself? Would life be completely and totally without meaning after he was gone from it? I'd like to believe that I would continue living, if only because I know that he would want me to. I know that he wouldn't want me to end my life, just because he was gone. Besides that, it is such a waste of life.
Suicide in general, is such a waste of life. I'm not saying that to be harsh. I understand, better than most, the thoughts and the terrible anguish that can often drive one to committing what the Catholics call "the unforgivable sin." But suicide is selfish as well, even if you think you are doing it for the "right reason" (not that there are any 'right reasons' for killing yourself).
And speaking of selfishness, is it selfish to continue living when the person you were madly and truly in love with passes on? Is it selfish to want to continue to live when that person is gone?
Shakespeare was a genius, I will give him that. He created the perfect story, one that still has power after so many years. But the power is more in that we misinterpret it.
Yes, Romeo and Juliet were in love. Yes, they killed themselves to be together.
But Romeo was just "in love" with another girl. Rosalind. And Juliet is thirteen, what the hell does she know about love? I guess, even though it is one of my favorite plays, Romeo and Juliet are really just two teenagers who have an instant attraction to one another. So much so that they decide to get married. Which is really stupid, considering that Juliet is engaged. And not to Romeo.
Then, because Romeo kills Juliet's cousin (which, I don't know about you, but that would kill any romance for me. If Donnie killed one of my cousins I'd be damn upset!) he gets banished. This is where Juliet should've come clean. She doesn't, pretends to be dead and then ends up really dead after Romeo thinks she's dead and offs himself.
To be fair though, Juliet's dying monologue is beautifully written and one of my favorite passages from the play.
"What's here? A cup closed in my true love's hand?
Poison, I see, hath been his timeless end.
O churl! Drunk all, and left no friendly drop to help me after? I will kiss thy lips.
Haply some posion yet doth hang on them to make me die with a restorative.
Thy lips are warm!
Yea, noise?
Then I'll be brief.
O happy dagger!
This is thy sheath; there rust, and let me die."
It is a beautiful and tragic play. Teenaged love, murder, suicide, secret weddings and ridiculous family feuds.
I have rambled enough, I think. I never did actually answer my own question... Why do we think that Romeo and Juliet is romantic? I don't know.
Because we think that it is true love? Because we think there is nothing purer than the love two star-crossed lovers (aka: stupid teenagers) have for each other? Something to think about, I guess.
A Dragon's Age (Or Two)
As many of you know, I love video games. Not a lot, I'm rather picky about the ones I play, but I do enjoy playing. Especially "Dragon Age" and "Dragon Age II". And the biggest reason for this? I enjoy the game play, I enjoy the characters. But I love the romance.
Yep, I love the romantic aspects of those two games. Too which Donnie always rolls his eyes. He says that it is dorky, it is silly, it is awkward. But I can't help it. I have had so few romantic encounters in my lifetime, that I really do enjoy little romances in books and video games. Or tv shows. And when I'm inspired by their romances I want to write stories about it.
Yes, I admit it. I have written a couple of fanfics in my time. The two largest being "J-Rock Wizard of Oz" (which you have all read, I'm sure! ;P) and one I wrote when I was fifteen involving myself, my friend Jo, my friend Ethan and the characters from the Lord of the Rings. And that may also have involved a little romance between myself and Eomer... Okay, it did.
Is it wrong that these things inspire me to write timid little fanfics?
Okay, one of my fanfics may not have been so timid... I may or may not have written a smutty love scene between Qui-Gon Jinn and a twi'lek when I was sixteen. May or may not.

And now that I've gone off on that rather uncomfortable tangent, back to the topic at hand.
Erm... what was the topic? *scrolls up* Oh right! Video games and Dragon Age(s). I accidentally came across a cosplay of Morrigan (DA 1) on Deviant Art (dA) and this in turn led me to an interesting group that is devoted to Dragon Age(I & II). Mostly it was pictures. Including a few uncomfortable ones involving characters that are decidedly not that sexy.
After saving a bunch of hilarious pictures for Donnie (he likes looking at crazy fan-art), I wandered over to YouTube to get a song for today. Well, lo & behold there is a cute little video of Merrill and Fenris (two characters from the DA 2, Fenris is HOT!) having a little conversation about how Fenris is in love with Hawke (the player character). I couldn't resist opening it and watching it, even though I've had this dialogue before when I was actually PLAYING the game. And, because I enjoy tormenting you all with my eclectic tastes and what not, here is said video. I'll get the music later! :P
"But your face might crack if you smile, so be careful"
Yep, I love the romantic aspects of those two games. Too which Donnie always rolls his eyes. He says that it is dorky, it is silly, it is awkward. But I can't help it. I have had so few romantic encounters in my lifetime, that I really do enjoy little romances in books and video games. Or tv shows. And when I'm inspired by their romances I want to write stories about it.
Yes, I admit it. I have written a couple of fanfics in my time. The two largest being "J-Rock Wizard of Oz" (which you have all read, I'm sure! ;P) and one I wrote when I was fifteen involving myself, my friend Jo, my friend Ethan and the characters from the Lord of the Rings. And that may also have involved a little romance between myself and Eomer... Okay, it did.
Is it wrong that these things inspire me to write timid little fanfics?
Okay, one of my fanfics may not have been so timid... I may or may not have written a smutty love scene between Qui-Gon Jinn and a twi'lek when I was sixteen. May or may not.
And now that I've gone off on that rather uncomfortable tangent, back to the topic at hand.
Erm... what was the topic? *scrolls up* Oh right! Video games and Dragon Age(s). I accidentally came across a cosplay of Morrigan (DA 1) on Deviant Art (dA) and this in turn led me to an interesting group that is devoted to Dragon Age(I & II). Mostly it was pictures. Including a few uncomfortable ones involving characters that are decidedly not that sexy.
After saving a bunch of hilarious pictures for Donnie (he likes looking at crazy fan-art), I wandered over to YouTube to get a song for today. Well, lo & behold there is a cute little video of Merrill and Fenris (two characters from the DA 2, Fenris is HOT!) having a little conversation about how Fenris is in love with Hawke (the player character). I couldn't resist opening it and watching it, even though I've had this dialogue before when I was actually PLAYING the game. And, because I enjoy tormenting you all with my eclectic tastes and what not, here is said video. I'll get the music later! :P
Sunday, December 11, 2011
The Christianity/Islam Dichotomy.
I had an interesting conversation with a co-worker today. A co-worker I admire, I might add. Our conversation involved religion. Always a testy conversation to have, even with close friends and family members.
But today I saw the beauty of someone who actually follows their religion and embraces others of differing faiths. As well as this astounding revelation:
Islam and Christianity are the same religion.
Well, two of sides of the same coin, anyway. The differences are few, actually. Having read the Qur'an and the Bible, I can assure you that the differences are few. Both have violence. Both have verses implying that women are not equal to men. Both have love and patience and rules. Both encourage the following of the One True God.
God is Allah. Allah is God. I even had a Muslim (said co-worker) tell me that Christians are believers, because they follow the one true God. They just have a different prophet of God. I had a friend in high school who was Muslim and she said the same thing to me once.
Jesus is a prophet of God. A servant and great man. I remember how I was stunned by her belief that Jesus and Mohammed were both great prophets of God/Allah.
"Christians," she said, were to be respected. "They came from Abraham's other son Isaac. We come from Ishmael." We are all children of Abraham. All children of God. All sons and daughters of Allah. The Bible is also a holy book, one to be respected and treated as the Qur'an. They are to be held to one's heart, never one's side. Never to touch the floor or to be set in a place below one's waist.
So when the ignorant tell me that Islam restrains women, forces them to be subservient, I point out verses from the Bible where they do the same thing. When they talk of bombings and ji-had, I point out the Christians bombing abortion clinics. I point out all the times we have murdered and butchered in the name of God. Every religion has their radicals (excepting Buddhism, but that is because its is based on peace and acceptance).
I would also like to point out that I have never been disrespected by a Muslim man. In fact, I have only ever been treated with respect and kindness, where as I've been called a whore and practically spat upon by a Christian man. That the Muslim women I've met are proud to wear the burqa, the naqib, the hijab, etc. They truly believe in their religion and being modest, keeping themselves pure and set apart for Allah and their husband. Which is what we, as Christians, are supposed to be doing. Do we do this? Nope.
Of course, as you will in any situation, there are rebellious people. People who lose their faith and change their minds. People who no longer fit into the mold of the religion they "belong" to. Does this apply to every religion? YES!
Are there Muslims who will disagree with everything I just said? Absolutely.
Are there Christians who will disagree with everything I just said? I would be disappointed if they didn't.
To quote myself (from a post on my facebook):
"We preach Islam as being intolerant, but really we need to take a look in the mirror. When a Muslim man tells me that, as a Christian, I am a follower of the one true God and I am to be blessed, I know that everyone else is just being intolerant."
And in my mind, that is all there is to be said.
But today I saw the beauty of someone who actually follows their religion and embraces others of differing faiths. As well as this astounding revelation:
Well, two of sides of the same coin, anyway. The differences are few, actually. Having read the Qur'an and the Bible, I can assure you that the differences are few. Both have violence. Both have verses implying that women are not equal to men. Both have love and patience and rules. Both encourage the following of the One True God.
God is Allah. Allah is God. I even had a Muslim (said co-worker) tell me that Christians are believers, because they follow the one true God. They just have a different prophet of God. I had a friend in high school who was Muslim and she said the same thing to me once.
Jesus is a prophet of God. A servant and great man. I remember how I was stunned by her belief that Jesus and Mohammed were both great prophets of God/Allah.
"Christians," she said, were to be respected. "They came from Abraham's other son Isaac. We come from Ishmael." We are all children of Abraham. All children of God. All sons and daughters of Allah. The Bible is also a holy book, one to be respected and treated as the Qur'an. They are to be held to one's heart, never one's side. Never to touch the floor or to be set in a place below one's waist.
So when the ignorant tell me that Islam restrains women, forces them to be subservient, I point out verses from the Bible where they do the same thing. When they talk of bombings and ji-had, I point out the Christians bombing abortion clinics. I point out all the times we have murdered and butchered in the name of God. Every religion has their radicals (excepting Buddhism, but that is because its is based on peace and acceptance).
I would also like to point out that I have never been disrespected by a Muslim man. In fact, I have only ever been treated with respect and kindness, where as I've been called a whore and practically spat upon by a Christian man. That the Muslim women I've met are proud to wear the burqa, the naqib, the hijab, etc. They truly believe in their religion and being modest, keeping themselves pure and set apart for Allah and their husband. Which is what we, as Christians, are supposed to be doing. Do we do this? Nope.
Of course, as you will in any situation, there are rebellious people. People who lose their faith and change their minds. People who no longer fit into the mold of the religion they "belong" to. Does this apply to every religion? YES!
Are there Muslims who will disagree with everything I just said? Absolutely.
Are there Christians who will disagree with everything I just said? I would be disappointed if they didn't.
To quote myself (from a post on my facebook):
"We preach Islam as being intolerant, but really we need to take a look in the mirror. When a Muslim man tells me that, as a Christian, I am a follower of the one true God and I am to be blessed, I know that everyone else is just being intolerant."
And in my mind, that is all there is to be said.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
All of Her: Chapter Seven
Chapter Seven
At a quarter to six, I am getting ready to meet up with Clark. I find I am doing little things to make myself look pretty. Things I haven't really done since David. I actually care what I wear to this dinner. I laugh at myself while I put on my white Manolo Blahnik Pepe open toed heels. I stop as I remember how David saved for months to buy them for me last Christmas. And, now that I'm thinking about it, Alice also received a pair, except in black.
Is it a curse? I keep remembering all these warning signs I should've recognized then. I'm pretty sure it is a curse that some angry God has put on me for not presenting the proper sacrifices. Or maybe it is my evil twin. Or I have multiple personalities that noticed all the signs and laughed maniacally while I kept running ahead like a blind dullard.
This has been going on for a long time. I have been fighting for David's affection whilst he was busy falling in love with my best friend. Ex best friend.
I miss that friendship. I miss her. I hate her. I hate her so much. I hate this. I hate her. I hate him. I hate, hate, hate. I think that's all I know how to feel, besides pain.
What did I ever do to her to deserve this? Did I fail her in some major way? Did I do something wrong to provoke this? For that matter, did I fail David? Was I not good enough in bed? Or a decent enough cook? What could I have possibly done wrong?
I find that I can't wear my shoes. In fact, I never want to see them again. I rip them off of my feet and shove them to the very back of the closet. Maybe I'll sell them on Ebay or something. For now I'm going to pretend they don't exist. I'm going to pretend that this whole situation is in my imagination. I'm not going to allow this terrible depression make me go flat like a flan in a cupboard.
I have a date. A date with a man who finds me attractive (and has proven so twice). A date that I should finish getting ready for.
Clark and I meet up at the restaurant at seven, like we agreed. He is dressed down, a bit of a shock to my system since I've only seen him naked or in a suit and tie. Thinking of him naked sends a wave of red across my face. I feel a little over dressed in comparison.
He is wearing dark blue jeans, a nice tee shirt and sandals. I ended up opting for a dressy pair of flip-flops, a black pencil skirt and a flowy blouse. He doesn't seem to mind, however. He smiles and I melt a little.
No. I am not allowed to do any melting. This is a fling. A scheme to have copious amounts of sex and relate to a break up song. Nothing more. I have to remember that.
He kisses my cheek and holds out his arm. I smile in response and slip my arm through his.
"I'm glad you were able to make it." He says, as we are escorted to our booth.
"Me too." I say. I smile, but I'm not sure what else to say. What does one say on a second date?
"Do you maybe want to go to a movie or something after this?" He asks.
"I don't think I want to see anything that is out right now. But a movie does sound nice. Have anything in particular in mind that we could possibly rent?"
"We don't have to rent, I have a rather large movie collection. Unless you want something particularly rare." He smiles and takes a sip of his Raki. He offers me a sip, but when it comes close to my nose my eyes start to well up. I'm thinking Raki isn't going to be my thing.
While I ponder what movie I might want to watch, we order. For myself, I order oven-baked trout with onions and tomatoes. As well as some dolma and tarator. My eyes may be a little too big for my stomach. Maybe.
Clark orders lamb. A cute little baby animal cooked and served with yogurt in some dish called Tavë kosi. Is that a good reason to use later to break up with him? Probably not. That seems a little shallow. Of course, maybe he thinks that trout are adorable little creatures and I'm a bad person for eating them. Another side to the coin, one might say.
I glance around after we order. I've never been to this particular restaurant before. I think it is pretty.
"What made you choose this restaurant?" I ask.
"Don't you like it?" He asks. He looks worried for a moment. I smile and brush the question off.
"I was just curious. I've never been to this particular restaurant before. I was wondering if you came here often."
He smiles and, visibly, relaxes. Its as if he was waiting for me to confirm something. Or maybe that is just me.
"I like this place quite a bit." He says. "When I was in college I used to come here to study. It has that cozy feel about it, I guess."
He shrugs then and takes another sip of his Raki. I wonder, briefly, if this second date is as awkward as it feels or if it is just me. Is he having trouble making conversation too? Or is it just me? Is it warm in here?
"Are you okay?" He asks. He looks rather concerned. Have I suddenly gone bright red?
"Yes," I say. "I'm a little warm. And awkward."
"I have a small confession," I say. I open my mouth to explain why I feel so awkward. I close it again as I suddenly feel a little paralyzed. I see David and Alice come into the restaurant. I can't breathe. Really, out of all the restaurants in this town, they had to pick this one?
"What is it, Abra?"
"I have to go to the bathroom." I quickly stand up and attempt to look like I'm not fleeing. Which, I actually am.
"Wait, Abra," I turn just in time to see him stand up, his napkin clutched in one hand and his other reaching out as if he was trying to catch me. It is movie perfect, really. The girl running away and the boy reaching out to rescue her, but he doesn't catch her.
I reach the bathroom, only to discover that it is currently occupied. Stupid one room bathrooms! I did a dance that vaguely looks like an "I need to pee" dance. Its not that though. I'm afraid that Alice is going to have to "powder" her nose. When we were younger we always said that upon entering a restaurant. We'd giggle and grab each other's hands, run to the bathroom and sit on the counter for a few minutes doing our make-up and laughing.
We kissed once. Alice and I. We had gone to "powder" our noses, like so many other times before. It was a beautiful little bathroom in a tiny, out of the way, kind of Italian restaurant on Main street. The Beautiful Life, it said in fancy script above the tiny divan. We pretended we were fancy ladies attending a party, sitting on the divan and play acting. Moving through our rituals of make-up and laughter.
I'm not sure how we ended up kissing, it was such a strange moment. We were talking and then we weren't. We suddenly went very quiet, as if we were going to be overheard. And then, just as suddenly, we kissed. Our lips softly pressed together, a crimson blush staining both of our cheeks, our eyes closed. We stayed in that pose for a moment and then we never did it again. We never spoke of it, never mentioned it. It was as if we were ashamed of it.
Finally, after what just felt like an eternity of nostalgic reminiscing, the door to the bathroom opens and I practically knock the woman exiting out of the way. I don't slam the door. On purpose, anyway. I'm sure Clark is dying of embarrassment, I've made such a scene. I can't help it. I may lose all my self-respect if I break down out there now.
Who am I kidding? Since when do I have any self-respect?
I hear a knock at the door. I stay quiet a moment. The handle jiggles, I locked it. There is a knock again and a voice.
"Is someone in there?"
That's Alice now. I knew it wouldn't be long. Oh, but I've just trapped myself in here. There isn't a window out and I am going to have to go past her to get back to my seat. Shit.
"Just a minute." I try to disguise my voice a little. Not that it matters, because she is going to see me in a moment. Why bother?
Maybe I can use this to my advantage? I am with Clark, after all. I can act like I'm fine. Maybe make David a little jealous in the process. Doubtful, but worth a try anyway.
Shoulders back, Abra. You are brave, you are strong. You can do this. Right?
I take a deep breath as I open the door. Alice is looking down at her phone. She looks up at me, the smile fading so fast it might as well not have been there.
"Oh, hello, Alice! How are you?" I say, grinning like an idiot, I'm sure.
"A-a-abra?" I've never known her to stutter. She is blushing too, probably remembering my boobs right now. Or our long forgotten kiss.
"Coming to powder your nose, I see. The mirror is perfect for that." I hold the door open and gesture for her to enter. When we were friends I would've joined her, even though it is only a one room bathroom. She stares at me. You'd think I'd grown another head or something the way she is staring.
"Aren't you going in?" I say. She nods, her mouth a little agape. Once she has her back turned, I release the door and nonchalantly go back to my sit.
"What the hell is going on?" Clark whispers vehemently.
"Nothing." I say, sitting quietly and smiling at the waiter as he delivers our food.
"That sure didn't look like nothing, darling. What is going on?" He is upset and its my fault. I shouldn't act like this. I should know better.
"I'll explain later, I promise. Just not here and not now. Trust me?" I keep my smile pasted on my face. I look ridiculous. All of this is fucking ridiculous, but I'm not the one who decided to betray my fiance or my best friend.
Dinner is very quiet. Every now and then I glance over at David and Alice. They don't even notice me. They are canoodling, like they were that day on the beach. When they broke my heart. Clark watches me watching them. He begins to look like he understands. I don't think he likes what he is understanding.
I don't have the bravery to pretend, like I thought I would back when I was in the bathroom. I can't use Clark like that. It doesn't matter anyway, its not like they are even paying attention. They are too wrapped up in each other. It must be so nice, not having to hide their love anymore. Being able to meet in the open and not worry about me finding out.
Clark pays for dinner and we are silent as we walk to his car. The smells of downtown linger in my nose and the lights in the trees twinkle. I think about how perfect this setting is for making out. Just standing on the sidewalk, our bodies pressed close and our lips the only things moving.
"Explain." He says, interrupting my thoughts.
"I don't want to."
He grabs my shoulders and I find my back pressed against the side of his car. I am both aroused and unnerved.
"I like you, Abra. I really do. I would like to see you often. I'd even enjoy being your boyfriend, but this is not the way to start a relationship. I can't even be your friend if you won't tell me what is going on."
"I don't even know where to start." I say, trying to shake him off.
"Start somewhere and we'll piece it together. Please. I'm not just feeding you a line when I say that I want to be your boyfriend. I'm not just saying shit to get with you again. I enjoyed our time together and I'd like it to continue. I just can't do it if I don't understand what's going on. What happened in the restaurant?"
"I saw my ex." I say, simply.
"Okay. I've had bad break-ups. Why didn't you just ask if we could leave? I wouldn't have cared. We could've gone to any other restaurant."
"I don't know. I freeze when I see him. When I see who he is with. We were together ten years, Clark. We were getting married. He left me at the altar. He left me for my best friend and I just don't know how to deal with it. He was it. My all, my only lover, the only person I could ever see myself with. You're the only other person I've been with.
"I was going to tell you that I felt awkward because I'd never dated anyone else. And what David and I had can't be called 'dates' in the technical sense. We've just always been together. But I looked up and he and my ex-best friend walked in and all I could think was escape. It doesn't matter though, I missed my opportunity for a clean get away. I'm sorry for that. I kind of fucked everything up."
He stares at me for a moment, his grip on my shoulders loosens. I feel something cold running down my cheek. I don't have to touch it to know that its a tear and that I've started crying. Again. Then, I am encompassed in his arms, my face buried in his chest and his hand entangled in my hair. He holds me like that for several minutes. I don't mind. I like being close to him.
"Let's go back to my place and have a few drinks. We can watch a movie, like we were talking about earlier." He says. I nod and wipe a few stray tears from my face as I pull away.
He kisses me. It is amazing how gorgeous the world becomes when you are being kissed by someone who knows what they are doing. When he stops, I almost beg him not to. I'd much rather stand here and kiss him. I would much rather have this feeling stay, rather than being reminded of all the terrible feelings I've had of late.
He holds me close again.
"Be my girlfriend, Abra. Let me make you happy." He whispers. I pull back and look at him. He is so serious right now. I smile and nod. I don't know if he can make me happy, but I want to be with him. At least for now.
When we go back to his place, we snuggle up on the couch and watch a Cary Grant movie. I think I could fall in love with Clark, if only I wasn't so determined not to. Maybe I can change my mind. Maybe I can pretend that my heart has never been torn out of my chest. I can pretend it is still there. I could. But I don't know if I want to.
For now, I am content to just be his girlfriend.
At a quarter to six, I am getting ready to meet up with Clark. I find I am doing little things to make myself look pretty. Things I haven't really done since David. I actually care what I wear to this dinner. I laugh at myself while I put on my white Manolo Blahnik Pepe open toed heels. I stop as I remember how David saved for months to buy them for me last Christmas. And, now that I'm thinking about it, Alice also received a pair, except in black.
Is it a curse? I keep remembering all these warning signs I should've recognized then. I'm pretty sure it is a curse that some angry God has put on me for not presenting the proper sacrifices. Or maybe it is my evil twin. Or I have multiple personalities that noticed all the signs and laughed maniacally while I kept running ahead like a blind dullard.
This has been going on for a long time. I have been fighting for David's affection whilst he was busy falling in love with my best friend. Ex best friend.
I miss that friendship. I miss her. I hate her. I hate her so much. I hate this. I hate her. I hate him. I hate, hate, hate. I think that's all I know how to feel, besides pain.
What did I ever do to her to deserve this? Did I fail her in some major way? Did I do something wrong to provoke this? For that matter, did I fail David? Was I not good enough in bed? Or a decent enough cook? What could I have possibly done wrong?
I find that I can't wear my shoes. In fact, I never want to see them again. I rip them off of my feet and shove them to the very back of the closet. Maybe I'll sell them on Ebay or something. For now I'm going to pretend they don't exist. I'm going to pretend that this whole situation is in my imagination. I'm not going to allow this terrible depression make me go flat like a flan in a cupboard.
I have a date. A date with a man who finds me attractive (and has proven so twice). A date that I should finish getting ready for.
Clark and I meet up at the restaurant at seven, like we agreed. He is dressed down, a bit of a shock to my system since I've only seen him naked or in a suit and tie. Thinking of him naked sends a wave of red across my face. I feel a little over dressed in comparison.
He is wearing dark blue jeans, a nice tee shirt and sandals. I ended up opting for a dressy pair of flip-flops, a black pencil skirt and a flowy blouse. He doesn't seem to mind, however. He smiles and I melt a little.
No. I am not allowed to do any melting. This is a fling. A scheme to have copious amounts of sex and relate to a break up song. Nothing more. I have to remember that.
He kisses my cheek and holds out his arm. I smile in response and slip my arm through his.
"I'm glad you were able to make it." He says, as we are escorted to our booth.
"Me too." I say. I smile, but I'm not sure what else to say. What does one say on a second date?
"Do you maybe want to go to a movie or something after this?" He asks.
"I don't think I want to see anything that is out right now. But a movie does sound nice. Have anything in particular in mind that we could possibly rent?"
"We don't have to rent, I have a rather large movie collection. Unless you want something particularly rare." He smiles and takes a sip of his Raki. He offers me a sip, but when it comes close to my nose my eyes start to well up. I'm thinking Raki isn't going to be my thing.
While I ponder what movie I might want to watch, we order. For myself, I order oven-baked trout with onions and tomatoes. As well as some dolma and tarator. My eyes may be a little too big for my stomach. Maybe.
Clark orders lamb. A cute little baby animal cooked and served with yogurt in some dish called Tavë kosi. Is that a good reason to use later to break up with him? Probably not. That seems a little shallow. Of course, maybe he thinks that trout are adorable little creatures and I'm a bad person for eating them. Another side to the coin, one might say.
I glance around after we order. I've never been to this particular restaurant before. I think it is pretty.
"What made you choose this restaurant?" I ask.
"Don't you like it?" He asks. He looks worried for a moment. I smile and brush the question off.
"I was just curious. I've never been to this particular restaurant before. I was wondering if you came here often."
He smiles and, visibly, relaxes. Its as if he was waiting for me to confirm something. Or maybe that is just me.
"I like this place quite a bit." He says. "When I was in college I used to come here to study. It has that cozy feel about it, I guess."
He shrugs then and takes another sip of his Raki. I wonder, briefly, if this second date is as awkward as it feels or if it is just me. Is he having trouble making conversation too? Or is it just me? Is it warm in here?
"Are you okay?" He asks. He looks rather concerned. Have I suddenly gone bright red?
"Yes," I say. "I'm a little warm. And awkward."
"I have a small confession," I say. I open my mouth to explain why I feel so awkward. I close it again as I suddenly feel a little paralyzed. I see David and Alice come into the restaurant. I can't breathe. Really, out of all the restaurants in this town, they had to pick this one?
"What is it, Abra?"
"I have to go to the bathroom." I quickly stand up and attempt to look like I'm not fleeing. Which, I actually am.
"Wait, Abra," I turn just in time to see him stand up, his napkin clutched in one hand and his other reaching out as if he was trying to catch me. It is movie perfect, really. The girl running away and the boy reaching out to rescue her, but he doesn't catch her.
I reach the bathroom, only to discover that it is currently occupied. Stupid one room bathrooms! I did a dance that vaguely looks like an "I need to pee" dance. Its not that though. I'm afraid that Alice is going to have to "powder" her nose. When we were younger we always said that upon entering a restaurant. We'd giggle and grab each other's hands, run to the bathroom and sit on the counter for a few minutes doing our make-up and laughing.
We kissed once. Alice and I. We had gone to "powder" our noses, like so many other times before. It was a beautiful little bathroom in a tiny, out of the way, kind of Italian restaurant on Main street. The Beautiful Life, it said in fancy script above the tiny divan. We pretended we were fancy ladies attending a party, sitting on the divan and play acting. Moving through our rituals of make-up and laughter.
I'm not sure how we ended up kissing, it was such a strange moment. We were talking and then we weren't. We suddenly went very quiet, as if we were going to be overheard. And then, just as suddenly, we kissed. Our lips softly pressed together, a crimson blush staining both of our cheeks, our eyes closed. We stayed in that pose for a moment and then we never did it again. We never spoke of it, never mentioned it. It was as if we were ashamed of it.
Finally, after what just felt like an eternity of nostalgic reminiscing, the door to the bathroom opens and I practically knock the woman exiting out of the way. I don't slam the door. On purpose, anyway. I'm sure Clark is dying of embarrassment, I've made such a scene. I can't help it. I may lose all my self-respect if I break down out there now.
Who am I kidding? Since when do I have any self-respect?
I hear a knock at the door. I stay quiet a moment. The handle jiggles, I locked it. There is a knock again and a voice.
"Is someone in there?"
That's Alice now. I knew it wouldn't be long. Oh, but I've just trapped myself in here. There isn't a window out and I am going to have to go past her to get back to my seat. Shit.
"Just a minute." I try to disguise my voice a little. Not that it matters, because she is going to see me in a moment. Why bother?
Maybe I can use this to my advantage? I am with Clark, after all. I can act like I'm fine. Maybe make David a little jealous in the process. Doubtful, but worth a try anyway.
Shoulders back, Abra. You are brave, you are strong. You can do this. Right?
I take a deep breath as I open the door. Alice is looking down at her phone. She looks up at me, the smile fading so fast it might as well not have been there.
"Oh, hello, Alice! How are you?" I say, grinning like an idiot, I'm sure.
"A-a-abra?" I've never known her to stutter. She is blushing too, probably remembering my boobs right now. Or our long forgotten kiss.
"Coming to powder your nose, I see. The mirror is perfect for that." I hold the door open and gesture for her to enter. When we were friends I would've joined her, even though it is only a one room bathroom. She stares at me. You'd think I'd grown another head or something the way she is staring.
"Aren't you going in?" I say. She nods, her mouth a little agape. Once she has her back turned, I release the door and nonchalantly go back to my sit.
"What the hell is going on?" Clark whispers vehemently.
"Nothing." I say, sitting quietly and smiling at the waiter as he delivers our food.
"That sure didn't look like nothing, darling. What is going on?" He is upset and its my fault. I shouldn't act like this. I should know better.
"I'll explain later, I promise. Just not here and not now. Trust me?" I keep my smile pasted on my face. I look ridiculous. All of this is fucking ridiculous, but I'm not the one who decided to betray my fiance or my best friend.
Dinner is very quiet. Every now and then I glance over at David and Alice. They don't even notice me. They are canoodling, like they were that day on the beach. When they broke my heart. Clark watches me watching them. He begins to look like he understands. I don't think he likes what he is understanding.
I don't have the bravery to pretend, like I thought I would back when I was in the bathroom. I can't use Clark like that. It doesn't matter anyway, its not like they are even paying attention. They are too wrapped up in each other. It must be so nice, not having to hide their love anymore. Being able to meet in the open and not worry about me finding out.
Clark pays for dinner and we are silent as we walk to his car. The smells of downtown linger in my nose and the lights in the trees twinkle. I think about how perfect this setting is for making out. Just standing on the sidewalk, our bodies pressed close and our lips the only things moving.
"Explain." He says, interrupting my thoughts.
"I don't want to."
He grabs my shoulders and I find my back pressed against the side of his car. I am both aroused and unnerved.
"I like you, Abra. I really do. I would like to see you often. I'd even enjoy being your boyfriend, but this is not the way to start a relationship. I can't even be your friend if you won't tell me what is going on."
"I don't even know where to start." I say, trying to shake him off.
"Start somewhere and we'll piece it together. Please. I'm not just feeding you a line when I say that I want to be your boyfriend. I'm not just saying shit to get with you again. I enjoyed our time together and I'd like it to continue. I just can't do it if I don't understand what's going on. What happened in the restaurant?"
"I saw my ex." I say, simply.
"Okay. I've had bad break-ups. Why didn't you just ask if we could leave? I wouldn't have cared. We could've gone to any other restaurant."
"I don't know. I freeze when I see him. When I see who he is with. We were together ten years, Clark. We were getting married. He left me at the altar. He left me for my best friend and I just don't know how to deal with it. He was it. My all, my only lover, the only person I could ever see myself with. You're the only other person I've been with.
"I was going to tell you that I felt awkward because I'd never dated anyone else. And what David and I had can't be called 'dates' in the technical sense. We've just always been together. But I looked up and he and my ex-best friend walked in and all I could think was escape. It doesn't matter though, I missed my opportunity for a clean get away. I'm sorry for that. I kind of fucked everything up."
He stares at me for a moment, his grip on my shoulders loosens. I feel something cold running down my cheek. I don't have to touch it to know that its a tear and that I've started crying. Again. Then, I am encompassed in his arms, my face buried in his chest and his hand entangled in my hair. He holds me like that for several minutes. I don't mind. I like being close to him.
"Let's go back to my place and have a few drinks. We can watch a movie, like we were talking about earlier." He says. I nod and wipe a few stray tears from my face as I pull away.
He kisses me. It is amazing how gorgeous the world becomes when you are being kissed by someone who knows what they are doing. When he stops, I almost beg him not to. I'd much rather stand here and kiss him. I would much rather have this feeling stay, rather than being reminded of all the terrible feelings I've had of late.
He holds me close again.
"Be my girlfriend, Abra. Let me make you happy." He whispers. I pull back and look at him. He is so serious right now. I smile and nod. I don't know if he can make me happy, but I want to be with him. At least for now.
When we go back to his place, we snuggle up on the couch and watch a Cary Grant movie. I think I could fall in love with Clark, if only I wasn't so determined not to. Maybe I can change my mind. Maybe I can pretend that my heart has never been torn out of my chest. I can pretend it is still there. I could. But I don't know if I want to.
For now, I am content to just be his girlfriend.
I Got Ye, Babe.
And nobody but me, appreciates the joke I just made there. Oh well.
Today, thanks to one of my friends, I found (and subsequently fell in love with) this artist named Gotye. He is a Belgian-Australian (Donnie: Does that mean he likes Vegemite on his waffles?!) and I really love his music. I downloaded his latest album and I'm about half-way through it. I already have a couple favorites.
I suppose the other really interesting thing about this guy is how he dispersed his first record. He recorded clips for four different songs, wrote out the track list himself and made fifty copies, sending them out to a bunch of different radio stations.
He has such an interesting electronic/pop sound. If you are interested in the more electronic side of it, listen to his song "State of the Art." It is trippy as fuck to listen to, but awesome as hell!!
So, for your viewing pleasure, Somebody that I used to know by Gotye, feat. Kimbra.
Today, thanks to one of my friends, I found (and subsequently fell in love with) this artist named Gotye. He is a Belgian-Australian (Donnie: Does that mean he likes Vegemite on his waffles?!) and I really love his music. I downloaded his latest album and I'm about half-way through it. I already have a couple favorites.
I suppose the other really interesting thing about this guy is how he dispersed his first record. He recorded clips for four different songs, wrote out the track list himself and made fifty copies, sending them out to a bunch of different radio stations.
He has such an interesting electronic/pop sound. If you are interested in the more electronic side of it, listen to his song "State of the Art." It is trippy as fuck to listen to, but awesome as hell!!
So, for your viewing pleasure, Somebody that I used to know by Gotye, feat. Kimbra.
Friday, December 09, 2011
Who Says?
Okay, I'm going to hate myself for this later. I know I am. Oh well. It has to be said.
Who says you're not pretty?
Who says you're not worth it?
You have every right to a beautiful life.
These are a few of the things that are in a song that I, reluctantly, love. The reason I'm reluctant is because of the singer. There have been many songs that I liked and didn't like the singer. I don't mind the singer, per say. I just don't want to admit that I listen to this song on the internet (from which I can't take it back from). Especially since my hubby (Hi Babe!) reads my blog and he's going to tease me endlessly for this.
The song is "Who Says?" Its by... wait for it... Selena Gomez. Yeah, I know.
Got that out of your system? Okay, moving on.
The reason I like this song is because its true. She says a lot of things that need to be said to young women (and men) now-a-days.
You are beautiful.
You are perfect the way you are.
You can do anything you set your mind to.
The whole point is to believe in yourself. If you believe in you, who cares what other people say or do? We tie our self-esteem to sex for love, to whether we look like the girl in the magazines, to whether we are liked by the popular kids.
I am no beauty queen. I'm just beautiful me. And that's all I want to be.
So, Selena, though it is awkward for me to admit that I love this song, thank you. Thank you for speaking to not only the young women my sister's age, but to me too. Its something I need to remember too.
Who says you're not pretty?
Who says you're not worth it?
You have every right to a beautiful life.
These are a few of the things that are in a song that I, reluctantly, love. The reason I'm reluctant is because of the singer. There have been many songs that I liked and didn't like the singer. I don't mind the singer, per say. I just don't want to admit that I listen to this song on the internet (from which I can't take it back from). Especially since my hubby (Hi Babe!) reads my blog and he's going to tease me endlessly for this.
The song is "Who Says?" Its by... wait for it... Selena Gomez. Yeah, I know.
Got that out of your system? Okay, moving on.
The reason I like this song is because its true. She says a lot of things that need to be said to young women (and men) now-a-days.
You are beautiful.
You are perfect the way you are.
You can do anything you set your mind to.
The whole point is to believe in yourself. If you believe in you, who cares what other people say or do? We tie our self-esteem to sex for love, to whether we look like the girl in the magazines, to whether we are liked by the popular kids.
I am no beauty queen. I'm just beautiful me. And that's all I want to be.
So, Selena, though it is awkward for me to admit that I love this song, thank you. Thank you for speaking to not only the young women my sister's age, but to me too. Its something I need to remember too.
Defying Gravity
I love musicals. I do. I don't know that I've ever said that here though. I can't imagine why I wouldn't though.
I actually got my acting start in Musical Theatre in high school. I played an old prostitute who died on stage in "Oliver!". That was my acting debut, by the way. I died on stage for my first performance, something that stage actors fight to do. It is an honor to die onstage, for those who don't act. It takes a lot of courage and skill to stay dead, especially if you have two people completely forgetting your existence and breaking into song. That was fun.
The next year I played a nun in "The Sound of Music." I even got to play a main nun. Not the one I wanted, but a nun nonetheless. (Ha! See what I did there?)
All of this rambling brings me to the song "Defying Gravity" from the Broadway musical "Wicked." I find this song so inspiring and breathtaking. Sometimes literally, when I'm singing along. I almost have enough vocal power. But that is beside the point.
And as I'm listening to it I think about how I want to fly. I'm ready to try defying gravity. I'm ready to start the new life I have been saying I want. I'm through accepting limits, done staying on the ground because I haven't the wings to fly. Who says I can't fly? Who says I'm not smart? Or beautiful? Who says I can't be who and what I want to be?
I want to be a better writer.
I want to go back to school.
I want to fly! I want to defy gravity and stop stopping myself from leaving the ground.
Defying Gravity - Idina Menzel
I actually got my acting start in Musical Theatre in high school. I played an old prostitute who died on stage in "Oliver!". That was my acting debut, by the way. I died on stage for my first performance, something that stage actors fight to do. It is an honor to die onstage, for those who don't act. It takes a lot of courage and skill to stay dead, especially if you have two people completely forgetting your existence and breaking into song. That was fun.
The next year I played a nun in "The Sound of Music." I even got to play a main nun. Not the one I wanted, but a nun nonetheless. (Ha! See what I did there?)
All of this rambling brings me to the song "Defying Gravity" from the Broadway musical "Wicked." I find this song so inspiring and breathtaking. Sometimes literally, when I'm singing along. I almost have enough vocal power. But that is beside the point.
And as I'm listening to it I think about how I want to fly. I'm ready to try defying gravity. I'm ready to start the new life I have been saying I want. I'm through accepting limits, done staying on the ground because I haven't the wings to fly. Who says I can't fly? Who says I'm not smart? Or beautiful? Who says I can't be who and what I want to be?
I want to be a better writer.
I want to go back to school.
I want to fly! I want to defy gravity and stop stopping myself from leaving the ground.
Defying Gravity - Idina Menzel
Kill Her
Today's song is by a Hong Kong rock group called Ping Pung. The song is called "Kill Her." Not sure why, as I haven't read the lyrics. I just like the music and it always makes me think of ghosts or murder (wonder why?).
Great song though, as introduced to me by Pomegranate. ^_^
Kill Her - Ping Pung
Feel free to check out some of Ping Pung's other music. They are actually really good. Often transitioning between heavier stuff and some soft, almost lilting, music. I really like them!
Great song though, as introduced to me by Pomegranate. ^_^
Kill Her - Ping Pung
Feel free to check out some of Ping Pung's other music. They are actually really good. Often transitioning between heavier stuff and some soft, almost lilting, music. I really like them!
Thursday, December 08, 2011
Say Something. Anything.
Another one from Britain today. Another one that Trent introduced me to and I explored even more on my own.
This song is called "Say Something" by James. There are two different versions for this video. There is a US version and I guess a regular version.
I love the desperation of this song. I have felt this way before too. And I think it kind of relates to religion as well. Especially the lines,
"Say something, say something, anything. I've shown you everything, give me a sign. Say something, say something. Anything! Your silence is deafening."
Its kind of heartbreaking, when you think about it, really. You are trying so hard, but there is nothing there. Nothing to respond. Everything is dead, everyone is upset. There is no love or anything. When you think of it in that context, it is a very depressing and very sad song.
Say Something - James
This song is called "Say Something" by James. There are two different versions for this video. There is a US version and I guess a regular version.
I love the desperation of this song. I have felt this way before too. And I think it kind of relates to religion as well. Especially the lines,
"Say something, say something, anything. I've shown you everything, give me a sign. Say something, say something. Anything! Your silence is deafening."
Its kind of heartbreaking, when you think about it, really. You are trying so hard, but there is nothing there. Nothing to respond. Everything is dead, everyone is upset. There is no love or anything. When you think of it in that context, it is a very depressing and very sad song.
Say Something - James
Wednesday, December 07, 2011
Music, The Bread of Life
I am on a massive music kick right now, just going through my favorites on an old YouTube channel and going "Damn, why haven't I listened to that recently?" or "Holy Shiznit! I forgot all about that song!" It makes me want to post a shit ton of songs for no real reason!!
However, I'll settle for posting them everyday (or as I can, whatever works right?). The videos may not be so good, but its the song that matters, not the video. Am I right? And maybe this will help kick start my writing? Possibly?
Maybe not, but we'll give it a go. Aside from driving Donnie crazy, it makes me happy. ^_^
On to today's song!! There were so many to choose from, but I settled for "Dear God," by XTC. XTC is a British New-Wave band active from the 70's up until 2005. Trent first introduced me to this song (being that he has some interesting musical tastes as well) back before I moved to live with Fawn (2008).
I hope you like it as much as I do. I truly feel a lot of the lyrics for this song, being in a constant state of turmoil regarding the religion I was raised in and the disbelief I feel towards religion as a whole today. I believe in a God. Or gods/goddesses. I do not necessarily believe in the God of the Christians. Having been involved in Christianity for most of my life I know a lot about the bible and the beliefs system, but none of it seems to match up with what we are supposed to be doing. What we are supposed to be.
I can't follow a God who just allows stuff to happen. Or even condones it. I am not a metal to be fired. I am a human being who breaks much more easily than a metal. And though He says we never go through more than we can handle, there is a lot that I can't handle and I have gone through it. I survived (in some cases, barely), but does that mean I CAN handle it?
I don't know. Its all a huge mystery to me. I am not a "believer" (or belieber for that matter) anymore, but in many ways I miss going to church and praying to God. Strange, I know. Oh well. On to the song, shall we?
Dear God - XTC
However, I'll settle for posting them everyday (or as I can, whatever works right?). The videos may not be so good, but its the song that matters, not the video. Am I right? And maybe this will help kick start my writing? Possibly?
Maybe not, but we'll give it a go. Aside from driving Donnie crazy, it makes me happy. ^_^
On to today's song!! There were so many to choose from, but I settled for "Dear God," by XTC. XTC is a British New-Wave band active from the 70's up until 2005. Trent first introduced me to this song (being that he has some interesting musical tastes as well) back before I moved to live with Fawn (2008).
I hope you like it as much as I do. I truly feel a lot of the lyrics for this song, being in a constant state of turmoil regarding the religion I was raised in and the disbelief I feel towards religion as a whole today. I believe in a God. Or gods/goddesses. I do not necessarily believe in the God of the Christians. Having been involved in Christianity for most of my life I know a lot about the bible and the beliefs system, but none of it seems to match up with what we are supposed to be doing. What we are supposed to be.
I can't follow a God who just allows stuff to happen. Or even condones it. I am not a metal to be fired. I am a human being who breaks much more easily than a metal. And though He says we never go through more than we can handle, there is a lot that I can't handle and I have gone through it. I survived (in some cases, barely), but does that mean I CAN handle it?
I don't know. Its all a huge mystery to me. I am not a "believer" (or belieber for that matter) anymore, but in many ways I miss going to church and praying to God. Strange, I know. Oh well. On to the song, shall we?
Dear God - XTC
Sunday, December 04, 2011
I believe in watching (and reading) things that disturb me, because if I am not disturbed by watching a little girl lying in the street after being run over by two vans whose drivers didn't care and passersby just stare and walk on or seeing a tiger trapped and dying of starvation/dehydration while its habitat is destroyed just miles from it or reading the numbers tattooed on the arm of a Jewish child in a concentration camp then I am no longer moved to action. I am no longer the person I want to be if these things no longer bother me.
So if these images disturb you, if they tear at your heart and eat at you don't just sit there. Don't just stand by and allow yourself to become desensitized to the horrors that go on around you!
So if these images disturb you, if they tear at your heart and eat at you don't just sit there. Don't just stand by and allow yourself to become desensitized to the horrors that go on around you!
Marry the Night
So I watched the latest video by Lady Gaga and, once again, am not that impressed. I'd much rather she just be herself than do all this outlandish shit for attention!
When I came across this video I realized that I loved it. She looks beautiful, normal shall we say. And she relies more on her vocal prowess than she does crazy shit.
Lady Gaga, though you will never read this, I prefer this. I prefer you as you are. Not the bullshit that you say you are. You are talented and you put a lot of yourself into your music, so why go all out to force yourself into shapes and things that you aren't?
When I came across this video I realized that I loved it. She looks beautiful, normal shall we say. And she relies more on her vocal prowess than she does crazy shit.
Lady Gaga, though you will never read this, I prefer this. I prefer you as you are. Not the bullshit that you say you are. You are talented and you put a lot of yourself into your music, so why go all out to force yourself into shapes and things that you aren't?
Saturday, December 03, 2011
The Sound of Winter
If you are like me and like random music, you may have come across a band called Bush. Ring any bells? How about Glycerine? That is a song by them. Super popular when I was kid. Anyway they recently had a new song come out and I love it!! I really do!
Its called "The Sound of Winter" and whilst it has a kind of silly title (seeing as how Winter is a season not a sound, though you could associate various sounds with it) it is actually very good. Well sung and the lyrics aren't too shabby either.
Plus I love the lead singer's voice. AKA Gavin Rossdale (married to the beautiful Gwen Stefani).
The Sound of Winter - Bush.
Its called "The Sound of Winter" and whilst it has a kind of silly title (seeing as how Winter is a season not a sound, though you could associate various sounds with it) it is actually very good. Well sung and the lyrics aren't too shabby either.
Plus I love the lead singer's voice. AKA Gavin Rossdale (married to the beautiful Gwen Stefani).
The Sound of Winter - Bush.
Friday, December 02, 2011
The Lady Is A Tramp
I love old music. Like "The Lady is a Tramp." I especially love the Frank Sinatra version. And to be honest I wasn't expecting this video.
Lady Gaga and Tony Bennett. Who expects that combination?
Not going to lie, but Lady Gaga would've been fucking awesome if she had sung for this genre. Much better than the stuff she is putting out now. I hate "Marry the Night", however I love the prelude. Which, I'll post too. Gaga has the power to be awesome, without all the crazy shit. Without all the fake shit. You know? She could be awesome if she wasn't trying so hard to be "original." If she wasn't trying to so hard to prove a non-existent point.
Anywho here it is. The combination you weren't expecting. Lady Gaga and Tony Bennett.
Marry the Night Prelude Pathétique
Lady Gaga and Tony Bennett. Who expects that combination?
Not going to lie, but Lady Gaga would've been fucking awesome if she had sung for this genre. Much better than the stuff she is putting out now. I hate "Marry the Night", however I love the prelude. Which, I'll post too. Gaga has the power to be awesome, without all the crazy shit. Without all the fake shit. You know? She could be awesome if she wasn't trying so hard to be "original." If she wasn't trying to so hard to prove a non-existent point.
Anywho here it is. The combination you weren't expecting. Lady Gaga and Tony Bennett.
Marry the Night Prelude Pathétique
Thursday, December 01, 2011
Alice in Chains kind of night
That's right ladies and germs. I listen to Alice in Chains. Shocking, I'm sure. I listen to a lot of music, though my moods often switch to bouts of one genre or another. At any rate I am in the mood for Alice in Chains. Specifically Alice in Chains with Layne Staley. Alice in Chains after Layne is good too, but there is something about Layne's voice that really makes the song for me.
And he always wears sunglasses in a lot in their videos. Which strikes me as odd and oddly attractive. Gotta a love a guy that wears sunglasses all the time. It makes him mysterious and sexy... Though when I watch Layne singing I often think of him as having no top teeth. They are set so funny that it almost looks like he has no upper teeth. Which is creepy.
So in conclusion, Layne Staley is creepy, but hot. Hotly creepy? Creepily hot? *shrug*
Anywho, the particular Alice in Chains song I'm going to subject you to currently is We Die Young. Not my favorite, but I like the heavy guitar and Layne has long hair, so I'm cool with this.
Side Note: Just noticed the new YouTube. Don't know if I like it yet, but will find out shortly.
Random Tangent: Happy 1st of December!! Let the countdown to a pagan holiday dressed in Christian rags commence.
And he always wears sunglasses in a lot in their videos. Which strikes me as odd and oddly attractive. Gotta a love a guy that wears sunglasses all the time. It makes him mysterious and sexy... Though when I watch Layne singing I often think of him as having no top teeth. They are set so funny that it almost looks like he has no upper teeth. Which is creepy.
So in conclusion, Layne Staley is creepy, but hot. Hotly creepy? Creepily hot? *shrug*
Anywho, the particular Alice in Chains song I'm going to subject you to currently is We Die Young. Not my favorite, but I like the heavy guitar and Layne has long hair, so I'm cool with this.
Side Note: Just noticed the new YouTube. Don't know if I like it yet, but will find out shortly.
Random Tangent: Happy 1st of December!! Let the countdown to a pagan holiday dressed in Christian rags commence.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
What is this? The 1960's? This is so ridiculously unconstitutional! And how the hell does that promote "greater unity within the church body"?! Racist assholes!
Just when my faith in humanity is put to the test, I find another thing that brings it back up. I hope you all hear what age this young gentleman is in the end.
Just when my faith in humanity is put to the test, I find another thing that brings it back up. I hope you all hear what age this young gentleman is in the end.
Breaking In is Hard to Do. Or Not.
Dear Person who broke into my apartment and took my brother's things,
One, why the hell are you breaking into my apartment? I have nothing of real value for you to take.
Two, you took the last thing my brother had of my grandfather who died two years ago. This makes you the biggest dick ever.
Three, I wish Donnie had walked out for some coffee when you were taking Chris' wallet and DS, because he would've kicked your ass!
I hate you.
They found Chris' wallet behind apt. #66. The key ring, which belonged to Grandpa, has been torn off of it however. The only other things missing from the wallet are a few receipts and a dollar. It was more than likely a college kid living in this apartment building or the complex at any rate. I want to move.
One, why the hell are you breaking into my apartment? I have nothing of real value for you to take.
Two, you took the last thing my brother had of my grandfather who died two years ago. This makes you the biggest dick ever.
Three, I wish Donnie had walked out for some coffee when you were taking Chris' wallet and DS, because he would've kicked your ass!
I hate you.
They found Chris' wallet behind apt. #66. The key ring, which belonged to Grandpa, has been torn off of it however. The only other things missing from the wallet are a few receipts and a dollar. It was more than likely a college kid living in this apartment building or the complex at any rate. I want to move.
Monday, November 28, 2011
The King and the Clown
Last night I watched a movie called "The King and the Clown." It stars one of my new favorite Korean actors Lee Jun-Ki (aka: Lee Joon-Ki, Lee Joon-Gi, etc.), as well as Kam Wu-seong (who I think is going to be a new favorite of mine) and Kang Sung Yun from Happy Together!
This movie was incredible. Gorgeously shot, powerfully performed and the emotions behind it felt so intensely real.
My only main problem with this movie was the anachronistic language. The use of words like "fuck", "pussy" and "furry clam" were almost definitely not used in early 1500's Korea. The word "fuck" didn't appear in the United States until shortly after WWII. Aside from the blatant use of anachronistic words I loved this movie.
The relationships are tangled, the loves subdued and the views elegant.
If you love history or historic movies (or movies set in historic time periods) you will love this movie (I hope)!
I think the hardest parts for me to watch were when Gong-gil, Lee Jun-Ki's character, was crying. He is so lost in this movie, his body is being passed around for money and he has only one friend, whom he may or may not be in love with.
A touching and beautiful movie. I thoroughly enjoyed it. If you can, check it out from your library or see if it is on NetFlix. If you love Korean films, love stories and history, you will love this film.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Mephistopheles, or something
Pomegranate introduced this song to me and it makes me giggle. So I thought I'd post it, seeing as how I've not done much else recently... I promise I'm still working on Chapter Seven of "All of Her", but it isn't as easy as one would think. I've got a lot going on in my head.
For your enjoyment, horror or disgust here is Stephen Lynch with "Beelz"
For your enjoyment, horror or disgust here is Stephen Lynch with "Beelz"
Friday, November 25, 2011
Lady in the Street
Usher kind of night. Don't know why, but I love this song. I like dancing to this song. I wouldn't mind being Usher's "lady in the street, but a freak in the bed."
Thursday, November 24, 2011
A Name Change
I'm thinking about changing the names of David and Alice in "All of Her." No particular reason except that I don't feel like their names fit them. I named them, I created them, but I seem to have created them outside the realm of their names.
I always loved the name David. I still do. He was the Man after God's own heart, though he killed a man, he committed adultery and other things. He was a true man. He was a human being. I could believe in David. And as I'm writing this and the character David is a jerk. He is mean and unnecessarily cruel to Abra. He is someone I would never love or respect. He is someone who I detest. The more I create him, I feel he creates himself. And I don't like thinking of the David I have loved, a man after my own heart though he was full of sin and humanity, as this monster that I have created.
And Alice, I have personal reasons as to why I think I should change her name. And as to why, I probably should've never used that name in the first place. There are so many reasons and I think I have been insensitive to someone dear to me with my use of it. Though I love the name Alice. She is not the character I want to have that name.
I am open to suggestions, but I will be changing them. This is something I thought since day one and I wish I had done it sooner, since now it will be a little more confusing. At least you guys get to say you read the rough drafts of the story before it became famous lol. Like it will ever get finished. :sigh:
Happy Thanksgiving to those in the Northern Americas. I will be going to bed here soon as I have to work the dreaded "Black Friday."
love to all, these holidays.
I always loved the name David. I still do. He was the Man after God's own heart, though he killed a man, he committed adultery and other things. He was a true man. He was a human being. I could believe in David. And as I'm writing this and the character David is a jerk. He is mean and unnecessarily cruel to Abra. He is someone I would never love or respect. He is someone who I detest. The more I create him, I feel he creates himself. And I don't like thinking of the David I have loved, a man after my own heart though he was full of sin and humanity, as this monster that I have created.
And Alice, I have personal reasons as to why I think I should change her name. And as to why, I probably should've never used that name in the first place. There are so many reasons and I think I have been insensitive to someone dear to me with my use of it. Though I love the name Alice. She is not the character I want to have that name.
I am open to suggestions, but I will be changing them. This is something I thought since day one and I wish I had done it sooner, since now it will be a little more confusing. At least you guys get to say you read the rough drafts of the story before it became famous lol. Like it will ever get finished. :sigh:
Happy Thanksgiving to those in the Northern Americas. I will be going to bed here soon as I have to work the dreaded "Black Friday."
love to all, these holidays.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
All of Her: Chapter Six
I hesitate. I don't want to answer the door, but I don't want Noah to do it either. It isn't fair that I force him to answer my problems when they come knocking. I wish I could I just run to my bedroom. What used to be our room. Used to be our sanctuary from reality.
I can’t believe I’m still dying over all this. Of course, I should be a little easier on myself. After all it was a ten year mistake. I could’ve been doing something else useful during that time. Like not being in love with a jerk that dumped me at the altar. Like being my own independent and beautiful person. I could’ve been doing all that. Maybe married now with a baby on the way, with a man who appreciated me and loved me more than anyone else. Maybe in a different scenario I would end up with someone like Clark Samson, instead of just playing around.
I'm rambling and David is still waiting on the other side of the door.
Before I can say anything, my hesitation gets the better of me and Noah answers the door, allowing me to escape to my room. I'm such an idiot. I bang my head against the door and immediately regret it. Why did I do that? Because that is just as intelligent as forcing my best friend to have to deal with my ex. I'm a coward. Good Job, Abra. You're doing well, aren't you?
I hear the door close and I sneak back out toward the living room, peering around the corner. Noah is holding something in his hands. He seems irked, but no more than he was before. Of course, that was at me, maybe his displeasure has been aimed elsewhere by David's, oh so, inconvenient interruption. Well, inconvenient for Noah.
“What did he want?” I ask. Though, I'm pretty sure I know. Rent is due tomorrow.
“He was dropping off his portion of the rent. He was in a very sour mood.” Which explains why Noah looks annoyed. He hands me the check.
I can't help but smile at it. Like an idiot, I might add. I can't help that it still makes me giggle that he is stuck with me until the end of the lease. Or I find a roommate. Either way he gets to be uncomfortable for a little longer and I get to feel like I'm taking some small portion of vengeance.
“What is going on with you, Abra? What is going on inside your head? You are acting strange.” He pauses and then adds, “Okay, stranger than normal. Seriously, though. What is going on?”
“I’ve decided I no longer care, that's all.” I say, moving toward the kitchen. I realize I can’t continue living here, too many bad and wonderful memories. The lease is up in two months or so. I should start packing now.
“What is that supposed to mean?” Noah grabs my shoulders and turns me to face him. “Tell me, Abe. We’ve been friends for a long time; don’t try to diminish that by pretending that I don’t know that something is wrong.”
“I slept with Clark Samson last night. That is what you want to hear, isn’t it? I slept with him and I enjoyed it. For the first time since David, I really and truly enjoyed myself. I enjoyed it more than I ever did with David. And I’m not going to hold back from experiencing it with other people.”
“Oh babe, you aren’t going to find what you are looking for that way.” He looks disappointed. I hate that look.
“What am I looking for, Noah? What am I looking for that I can’t find in the arms of another man? Or woman, as the case may or may not be.”
“You do know that sex doesn’t equal love, right? That it doesn’t equal fulfillment or anything like that?” He looks at me very seriously. Of course I know these things. But for a few moments it’s easy enough to believe that sex does equal those things. For a few moments the whole world melts away and you can make-believe that you are in love and fulfilled. Well, filled anyway.
“I’m not doing it to get fulfillment, Noah. Nor am I seeking love. Love is a poison and I’ve had enough of it. I’ve just decided to live out some of those break-up songs that I hear on the radio. I’ve just decided to date who I want and then decide when I’m done. I’ve decided to do what I want, because I’ve lost all desire to care.”
“You are going to date people in the hopes that it will end up matching a situation in a break-up song? Doesn’t that seem a little stupid to you?”
“Well, yes. But the idea of not caring any more because of one relationship seems a little stupid too.” I shake myself out of his grip and start marching toward my bedroom.
“No, that is the only part that makes sense!” He says. He follows me to my bedroom. “David is the only man you’ve ever been with. Well, was the only man you had ever been with. It is not that strange that you would be devastated by the break-up. I mean, you almost married him! Of course you are going to be numb and not care. I felt the same way after my break-up with Matthias. Surely you remember how devastated I was. I couldn't eat or sleep. I was a nervous wreck, I was depressed as hell.”
Several snarky and uncharacteristic comments pop into mind. I ignore them and flop down on my bed. It is a failing attempt to cover up the tears that are welling up. I don't want to cry. Not again. Not anymore. I want to be happy and do whatever the hell I want, with who I want. I want to be with Clark until I decide that I need to move on.
"You are just failing to realize that I've lost my mind." I mumble.
"No, I've noticed. I am just trying to reason with the small part of your mind that must still be in there somewhere."
He sighs and sits on the bed next to me. I peek up at him. He is staring off into space. Unexpectedly, he lies down next to me and pulls me into his arms. I don’t know why, but this makes the tears I’ve been fighting come. He holds me, in my bed, until I’m all cried out. We lay like this for awhile. I don’t even know how long. I’ve lost track of time in this insanity. He kisses me on the cheek and wipes away a stray tear or two. A sweet best friend, that I don't deserve.
Sometimes, like right now, I wish he wasn’t gay. I could be in love with Noah. I wonder if we would’ve been happy if things had worked out differently. I suppose, however, there is no use in daydreaming on it. I wouldn’t change him for the world. Just being here with him is good enough.
Nothing has changed, however. I am still going to go through with my plan. I consider this to be the sexual equivalent of cutting myself. I know it is harmful, but I don’t know any other way to express the emotions and non-emotions I feel. I don’t know how else to communicate with that part of me.
Though a part of me doesn't want him to leave, I urge Noah to go home. That I'll be fine. I'm going to take a hot bath and then relax for the rest of the afternoon. Maybe watch a sappy movie. He asks if he should come back after my bath and watch it with me. I tell him not to worry about it. He has work tomorrow like I do.
"Are you sure?" He asks.
"I'm sure. I'll be fine." I force a smile. Right this moment I just want to be alone. Maybe listen to those break-up songs. Take a nice long bubble bath in my big claw foot bath tub. Plan my next move maybe? I kiss Noah’s cheek and close the door behind him.
As the water warms, I get the CD I was listening to when I left my mother’s house on homecoming night. Clark will need a song. Which song shall I re-create? To be honest, I hadn’t actually thought about re-creating the scenarios in break-up songs so much as just having something to kind of relate to. I won’t tell Noah that he actually gave me an idea. A little bit worse of an idea too. I think he already feels guilty enough without me adding to it.
I sink into the hot, soapy, water and turn the music on. The first song is Alanis. Her scathing lyrics fill my bathroom with rage. That song belongs squarely on David's shoulders. No other song fits so perfectly. If only I could stay angry. When I see him all of the old feelings flood up to the surface.
I want as sweet a break-up with Clark as possible. No broken hearts, no tears. Just a soft parting of ways. Just a softly spoken goodbye. Are those kinds of break-ups possible? Is it possible to be friends with former lovers? I've been so naive and sheltered when it comes to relationships. I should've left David years ago.
Thinking of Clark makes me feel all fuzzy and warm inside. I feel a little drunk, except I haven't been drinking. Maybe I should actually try with him. Maybe we could be happy? Or maybe we wouldn't be.
Its moments like this that I wish I was a poet or a writer in general. I'd have so much material to work with. I'd be up to my eyeballs in sappy, heart-ache crap. Enough to write a novel, a book of short stories and a book of poetry. Okay, that might be a bit of an exaggeration, but I could write a lot.
I've been so deep in thought my water has gone cold and my CD is skipping. I shiver as I drain the tub and stop the CD. I wrap a big, fluffy, towel around myself and pad my way into the bedroom. Snuggles is sprawled on my bed, napping. I rub his head as I walk to my vanity.
I notice some dark circles under my eyes. I wish I could sleep like I did in Clark's arms every time. I've never felt so secure. Not even with David. Whom I've decided to refer to as jerk-who-shall-go-un-named.
I suppose its time to tally the toll all this has taken. I've lost fifteen pounds from not eating. I've lost the will to look beautiful. I don't sleep. And when I do it is the worst sleep ever. My honey-gold hair looks lackluster and my cocoa colored eyes have lost their shine. I've become a slut. All because of one measly ten year relationship. One stupid jerk-who-shall-go-un-named. What an asshole.
Its only four o'clock and I want to give up for the day. I am just about to go take a nap when my phone rings. The caller ID lists a number I don't recognize. I don't think I'll answer it. I don't know if I want to answer. I debate, internally of course, for a moment.
"Hello?" I say.
"I know the rule is three days," says a sexy voice similar to that of Sam Eliot. "but I couldn't stand to wait. Do you want to go get dinner tonight?"
"Clark? Didn't we just have breakfast?" I giggle.
"I know, I know. But won't you be hungry again in two hours or so?" He sounds so sweet. I really do want to go out with him tonight. If only to feel like I'm not completely alone. Maybe we could have a repeat of last night (without the crying) and I can get some well-deserved rest.
"Sure," I say. "why not? Where do you want to meet?"
We decide on an Albanian restaurant downtown. I say I'll meet him at seven. He lingers on the line for a moment before hanging up. Sounds like he likes me too.
I know what song I want to remember Clark by. After all we've been through, I know we're cool.
It hasn't been very long, but already I'm thinking of breaking up with him. We aren't even officially dating yet and I'm thinking of ending this fledgling relationship. Common sense says to give it a couple months and then bail, but my heart is terrified I'll fall in love with him.
I'll give it a couple months. I can't bail now, that defeats the point of break up songs and random relationships with random people. This isn't what I wanted. This isn't what I want. I'm too deep to get out now, though.
Take a deep breath. Close your eyes. Here's to the plunge.
I can’t believe I’m still dying over all this. Of course, I should be a little easier on myself. After all it was a ten year mistake. I could’ve been doing something else useful during that time. Like not being in love with a jerk that dumped me at the altar. Like being my own independent and beautiful person. I could’ve been doing all that. Maybe married now with a baby on the way, with a man who appreciated me and loved me more than anyone else. Maybe in a different scenario I would end up with someone like Clark Samson, instead of just playing around.
I'm rambling and David is still waiting on the other side of the door.
Before I can say anything, my hesitation gets the better of me and Noah answers the door, allowing me to escape to my room. I'm such an idiot. I bang my head against the door and immediately regret it. Why did I do that? Because that is just as intelligent as forcing my best friend to have to deal with my ex. I'm a coward. Good Job, Abra. You're doing well, aren't you?
I hear the door close and I sneak back out toward the living room, peering around the corner. Noah is holding something in his hands. He seems irked, but no more than he was before. Of course, that was at me, maybe his displeasure has been aimed elsewhere by David's, oh so, inconvenient interruption. Well, inconvenient for Noah.
“What did he want?” I ask. Though, I'm pretty sure I know. Rent is due tomorrow.
“He was dropping off his portion of the rent. He was in a very sour mood.” Which explains why Noah looks annoyed. He hands me the check.
I can't help but smile at it. Like an idiot, I might add. I can't help that it still makes me giggle that he is stuck with me until the end of the lease. Or I find a roommate. Either way he gets to be uncomfortable for a little longer and I get to feel like I'm taking some small portion of vengeance.
“What is going on with you, Abra? What is going on inside your head? You are acting strange.” He pauses and then adds, “Okay, stranger than normal. Seriously, though. What is going on?”
“I’ve decided I no longer care, that's all.” I say, moving toward the kitchen. I realize I can’t continue living here, too many bad and wonderful memories. The lease is up in two months or so. I should start packing now.
“What is that supposed to mean?” Noah grabs my shoulders and turns me to face him. “Tell me, Abe. We’ve been friends for a long time; don’t try to diminish that by pretending that I don’t know that something is wrong.”
“I slept with Clark Samson last night. That is what you want to hear, isn’t it? I slept with him and I enjoyed it. For the first time since David, I really and truly enjoyed myself. I enjoyed it more than I ever did with David. And I’m not going to hold back from experiencing it with other people.”
“Oh babe, you aren’t going to find what you are looking for that way.” He looks disappointed. I hate that look.
“What am I looking for, Noah? What am I looking for that I can’t find in the arms of another man? Or woman, as the case may or may not be.”
“You do know that sex doesn’t equal love, right? That it doesn’t equal fulfillment or anything like that?” He looks at me very seriously. Of course I know these things. But for a few moments it’s easy enough to believe that sex does equal those things. For a few moments the whole world melts away and you can make-believe that you are in love and fulfilled. Well, filled anyway.
“I’m not doing it to get fulfillment, Noah. Nor am I seeking love. Love is a poison and I’ve had enough of it. I’ve just decided to live out some of those break-up songs that I hear on the radio. I’ve just decided to date who I want and then decide when I’m done. I’ve decided to do what I want, because I’ve lost all desire to care.”
“You are going to date people in the hopes that it will end up matching a situation in a break-up song? Doesn’t that seem a little stupid to you?”
“Well, yes. But the idea of not caring any more because of one relationship seems a little stupid too.” I shake myself out of his grip and start marching toward my bedroom.
“No, that is the only part that makes sense!” He says. He follows me to my bedroom. “David is the only man you’ve ever been with. Well, was the only man you had ever been with. It is not that strange that you would be devastated by the break-up. I mean, you almost married him! Of course you are going to be numb and not care. I felt the same way after my break-up with Matthias. Surely you remember how devastated I was. I couldn't eat or sleep. I was a nervous wreck, I was depressed as hell.”
Several snarky and uncharacteristic comments pop into mind. I ignore them and flop down on my bed. It is a failing attempt to cover up the tears that are welling up. I don't want to cry. Not again. Not anymore. I want to be happy and do whatever the hell I want, with who I want. I want to be with Clark until I decide that I need to move on.
"You are just failing to realize that I've lost my mind." I mumble.
"No, I've noticed. I am just trying to reason with the small part of your mind that must still be in there somewhere."
He sighs and sits on the bed next to me. I peek up at him. He is staring off into space. Unexpectedly, he lies down next to me and pulls me into his arms. I don’t know why, but this makes the tears I’ve been fighting come. He holds me, in my bed, until I’m all cried out. We lay like this for awhile. I don’t even know how long. I’ve lost track of time in this insanity. He kisses me on the cheek and wipes away a stray tear or two. A sweet best friend, that I don't deserve.
Sometimes, like right now, I wish he wasn’t gay. I could be in love with Noah. I wonder if we would’ve been happy if things had worked out differently. I suppose, however, there is no use in daydreaming on it. I wouldn’t change him for the world. Just being here with him is good enough.
Nothing has changed, however. I am still going to go through with my plan. I consider this to be the sexual equivalent of cutting myself. I know it is harmful, but I don’t know any other way to express the emotions and non-emotions I feel. I don’t know how else to communicate with that part of me.
Though a part of me doesn't want him to leave, I urge Noah to go home. That I'll be fine. I'm going to take a hot bath and then relax for the rest of the afternoon. Maybe watch a sappy movie. He asks if he should come back after my bath and watch it with me. I tell him not to worry about it. He has work tomorrow like I do.
"Are you sure?" He asks.
"I'm sure. I'll be fine." I force a smile. Right this moment I just want to be alone. Maybe listen to those break-up songs. Take a nice long bubble bath in my big claw foot bath tub. Plan my next move maybe? I kiss Noah’s cheek and close the door behind him.
As the water warms, I get the CD I was listening to when I left my mother’s house on homecoming night. Clark will need a song. Which song shall I re-create? To be honest, I hadn’t actually thought about re-creating the scenarios in break-up songs so much as just having something to kind of relate to. I won’t tell Noah that he actually gave me an idea. A little bit worse of an idea too. I think he already feels guilty enough without me adding to it.
I sink into the hot, soapy, water and turn the music on. The first song is Alanis. Her scathing lyrics fill my bathroom with rage. That song belongs squarely on David's shoulders. No other song fits so perfectly. If only I could stay angry. When I see him all of the old feelings flood up to the surface.
I want as sweet a break-up with Clark as possible. No broken hearts, no tears. Just a soft parting of ways. Just a softly spoken goodbye. Are those kinds of break-ups possible? Is it possible to be friends with former lovers? I've been so naive and sheltered when it comes to relationships. I should've left David years ago.
Thinking of Clark makes me feel all fuzzy and warm inside. I feel a little drunk, except I haven't been drinking. Maybe I should actually try with him. Maybe we could be happy? Or maybe we wouldn't be.
Its moments like this that I wish I was a poet or a writer in general. I'd have so much material to work with. I'd be up to my eyeballs in sappy, heart-ache crap. Enough to write a novel, a book of short stories and a book of poetry. Okay, that might be a bit of an exaggeration, but I could write a lot.
I've been so deep in thought my water has gone cold and my CD is skipping. I shiver as I drain the tub and stop the CD. I wrap a big, fluffy, towel around myself and pad my way into the bedroom. Snuggles is sprawled on my bed, napping. I rub his head as I walk to my vanity.
I notice some dark circles under my eyes. I wish I could sleep like I did in Clark's arms every time. I've never felt so secure. Not even with David. Whom I've decided to refer to as jerk-who-shall-go-un-named.
I suppose its time to tally the toll all this has taken. I've lost fifteen pounds from not eating. I've lost the will to look beautiful. I don't sleep. And when I do it is the worst sleep ever. My honey-gold hair looks lackluster and my cocoa colored eyes have lost their shine. I've become a slut. All because of one measly ten year relationship. One stupid jerk-who-shall-go-un-named. What an asshole.
Its only four o'clock and I want to give up for the day. I am just about to go take a nap when my phone rings. The caller ID lists a number I don't recognize. I don't think I'll answer it. I don't know if I want to answer. I debate, internally of course, for a moment.
"Hello?" I say.
"I know the rule is three days," says a sexy voice similar to that of Sam Eliot. "but I couldn't stand to wait. Do you want to go get dinner tonight?"
"Clark? Didn't we just have breakfast?" I giggle.
"I know, I know. But won't you be hungry again in two hours or so?" He sounds so sweet. I really do want to go out with him tonight. If only to feel like I'm not completely alone. Maybe we could have a repeat of last night (without the crying) and I can get some well-deserved rest.
"Sure," I say. "why not? Where do you want to meet?"
We decide on an Albanian restaurant downtown. I say I'll meet him at seven. He lingers on the line for a moment before hanging up. Sounds like he likes me too.
I know what song I want to remember Clark by. After all we've been through, I know we're cool.
It hasn't been very long, but already I'm thinking of breaking up with him. We aren't even officially dating yet and I'm thinking of ending this fledgling relationship. Common sense says to give it a couple months and then bail, but my heart is terrified I'll fall in love with him.
I'll give it a couple months. I can't bail now, that defeats the point of break up songs and random relationships with random people. This isn't what I wanted. This isn't what I want. I'm too deep to get out now, though.
Take a deep breath. Close your eyes. Here's to the plunge.
All of Her,
Thanksgiving Wishes
I wish I wouldn't get so frustrated by my writing.
I wish the world was a perfect place.
I wish I was skinny.
Oh, wait. Thanksgiving isn't a wishing holiday? Well, damn.
I wish the world was a perfect place.
I wish I was skinny.
Oh, wait. Thanksgiving isn't a wishing holiday? Well, damn.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
The Nook
So my mom bought me a Nook Tablet for some strange reason. I don't mind, its just weird. That is what I am posting from now. It is kind of cool though. I can play music and watch videos as well as check out my favorite websites. Now, as soon as I find my wallet I will start downloading free e-books and we'll give it a go.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Quote Me
Donnie: You know what's nice?
Me: What?
Donnie: Lesbians. Lesbians are nice.
Me: Thanks for that.
Me: You're not allowed to die. Because if you do, who will I have sex with?
Pomme: Oh my god!
Donnie: Fawn.
Pomme: AHHH!!!
Donnie: Problem Solved.
Pomme: Ya know I would question Sarai more, but then I look at who she is married to and all my questions disappear.
Derrick J: To paraphrase Scotty, "I'm givin' it all I've got, world, not to punch ye in the face! If ye push my engines any further they'll tell ye to blow me!"
Me: You know it is Halloween when you turn on your car and the radio is playing "Ghostbusters".
Me: Don't be a cunt muffin!!
Donnie: Waffle cones are superior to cake cones. Discuss.
Me: I swear to god, I will flick you in the tit.
Pomme: Umma! Not only is that child abuse, its awkward!
Donnie: That's the point. If its awkward enough they won't report the child abuse to the police.
Pomme: That's fucked up.
Me: My Swedish Meatballs box says to stir the macaroni and cheese. Except, its Swedish Meatballs... Where did the mac and cheese come from?
Me: You know what really makes the "White and Nerdy" music video by Weird Al? Donny Osmond dancing like an idiot in the background. That part just never gets old.
Me: Of all the gin joints in all the world, she had to karaoke in mine.
Joe T: Oh, c'mon! You can't fool me! You gay park your car all of the time! (Are your pants on fire, yet?) :-)
Jaime N: Did u at least lezbo park it? lol
Pomme: So Sarai and Donnie had their troll flakes this morning!! DID YOU?
Donnie: My name is Pajamy and I LOVE nightwear!
Adam C.: Pajamy, meet Teddy :-)
Uncle Jerry: Hay, you forgot to tell me it was your birthday. Great Uncles don't know about these things 'caus we don't have birthdays anymore. HAVE A HAPPY ONE!!!!!!
Me: Also, Donnie needs to stop breathing leaves... just sayin'.
Mom: They are liquidating their cattle.
Me: Ew! No one wants liquid cattle!
Me: What?
Donnie: Lesbians. Lesbians are nice.
Me: Thanks for that.
Me: You're not allowed to die. Because if you do, who will I have sex with?
Pomme: Oh my god!
Donnie: Fawn.
Pomme: AHHH!!!
Donnie: Problem Solved.
Pomme: Ya know I would question Sarai more, but then I look at who she is married to and all my questions disappear.
Derrick J: To paraphrase Scotty, "I'm givin' it all I've got, world, not to punch ye in the face! If ye push my engines any further they'll tell ye to blow me!"
Me: You know it is Halloween when you turn on your car and the radio is playing "Ghostbusters".
Me: Don't be a cunt muffin!!
Donnie: Waffle cones are superior to cake cones. Discuss.
Me: I swear to god, I will flick you in the tit.
Pomme: Umma! Not only is that child abuse, its awkward!
Donnie: That's the point. If its awkward enough they won't report the child abuse to the police.
Pomme: That's fucked up.
Me: My Swedish Meatballs box says to stir the macaroni and cheese. Except, its Swedish Meatballs... Where did the mac and cheese come from?
Me: You know what really makes the "White and Nerdy" music video by Weird Al? Donny Osmond dancing like an idiot in the background. That part just never gets old.
Me: Of all the gin joints in all the world, she had to karaoke in mine.
Joe T: Oh, c'mon! You can't fool me! You gay park your car all of the time! (Are your pants on fire, yet?) :-)
Jaime N: Did u at least lezbo park it? lol
Pomme: So Sarai and Donnie had their troll flakes this morning!! DID YOU?
Donnie: My name is Pajamy and I LOVE nightwear!
Adam C.: Pajamy, meet Teddy :-)
Uncle Jerry: Hay, you forgot to tell me it was your birthday. Great Uncles don't know about these things 'caus we don't have birthdays anymore. HAVE A HAPPY ONE!!!!!!
Me: Also, Donnie needs to stop breathing leaves... just sayin'.
Mom: They are liquidating their cattle.
Me: Ew! No one wants liquid cattle!
Thanksgiving will never be the same again.
Facebook is a strange place. However there is a fun thing that I just decided to do at random and the resulting conversation occurred.
It's THANKSGIVING time!!! How Dysfunctional is YOUR Dinner???
Go to your profile and put in the first 10 people on the left...NO CHEATING!!! (I cheated :P I knew who it was going to be when I went looking for it!)
Forgot the Turkey: Brooke T.
Burns the Dressing: Jennifer H.
Drops the Potato Salad: Megan M.
Eats all the Pecan Pie before Anybody Else gets Any: Melissa H.
Spills Red Wine All Over Your White Tablecloth: Cassie C.
Brings a "Surprise Guest" Nobody was Expecting: Kyle M.
Gets Mad & Leaves in the Middle of Dinner: Fawny
Starts Crying Over Something Silly: Samantha B.
Forgets to Show Up at All: Saira J.
Pom Pomme Pomegranate: To be fair I think any thanksgiving is going to be strange with Sarai and Fawn! LOL
Brooke T: I don't think I'd forget the turkey, I think I would just bring a ham instead... lol
Fawn: Bringing pork products to the table is what makes me get angry and leave! ;)
Pomme: lol
Me: There we are. We've figured out a coherent story for this.
Pomme: :P umm I am posting what you all just said on my status.
Me: Nice, Pomme, nice~
Brooke: now we just need to figure out how to bring unicorns into this and it'll be the perfect dysfunctional thanksgiving
Me: Agreed. Um, Joe N. is the surprise guest, even though Kyle M. has no clue who he is and by his awesomeness Joe has unicorns. Problem solved.
Fawn: No... Japanese boys pretending to be girls, pretending to be boys, pretending to be girls, riding those unicorns, and it would be a PERFECT Thanksgiving, I'd be thankful for that... 1 wish, and Aoi in front of me, what's more perfect than that?
Me: Oh my.... That's why you get mad too. Unicorns no longer grant wishes...
Pomme: O_O now I am scared...
Fawn: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Aw well, fuck the wish, and fuck Aoi... right on the Thanksgiving table... <.< ... >.>
Pomme: there there Fawny~ (before she realizes what Fawn just said...) OMO~ I DIDN'T NEED TO SEE THAT!
Me: Oh my... I think Thanksgiving is canceled.
Fawn: ROFLMMFAO!!!!!
Pomme: Well we are having thanksgiving we are just not letting Aoi come~~
Me: THAT WAS AWFUL WORDING ON YOUR PART!!! (BTW, Brooke, I'm sorry lol)
Me: Her and her transvestite barbarian.
Brooke: the whole time I read this conversation, I thought: HAPPY THANKSGIVING! XD
Fawn: DAMN STRAIGHT! My transvestite barbarian is sexy.
Me: Thanksgiving will never be the same again.
Pomme: OMO~ *Dies* Yes to some it is a very happy thanksgiving~ LOL NEVER~~ I don't even know how I am going to eat with my family now. lol
Fawn: Err... guys... Aoi and I kind of ruined the food... anyone in the mood for takeout?
Me: Why, Fawn, why?!
Pomme: O_O ya know... I think I am no longer hungry..... *Cries self to sleep*
Fawn: *dies of laughter* Oh that was fun. Until next year.
Pomme: LOL OH thanksgiving will never be forgotten. LOL My moms are some crazy people~
Brooke: good God PLEASE don't ruin my Christmas
Pomme: LOL!!!!! I am with Brooke!
Fawn: Oh an encore at Christmas sounds devine...
Brooke: but not with us... lol
Fawn: Snow makes for a chilly Christmas orgy...
Pomme: LOL THAT IS TRUE!!! NEVERMIND NO SNOW!! I don't want them snowed in with us! LOL
Fawn: Saga will see it, he will tell Ruki, and Ruki will tell Aoi... and I will get emails rofl!!!
Brooke: never again will I be able to have an innocent Christmas dinner at my grandmother's
Fawn: Grandma is not invited to my orgy damn it... that would just be weird...
Pomme: I don't want to be there either you guys are my mothers!!!! *cries* AND OMO I wish I would have known he would see this!!! No one involve the damn Tiger! OKAY!
Brooke: Hmm....I'm afraid if I go to sleep now then I'll have some jacked-up nightmares
Pomme: Brooke I am scared too~
Fawn: Honey if Saga sees it, Tora will hear about it lol.
Pomme: Great if they ever meet us they are going to think we are all fucked up~ Thanks Fawn!
Fawn: You're welcome. ^______^V
Pomme: YOu love us so much~~ I can tell
Fawn: I do, hence I invited you to the orgy, what kind of parent would I be if I hadn't? :D
Pomme: *head on desk*
It's THANKSGIVING time!!! How Dysfunctional is YOUR Dinner???
Go to your profile and put in the first 10 people on the left...NO CHEATING!!! (I cheated :P I knew who it was going to be when I went looking for it!)
Forgot the Turkey: Brooke T.
Burns the Dressing: Jennifer H.
Drops the Potato Salad: Megan M.
Eats all the Pecan Pie before Anybody Else gets Any: Melissa H.
Spills Red Wine All Over Your White Tablecloth: Cassie C.
Brings a "Surprise Guest" Nobody was Expecting: Kyle M.
Gets Mad & Leaves in the Middle of Dinner: Fawny
Starts Crying Over Something Silly: Samantha B.
Forgets to Show Up at All: Saira J.
Pom Pomme Pomegranate: To be fair I think any thanksgiving is going to be strange with Sarai and Fawn! LOL
Brooke T: I don't think I'd forget the turkey, I think I would just bring a ham instead... lol
Fawn: Bringing pork products to the table is what makes me get angry and leave! ;)
Pomme: lol
Me: There we are. We've figured out a coherent story for this.
Pomme: :P umm I am posting what you all just said on my status.
Me: Nice, Pomme, nice~
Brooke: now we just need to figure out how to bring unicorns into this and it'll be the perfect dysfunctional thanksgiving
Me: Agreed. Um, Joe N. is the surprise guest, even though Kyle M. has no clue who he is and by his awesomeness Joe has unicorns. Problem solved.
Fawn: No... Japanese boys pretending to be girls, pretending to be boys, pretending to be girls, riding those unicorns, and it would be a PERFECT Thanksgiving, I'd be thankful for that... 1 wish, and Aoi in front of me, what's more perfect than that?
Me: Oh my.... That's why you get mad too. Unicorns no longer grant wishes...
Pomme: O_O now I am scared...
Fawn: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Aw well, fuck the wish, and fuck Aoi... right on the Thanksgiving table... <.< ... >.>
Pomme: there there Fawny~ (before she realizes what Fawn just said...) OMO~ I DIDN'T NEED TO SEE THAT!
Me: Oh my... I think Thanksgiving is canceled.
Fawn: ROFLMMFAO!!!!!
Pomme: Well we are having thanksgiving we are just not letting Aoi come~~
Me: THAT WAS AWFUL WORDING ON YOUR PART!!! (BTW, Brooke, I'm sorry lol)
Me: Her and her transvestite barbarian.
Brooke: the whole time I read this conversation, I thought: HAPPY THANKSGIVING! XD
Fawn: DAMN STRAIGHT! My transvestite barbarian is sexy.
Me: Thanksgiving will never be the same again.
Pomme: OMO~ *Dies* Yes to some it is a very happy thanksgiving~ LOL NEVER~~ I don't even know how I am going to eat with my family now. lol
Fawn: Err... guys... Aoi and I kind of ruined the food... anyone in the mood for takeout?
Me: Why, Fawn, why?!
Pomme: O_O ya know... I think I am no longer hungry..... *Cries self to sleep*
Fawn: *dies of laughter* Oh that was fun. Until next year.
Pomme: LOL OH thanksgiving will never be forgotten. LOL My moms are some crazy people~
Brooke: good God PLEASE don't ruin my Christmas
Pomme: LOL!!!!! I am with Brooke!
Fawn: Oh an encore at Christmas sounds devine...
Brooke: but not with us... lol
Fawn: Snow makes for a chilly Christmas orgy...
Pomme: LOL THAT IS TRUE!!! NEVERMIND NO SNOW!! I don't want them snowed in with us! LOL
Fawn: Saga will see it, he will tell Ruki, and Ruki will tell Aoi... and I will get emails rofl!!!
Brooke: never again will I be able to have an innocent Christmas dinner at my grandmother's
Fawn: Grandma is not invited to my orgy damn it... that would just be weird...
Pomme: I don't want to be there either you guys are my mothers!!!! *cries* AND OMO I wish I would have known he would see this!!! No one involve the damn Tiger! OKAY!
Brooke: Hmm....I'm afraid if I go to sleep now then I'll have some jacked-up nightmares
Pomme: Brooke I am scared too~
Fawn: Honey if Saga sees it, Tora will hear about it lol.
Pomme: Great if they ever meet us they are going to think we are all fucked up~ Thanks Fawn!
Fawn: You're welcome. ^______^V
Pomme: YOu love us so much~~ I can tell
Fawn: I do, hence I invited you to the orgy, what kind of parent would I be if I hadn't? :D
Pomme: *head on desk*
Saturday, November 12, 2011
An Angel on the Moon
Its 1:50 am. I'm sitting up, crying. And maybe that isn't such a bad thing, because I've been holding it for so long. I am trying to do it quietly, I don't want to wake Donnie up.
I keep listening to "Angels On the Moon" by Thriving Ivory, hoping it will make me feel better. I can't stop listening to it. I can't stop thinking about everything I'm doing wrong and feeling like if I don't run now I'm never going to escape. And maybe I'm just running away from my problems. Maybe I'm fucking everything up.
I want to drive, but I have no where to go. I have no money, even if I found a place to go. And I couldn't get Donnie to wake up to go with me. I wouldn't try.
I feel like I'm drowning. I feel like I'm the Titanic and I'm dragging everyone near me down. I'm ruining my own life. Even while I try to save it.
Maybe I just need to give up now. If I have no expectations for the future I won't be disappointed when I fail. It won't even be an actual failure. It will be more like an ending to one of many beginnings. And that's really all we are. Beginnings and ends.
"Don't tell me if I'm dying. 'Cause I don't want to know. If I can't see the sun, maybe I should go. Don't wake me, 'cause I'm dreaming of Angels on the moon. Where everyone you know never leaves too soon."
I keep listening to "Angels On the Moon" by Thriving Ivory, hoping it will make me feel better. I can't stop listening to it. I can't stop thinking about everything I'm doing wrong and feeling like if I don't run now I'm never going to escape. And maybe I'm just running away from my problems. Maybe I'm fucking everything up.
I want to drive, but I have no where to go. I have no money, even if I found a place to go. And I couldn't get Donnie to wake up to go with me. I wouldn't try.
I feel like I'm drowning. I feel like I'm the Titanic and I'm dragging everyone near me down. I'm ruining my own life. Even while I try to save it.
Maybe I just need to give up now. If I have no expectations for the future I won't be disappointed when I fail. It won't even be an actual failure. It will be more like an ending to one of many beginnings. And that's really all we are. Beginnings and ends.
"Don't tell me if I'm dying. 'Cause I don't want to know. If I can't see the sun, maybe I should go. Don't wake me, 'cause I'm dreaming of Angels on the moon. Where everyone you know never leaves too soon."
Friday, November 11, 2011
Heavy In Your Arms
I love this song, after just hearing it for the first time. It should come as no surprise, but Florence is amazing. I love almost all of her music. It always has such dark undertones and such beautiful sentiments.
I was such a heavy heart to carry, my beloved was weighed down.
Heavy in Your Arms - Florence and the Machine
I was such a heavy heart to carry, my beloved was weighed down.
Heavy in Your Arms - Florence and the Machine
Florence + the Machine,
Go Softly
At about 20 'til 8 this morning my grandmother, Robertia, passed away. Sleep Well, Grandma Bobbi, sleep well.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
The Woods Are Lovely, Dark and Deep.
Today's song plays at work all the time, but for some reason I still love it. I was first drawn to it by the line "We're too far out, we're in too deep. And we've got miles to go before we can sleep." Which reminds me of a poem by Robert Frost that I had to memorize for school, when I was 14 (ah, so many years gone by since then).
Robert Frost is my all time favorite poet. Bar none, truthfully. Though Poe and Shakespeare come in a close tie for second. He wrote my soul without even knowing me. Which is cliched, but I don't care. It is so completely and utterly true.
This is one of those bits of trivia I love at work, but I can't say to a customer. I also love it when a dollar amount comes up as a palindrome. Which nobody but me gets enjoyment out of. I do so love a good palindrome. Even if it is just numbers. Not that anyone cares, but me.
I tried to tell a customer once how a line from this song was from a Robert Frost poem. She ignored me until I asked for her type of payment. That made me sad.
My favorite part of the song however (aside from the beginning line) is towards the end. It speaks to me, it really does. I don't know why, but it does. Such a beautiful song.
"See I have to believe that there's more than this seems.
More than a soul in a boat in a sea of sinking dreams.
And I have to be sure that there's gonna be a cure
'cause, somewhere down the line, I lost that part of me that's pure."
For your pleasure, "Where We Belong" by Thriving Ivory (who has the coolest band name, I think).
Robert Frost is my all time favorite poet. Bar none, truthfully. Though Poe and Shakespeare come in a close tie for second. He wrote my soul without even knowing me. Which is cliched, but I don't care. It is so completely and utterly true.
This is one of those bits of trivia I love at work, but I can't say to a customer. I also love it when a dollar amount comes up as a palindrome. Which nobody but me gets enjoyment out of. I do so love a good palindrome. Even if it is just numbers. Not that anyone cares, but me.
I tried to tell a customer once how a line from this song was from a Robert Frost poem. She ignored me until I asked for her type of payment. That made me sad.
My favorite part of the song however (aside from the beginning line) is towards the end. It speaks to me, it really does. I don't know why, but it does. Such a beautiful song.
"See I have to believe that there's more than this seems.
More than a soul in a boat in a sea of sinking dreams.
And I have to be sure that there's gonna be a cure
'cause, somewhere down the line, I lost that part of me that's pure."
For your pleasure, "Where We Belong" by Thriving Ivory (who has the coolest band name, I think).
Tuesday, November 08, 2011
All of Her: Chapter Five
I order an appletini. The girliest drink to ever grace a menu, as Noah would say. I suddenly wish he was here to tell me I’m an idiot for even thinking of going on with this venture. My pride won’t let me text him.
“What do you do for a living?” asks Mr. Samson, who insists that I call him Clark.
“I work as an intern for an accounting firm. To pay the bills, however, I work at a local rare and used book shop.”
“What made you choose accounting?” He takes a sip of his whisky and soda.
“I love math and I’m good with numbers. But enough about me. Do you do anything besides teaching?”
“Flirt with women too young for me and drink whisky and soda.” He gives a saucy wink and raises his glass in a mock toast. “In truth, I don’t do anything too exciting. I have a motorcycle that I take cross country once a year. I teach some boxing at the local gym.”
He shrugs, as if that should be enough. I have nothing to really say. I have no idea what I’m doing here. This isn’t exactly how I pictured this going. I’ve never dated anyone other than David. I’ve never even thought about it. David was all I needed. My be all, end all. And now all has ended.
I decide that I will just have to drink a little more. Drink enough that he gives me a ride home, or we grab a taxi. Drink enough that I loosen up a little. I am clearly not thinking this one through. I am so nervous. I have no idea what to do. The silence is stretching out in taffy long pulls of discomfort before me. This was a bad idea.
Just as I am about to excuse myself for the evening, just as I am about to give up on this foolishness for good, just as I am about to apologize for wasting his time, he kisses me. I close my eyes, in Hollywood fashion, and kiss him back. Very quickly, I lose track of time. My world narrows to his lips on mine, the slight scruff on his face scratching my chin. I don’t know how long we are there making out. All I hear is the last call for the bar and we come up for air. We aren’t up for long before we drop back under.
I don’t even finish my second drink. The next few moments are a blur. He pulls me up and out of the booth we are in. He takes me to his car, a snow white Maserati. It is the classiest car I’ve ever been in. He doesn’t ask where I want to go. He just drives to his apartment, which is on the south side of town. I am not even paying attention, I’m buzzing from the drinks and the sexual tension. I’m a pent up bottle about to explode. I have no idea what will happen once we reach our destination, but if the making out in the bar was any indicator I know what I should expect.
When we arrive he opens the car door for me. He takes my hand and leads me to his apartment. I’m nervous. I’m shaking. He smiles at me as he opens the apartment door.
His apartment is sparsely furnished and neat. He has a small book case stuffed to the brim with books on various topics, including anatomy and popular French names. There is a tiny kitchen, decorated with a rack of blood red wines and a basket of white glass apples. That’s all I have time to see as he pulls me into his bedroom.
The bed is low to the ground and the plushest thing I’ve ever felt. He pushes me down and kisses me. Every exposed piece of skin I have, he kisses. He kisses the hollow of my throat, while his hands brush my hair away from my face. He kisses the skin below my ears. He nuzzles me and teasingly tugs my earlobe with his teeth. He kisses me and I think this is what heaven must feel like. I’ve never had someone pay this much attention to me. David didn’t even care about these little details. As soon as he comes into my mind I push him out. He has no place in this scenario.
He tries to take off my dress, unsuccessfully. We stand up to remedy this situation. He unzips the back and grazes the exposed skin with his lips. I shiver. While I finish removing my dress he turns the lights down and puts on a CD of classical music. I unbutton his shirt and his pants. His desire to be rid of these items is very apparent at this point. I try to hide a blush. He unhooks my bra with ease, sliding the straps over my shoulders and down. I don’t even notice when it touches the burgundy carpeting.
I am almost nude when he gently pushes me back onto the bed. He is almost naked too, but he doesn’t seem to care. He kisses me some more. I feel like I’m going to explode in a moment. I’ve never felt so alive. I’ve never felt so aroused by someone. Or that someone was so aroused by me.
Before I can think about David and Alice, I am completely and thoroughly distracted. I am wrapped up in new sensations. It hurts a little. Not just physically, though there is a little physical pain as well. I let everything else go for the moment. The world could be going to hell and I don’t care. I am lost in this new world and these new things. I feel as though I am present that has just been opened. I don’t remember how to breathe. Am I breathing?
I crest great heights, spiraling into a fresh world of delights. Each earthquake takes me higher; each note on a cello reverberates until I can barely see. I have never felt this way. I have never tasted something this sweet. With a final gasp for air, I am finished. He follows me quickly and I am drowned in pulsating sensation.
After, as we lie stretched out on his silky sheets, I promise I won’t cry. I promise I won’t allow David and Alice to ruin this for me. I promise I won’t. I can’t help myself. I curl into the curve of his arm and I bawl like a lost child. He kisses my forehead and just holds me. I thank him for that. I kiss him. I apologize for crying. I promise it was wonderful and the tears have nothing to do with the sex. Actually, it has everything to do with it, but not because it was bad. Those terrifyingly real and beautiful sensations are things I never had with David. Things I will never have with David. I also cry because I realize that, whilst this was a wonderful experience that I would never wish to trade for anything else, Clark Samson and I are not going to last. We may be perfect for a few months or even a year. But this relationship has no lasting powers. I sincerely wish it did.
Or maybe I don’t. Maybe I am the problem. I don’t want it to have lasting powers. We haven’t even begun dating and I’m already posed to sabotage everything.
For now I fall asleep in his arms and sleep like I haven’t slept in years. I want to be happy with this for now. If he asks to see me again, I’ll say yes. For the time being.
The next morning, I wake up alone. I wonder if I dreamed last night. When everything comes into focus I realize I didn’t. I am surrounded by fluffy pillows and white silk sheets. The smell of waffles drifts into the room and I am very hungry. Pulling the sheet up around myself, I walk out of the bedroom and into the little living room.
Clark is cooking. He is in a pair of plaid pajama pants that tie at his waist. Not a bad view at all. Another view comes to mind and I blush furiously. I clear my throat, quietly, and he turns. He smiles brightly in response.
“Do you like waffles? I am not the most skilled in the kitchen, but I do make a mean Belgian waffle.”
I nod. I’m in shock. David never made me breakfast. Well, not a breakfast like this. A bowl of Oreo O’s doesn’t count.
“Do you like anything with your waffles? I have butter and syrup. I also have some apple or cherry pie filling that you could use as a topping. Being a bachelor, I don’t have much in the way of breakfast stuff, but you can feel free to take whatever you want. Do you want milk or coffee?”
“I’ll gladly take a glass of milk.” I say. “Just butter for my waffles will be fine. Waffles are delicious enough without anything extra.”
He smiles, again. He piles three thick waffles on a plate, placing a pat of butter on top, and motions for me to sit at a little coffee table. He piles another plate with waffles before he joins me at the little table. He looks at my sheet outfit and gets up again. He disappears into his room for a moment and returns with a large white shirt and a small pair of shorts.
“This might be a little more comfortable than the sheets, love.” He says, as he hands the clothing to me. Even though we had sex last night, I am embarrassed for him to see me naked. Blushing, I get up and change in his room. When I come back, he is patiently waiting for me. There is steam rising from the waffles. I could fall for this man, if only for this moment.
We eat in relative silence. Though we sneak glances at one another through out. It is like we are children. After breakfast, we shower. A repeat of last night’s pleasure occurs immediately after our shower. It’s even better than the previous performance. This time, however, there are no tears. We talk and enjoy a few laughs. It is well past noon when he drives me back to my car at “The Wilford and Brimley.”
“When can I see you again?” he asks. I dig in my little black clutch for my keys. Not quite looking at him, but not completely giving him my attention either.
“Well, I don’t know, Clark.” I look up at him, with a hand above my eyebrows. It is bright outside and I can barely see him with the light behind him. “What works best for you? You have classes to teach. I have numbers to account and books to dust.”
“Any evening is fine.” He says. “You could come over for dinner sometime and we can talk while I grade papers. If you have time between accounting numbers and dusting books.”
“I’d like that.” I say. I am actually quite sincere. I really like him. Not just for the obvious reasons, of course. Though that does help in this situation. However, I’m already counting the minutes until it is over. I give this ‘relationship’ three months. It will be intense, passionate even. We will think we are in love and will be together forever. Eventually, we will grow tired of each other and everything will become a fight. We’ll have hot, angry, sex a couple of times and then call it quits. At least, that is what I see happening.
I re-write my number down for him. I tell him to call me when he can. No rush. He kisses me goodbye and I watch as he drives off. I want him, but I don’t. I will never love another man like I love David. No matter how much I may want to, it will never happen. In the meantime, however, I can have a little fun.
I have six messages on my phone. All of them, but one is from Noah. The one is from my mother. She called to check up on me. To let me know that Sophie is feeling much better today. With a pang of guilt, I remember my poor sister and her being abandoned at the dance last night. I should’ve stayed the night at Mom’s house so that I could help continue to comfort her this morning. Instead I was in the throes of a burgeoning romance. A secret affair, if you will.
Noah’s messages all consist of the same material: “Where the hell are you? And why aren’t you answering either phone? If you don’t call me soon I’m going to think you have killed yourself and I will be forced to resurrect you so that I can kill you again.”
I smile at his messages and wonder what he would think if he found out what I did last night. I blush, remembering it. I will call him back after I change into some yoga pants and a tank top. Today is my last day off. I took a month off for the final wedding preparations and the honeymoon that didn’t happen. What a waste of time and resources. I want to attempt to enjoy myself.
Before I can even dial his number, my phone rings. Noah, again.
“Yes, oh fairest of fair folk?” I say, laughing.
“Where the hell have you been? I’ve been worried sick! I tried to text you, I tried to call you. I thought you had gone a rampage and murdered a town of kindly Buddhists or something!” He is actually mad. I shouldn’t be surprised, but I am. Why is he so angry?
“I chaperoned Sophie’s dance last night. I told you that I was going to.”
“Yes, but that should’ve ended at what? Ten? Eleven? Where were you after that?”
“Sophie got stood up. I ended up staying at Mom’s with her until two. After that I went for a drink at ‘The Wilford and Brimley’. What does it matter? You are acting like the sky is falling.” I tuck the phone in-between my shoulder and my ear to pour myself a soda.
“I was worried. I hadn’t heard from you in like a week. You haven’t been online, even. I don’t want you to become one of those creepy old lady recluses who never get over the asshole that left them. You know, like that one character in that one Charles Dickens story. Havisham? That sounds right.”
“I seriously doubt I’m going to end up like Miss Havisham. After all, I am not sitting here in my wedding dress with rotting wedding cake, though the cake did rot before I could finish it all. Besides, I’ve been busy.” That last bit sounds a little suspicious. Especially the way I say it.
“What do you mean by busy? You haven’t gone back to work yet have you?”
“Then how have you been so busy you couldn’t even text me a line to say you weren’t an old cat lady recluse wasting away in her wedding dress?”
“Well, I met someone.”
There is a significant pause on the other end of the phone. This isn’t good. Noah being quiet is surely one of the seven signs of the apocalypse.
“A teacher at Sophie’s school.”
“Did you meet last night at the dance?”
“Yes.” I say, knowing that is a mistake.
“Did you go for a drink with him after the dance?” He is definitely catching on. He isn’t an idiot, I know this. I really wish I hadn’t brought it up. I’m such an idiot.
“Please tell me you did not go home with someone you just met last night.”
“Okay, I won’t tell you.” I reply. I know this is stupid and I’m going to get lectured.
“You did! You could’ve been murdered or raped or something equally awful! Why would you do that? You know what, don’t even answer. I’ll be at your place in ten minutes.” With that he hangs up on me.
Well, shit. This is not what I wanted. Over the phone lectures I can handle, because I can tune most of it out. Now he is going to be here and all in my face. Probably yelling at me for being a stupid idiot. Which I was, but that is beside the point. Instead of trying to escape my fate like a sensible person, I set about making some coffee and setting out some snack like food I have in the cupboards. I need to go grocery shopping soon. I’m running out of snack foods.
Noah doesn’t even knock. He bursts in while I am making my mental list of foods I would like to get the next time I go shopping.
“Stop what you are doing and tell me everything that happened last night.” He grabs my hand and drags me over to the couch. He sets me down, firmly, and then sits next to me in an angry/impatient funk.
“I met a guy, he asked me to go out for drinks at ‘The Wilford and Brimley’, I said yes and I did.” I purposefully leave out the awesome sex, the delicious waffles and the second round of awesome sex.
“You aren’t telling the whole truth, Abra Faye.” Well, he just pulled out the big guns. Middle name and everything. I’m really shaking in my boots now. Not.
“You do know that using my middle name isn’t going to bother me right?”
“I know, but it makes me feel better. Now tell me the rest of what happened. What did you drink? Who is this guy? Did you go home with him? Did you two have an ‘intimate’ encounter?”
I just look at him for a moment. I’ve never known Noah to be shy about anything. The fact that he just phrased it as ‘an intimate encounter’ kind of frightens me.
“I had an appletini.” I say, stalling.
“The girliest drink to ever grace a menu.” He says, just like I knew he would.
“His name is Clark Samson. He teaches Latin and Roman history.”
“How old is he, Abe?”
“I don’t know. Late thirties?” I know immediately that was another mistake.
“Late thirties? What are you thinking? He’s more than ten years your senior! You were just learning to ride a bike when he was graduating high school!”
“Look whose talking!” I say in a huffy tone. “You were dating Matthias for three years and he was fifteen years older than you. Why can you do it and I can’t?”
To avoid an argument, he ignores my last comment and goes straight into his next question.
“What did he drink?” Noah is a firm believer in drink analysis. Supposedly whatever he (or she, depending) is drinking tells everything about him (or her).
“Whisky and soda.” I stand up from the couch and go to grab a handful of something. Anything. I’m not actually hungry, but I’m about to spill the beans on my plans and I’m already getting lectured enough.
“Whisky and soda? That’s a hard drink. Which means he’s a hard man, who probably beats women in his spare time. Honey, what were you thinking? Never go for a man drinking whisky!”
I turn to face Noah. I’m a little pissed right now, actually. I would say something except I just shoved a handful of cereal into my mouth. Instead I just give him a malevolent stare and go to get my drink.
“You went home with him right? After those drinks. Or drink. How many did you have? It must have been a lot, since the Abra I know isn’t a fool who sleeps with just anyone with genitalia.”
“I didn’t even finish my second drink.” I say. “I really like him. And I am tired of being alone. He was a pleasant distraction from my woes.”
“Let’s hope he is a pleasant distraction that you can forget about.” He looks pointedly at my stomach, as if just thinking about sex can cause pregnancy.
I roll my eyes and grab another handful of cereal. This is a losing battle. I just have to tell him my plans. He’ll never rest until he finds out anyway. Just as I open my mouth to speak, there is a knock at the door. And if anyone was guessing it was David, you just won the grand prize.
“What do you do for a living?” asks Mr. Samson, who insists that I call him Clark.
“I work as an intern for an accounting firm. To pay the bills, however, I work at a local rare and used book shop.”
“What made you choose accounting?” He takes a sip of his whisky and soda.
“I love math and I’m good with numbers. But enough about me. Do you do anything besides teaching?”
“Flirt with women too young for me and drink whisky and soda.” He gives a saucy wink and raises his glass in a mock toast. “In truth, I don’t do anything too exciting. I have a motorcycle that I take cross country once a year. I teach some boxing at the local gym.”
He shrugs, as if that should be enough. I have nothing to really say. I have no idea what I’m doing here. This isn’t exactly how I pictured this going. I’ve never dated anyone other than David. I’ve never even thought about it. David was all I needed. My be all, end all. And now all has ended.
I decide that I will just have to drink a little more. Drink enough that he gives me a ride home, or we grab a taxi. Drink enough that I loosen up a little. I am clearly not thinking this one through. I am so nervous. I have no idea what to do. The silence is stretching out in taffy long pulls of discomfort before me. This was a bad idea.
Just as I am about to excuse myself for the evening, just as I am about to give up on this foolishness for good, just as I am about to apologize for wasting his time, he kisses me. I close my eyes, in Hollywood fashion, and kiss him back. Very quickly, I lose track of time. My world narrows to his lips on mine, the slight scruff on his face scratching my chin. I don’t know how long we are there making out. All I hear is the last call for the bar and we come up for air. We aren’t up for long before we drop back under.
I don’t even finish my second drink. The next few moments are a blur. He pulls me up and out of the booth we are in. He takes me to his car, a snow white Maserati. It is the classiest car I’ve ever been in. He doesn’t ask where I want to go. He just drives to his apartment, which is on the south side of town. I am not even paying attention, I’m buzzing from the drinks and the sexual tension. I’m a pent up bottle about to explode. I have no idea what will happen once we reach our destination, but if the making out in the bar was any indicator I know what I should expect.
When we arrive he opens the car door for me. He takes my hand and leads me to his apartment. I’m nervous. I’m shaking. He smiles at me as he opens the apartment door.
His apartment is sparsely furnished and neat. He has a small book case stuffed to the brim with books on various topics, including anatomy and popular French names. There is a tiny kitchen, decorated with a rack of blood red wines and a basket of white glass apples. That’s all I have time to see as he pulls me into his bedroom.
The bed is low to the ground and the plushest thing I’ve ever felt. He pushes me down and kisses me. Every exposed piece of skin I have, he kisses. He kisses the hollow of my throat, while his hands brush my hair away from my face. He kisses the skin below my ears. He nuzzles me and teasingly tugs my earlobe with his teeth. He kisses me and I think this is what heaven must feel like. I’ve never had someone pay this much attention to me. David didn’t even care about these little details. As soon as he comes into my mind I push him out. He has no place in this scenario.
He tries to take off my dress, unsuccessfully. We stand up to remedy this situation. He unzips the back and grazes the exposed skin with his lips. I shiver. While I finish removing my dress he turns the lights down and puts on a CD of classical music. I unbutton his shirt and his pants. His desire to be rid of these items is very apparent at this point. I try to hide a blush. He unhooks my bra with ease, sliding the straps over my shoulders and down. I don’t even notice when it touches the burgundy carpeting.
I am almost nude when he gently pushes me back onto the bed. He is almost naked too, but he doesn’t seem to care. He kisses me some more. I feel like I’m going to explode in a moment. I’ve never felt so alive. I’ve never felt so aroused by someone. Or that someone was so aroused by me.
Before I can think about David and Alice, I am completely and thoroughly distracted. I am wrapped up in new sensations. It hurts a little. Not just physically, though there is a little physical pain as well. I let everything else go for the moment. The world could be going to hell and I don’t care. I am lost in this new world and these new things. I feel as though I am present that has just been opened. I don’t remember how to breathe. Am I breathing?
I crest great heights, spiraling into a fresh world of delights. Each earthquake takes me higher; each note on a cello reverberates until I can barely see. I have never felt this way. I have never tasted something this sweet. With a final gasp for air, I am finished. He follows me quickly and I am drowned in pulsating sensation.
After, as we lie stretched out on his silky sheets, I promise I won’t cry. I promise I won’t allow David and Alice to ruin this for me. I promise I won’t. I can’t help myself. I curl into the curve of his arm and I bawl like a lost child. He kisses my forehead and just holds me. I thank him for that. I kiss him. I apologize for crying. I promise it was wonderful and the tears have nothing to do with the sex. Actually, it has everything to do with it, but not because it was bad. Those terrifyingly real and beautiful sensations are things I never had with David. Things I will never have with David. I also cry because I realize that, whilst this was a wonderful experience that I would never wish to trade for anything else, Clark Samson and I are not going to last. We may be perfect for a few months or even a year. But this relationship has no lasting powers. I sincerely wish it did.
Or maybe I don’t. Maybe I am the problem. I don’t want it to have lasting powers. We haven’t even begun dating and I’m already posed to sabotage everything.
For now I fall asleep in his arms and sleep like I haven’t slept in years. I want to be happy with this for now. If he asks to see me again, I’ll say yes. For the time being.
The next morning, I wake up alone. I wonder if I dreamed last night. When everything comes into focus I realize I didn’t. I am surrounded by fluffy pillows and white silk sheets. The smell of waffles drifts into the room and I am very hungry. Pulling the sheet up around myself, I walk out of the bedroom and into the little living room.
Clark is cooking. He is in a pair of plaid pajama pants that tie at his waist. Not a bad view at all. Another view comes to mind and I blush furiously. I clear my throat, quietly, and he turns. He smiles brightly in response.
“Do you like waffles? I am not the most skilled in the kitchen, but I do make a mean Belgian waffle.”
I nod. I’m in shock. David never made me breakfast. Well, not a breakfast like this. A bowl of Oreo O’s doesn’t count.
“Do you like anything with your waffles? I have butter and syrup. I also have some apple or cherry pie filling that you could use as a topping. Being a bachelor, I don’t have much in the way of breakfast stuff, but you can feel free to take whatever you want. Do you want milk or coffee?”
“I’ll gladly take a glass of milk.” I say. “Just butter for my waffles will be fine. Waffles are delicious enough without anything extra.”
He smiles, again. He piles three thick waffles on a plate, placing a pat of butter on top, and motions for me to sit at a little coffee table. He piles another plate with waffles before he joins me at the little table. He looks at my sheet outfit and gets up again. He disappears into his room for a moment and returns with a large white shirt and a small pair of shorts.
“This might be a little more comfortable than the sheets, love.” He says, as he hands the clothing to me. Even though we had sex last night, I am embarrassed for him to see me naked. Blushing, I get up and change in his room. When I come back, he is patiently waiting for me. There is steam rising from the waffles. I could fall for this man, if only for this moment.
We eat in relative silence. Though we sneak glances at one another through out. It is like we are children. After breakfast, we shower. A repeat of last night’s pleasure occurs immediately after our shower. It’s even better than the previous performance. This time, however, there are no tears. We talk and enjoy a few laughs. It is well past noon when he drives me back to my car at “The Wilford and Brimley.”
“When can I see you again?” he asks. I dig in my little black clutch for my keys. Not quite looking at him, but not completely giving him my attention either.
“Well, I don’t know, Clark.” I look up at him, with a hand above my eyebrows. It is bright outside and I can barely see him with the light behind him. “What works best for you? You have classes to teach. I have numbers to account and books to dust.”
“Any evening is fine.” He says. “You could come over for dinner sometime and we can talk while I grade papers. If you have time between accounting numbers and dusting books.”
“I’d like that.” I say. I am actually quite sincere. I really like him. Not just for the obvious reasons, of course. Though that does help in this situation. However, I’m already counting the minutes until it is over. I give this ‘relationship’ three months. It will be intense, passionate even. We will think we are in love and will be together forever. Eventually, we will grow tired of each other and everything will become a fight. We’ll have hot, angry, sex a couple of times and then call it quits. At least, that is what I see happening.
I re-write my number down for him. I tell him to call me when he can. No rush. He kisses me goodbye and I watch as he drives off. I want him, but I don’t. I will never love another man like I love David. No matter how much I may want to, it will never happen. In the meantime, however, I can have a little fun.
I have six messages on my phone. All of them, but one is from Noah. The one is from my mother. She called to check up on me. To let me know that Sophie is feeling much better today. With a pang of guilt, I remember my poor sister and her being abandoned at the dance last night. I should’ve stayed the night at Mom’s house so that I could help continue to comfort her this morning. Instead I was in the throes of a burgeoning romance. A secret affair, if you will.
Noah’s messages all consist of the same material: “Where the hell are you? And why aren’t you answering either phone? If you don’t call me soon I’m going to think you have killed yourself and I will be forced to resurrect you so that I can kill you again.”
I smile at his messages and wonder what he would think if he found out what I did last night. I blush, remembering it. I will call him back after I change into some yoga pants and a tank top. Today is my last day off. I took a month off for the final wedding preparations and the honeymoon that didn’t happen. What a waste of time and resources. I want to attempt to enjoy myself.
Before I can even dial his number, my phone rings. Noah, again.
“Yes, oh fairest of fair folk?” I say, laughing.
“Where the hell have you been? I’ve been worried sick! I tried to text you, I tried to call you. I thought you had gone a rampage and murdered a town of kindly Buddhists or something!” He is actually mad. I shouldn’t be surprised, but I am. Why is he so angry?
“I chaperoned Sophie’s dance last night. I told you that I was going to.”
“Yes, but that should’ve ended at what? Ten? Eleven? Where were you after that?”
“Sophie got stood up. I ended up staying at Mom’s with her until two. After that I went for a drink at ‘The Wilford and Brimley’. What does it matter? You are acting like the sky is falling.” I tuck the phone in-between my shoulder and my ear to pour myself a soda.
“I was worried. I hadn’t heard from you in like a week. You haven’t been online, even. I don’t want you to become one of those creepy old lady recluses who never get over the asshole that left them. You know, like that one character in that one Charles Dickens story. Havisham? That sounds right.”
“I seriously doubt I’m going to end up like Miss Havisham. After all, I am not sitting here in my wedding dress with rotting wedding cake, though the cake did rot before I could finish it all. Besides, I’ve been busy.” That last bit sounds a little suspicious. Especially the way I say it.
“What do you mean by busy? You haven’t gone back to work yet have you?”
“Then how have you been so busy you couldn’t even text me a line to say you weren’t an old cat lady recluse wasting away in her wedding dress?”
“Well, I met someone.”
There is a significant pause on the other end of the phone. This isn’t good. Noah being quiet is surely one of the seven signs of the apocalypse.
“A teacher at Sophie’s school.”
“Did you meet last night at the dance?”
“Yes.” I say, knowing that is a mistake.
“Did you go for a drink with him after the dance?” He is definitely catching on. He isn’t an idiot, I know this. I really wish I hadn’t brought it up. I’m such an idiot.
“Please tell me you did not go home with someone you just met last night.”
“Okay, I won’t tell you.” I reply. I know this is stupid and I’m going to get lectured.
“You did! You could’ve been murdered or raped or something equally awful! Why would you do that? You know what, don’t even answer. I’ll be at your place in ten minutes.” With that he hangs up on me.
Well, shit. This is not what I wanted. Over the phone lectures I can handle, because I can tune most of it out. Now he is going to be here and all in my face. Probably yelling at me for being a stupid idiot. Which I was, but that is beside the point. Instead of trying to escape my fate like a sensible person, I set about making some coffee and setting out some snack like food I have in the cupboards. I need to go grocery shopping soon. I’m running out of snack foods.
Noah doesn’t even knock. He bursts in while I am making my mental list of foods I would like to get the next time I go shopping.
“Stop what you are doing and tell me everything that happened last night.” He grabs my hand and drags me over to the couch. He sets me down, firmly, and then sits next to me in an angry/impatient funk.
“I met a guy, he asked me to go out for drinks at ‘The Wilford and Brimley’, I said yes and I did.” I purposefully leave out the awesome sex, the delicious waffles and the second round of awesome sex.
“You aren’t telling the whole truth, Abra Faye.” Well, he just pulled out the big guns. Middle name and everything. I’m really shaking in my boots now. Not.
“You do know that using my middle name isn’t going to bother me right?”
“I know, but it makes me feel better. Now tell me the rest of what happened. What did you drink? Who is this guy? Did you go home with him? Did you two have an ‘intimate’ encounter?”
I just look at him for a moment. I’ve never known Noah to be shy about anything. The fact that he just phrased it as ‘an intimate encounter’ kind of frightens me.
“I had an appletini.” I say, stalling.
“The girliest drink to ever grace a menu.” He says, just like I knew he would.
“His name is Clark Samson. He teaches Latin and Roman history.”
“How old is he, Abe?”
“I don’t know. Late thirties?” I know immediately that was another mistake.
“Late thirties? What are you thinking? He’s more than ten years your senior! You were just learning to ride a bike when he was graduating high school!”
“Look whose talking!” I say in a huffy tone. “You were dating Matthias for three years and he was fifteen years older than you. Why can you do it and I can’t?”
To avoid an argument, he ignores my last comment and goes straight into his next question.
“What did he drink?” Noah is a firm believer in drink analysis. Supposedly whatever he (or she, depending) is drinking tells everything about him (or her).
“Whisky and soda.” I stand up from the couch and go to grab a handful of something. Anything. I’m not actually hungry, but I’m about to spill the beans on my plans and I’m already getting lectured enough.
“Whisky and soda? That’s a hard drink. Which means he’s a hard man, who probably beats women in his spare time. Honey, what were you thinking? Never go for a man drinking whisky!”
I turn to face Noah. I’m a little pissed right now, actually. I would say something except I just shoved a handful of cereal into my mouth. Instead I just give him a malevolent stare and go to get my drink.
“You went home with him right? After those drinks. Or drink. How many did you have? It must have been a lot, since the Abra I know isn’t a fool who sleeps with just anyone with genitalia.”
“I didn’t even finish my second drink.” I say. “I really like him. And I am tired of being alone. He was a pleasant distraction from my woes.”
“Let’s hope he is a pleasant distraction that you can forget about.” He looks pointedly at my stomach, as if just thinking about sex can cause pregnancy.
I roll my eyes and grab another handful of cereal. This is a losing battle. I just have to tell him my plans. He’ll never rest until he finds out anyway. Just as I open my mouth to speak, there is a knock at the door. And if anyone was guessing it was David, you just won the grand prize.
All of Her,
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