Monday, August 29, 2011

Albania Week (Day Two)

Today I have decided to present some interesting facts about Albania for, what I have now dubbed, Albania Week!

Some fun facts about Albania include:
* Due to some "difficult historical conditions" Albania was a little late in the literature game. The first book published in Albania was written by a priest called Gjon Buzuku in 1555. It was titled "Meshari" and was, apparently, written in Latin.

* Albania is the home of the historic city (and archaeological center) of Durres, which dates back to the 7th century BC. Along with Mbjeshovë Castle, which was built somewhere between the 4 and 5th century AD.

* Kristaq Antoniu was an Albanian Operetta singer, as well as actor. He was born in Korca, though for some unexplained reason was exiled to Romania. He was a tenor as well as a baritone.