Sunday, August 28, 2011

Batman's Shoe-Mobile Fetish

I found this picture at random and thought it was hilarious! I love that shoe shaped go-cart and really want one now. I think even Batman would be jealous, because what crime fighting hero doesn't want to be seen in some classy red pumps? (There's a pun in that last sentence! *giggle*)

This is the shit, just sayin'!

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Also, speaking of shoes, I love these heels.
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In fact, I own a pair of them myself and am now debating on whether I want to try to walk in them for my wedding. They would go with my colors perfectly, however I have to walk up some stairs so I may end up killing myself attempting this.

And now, your hideous shoe of the day! (Which is something completely random and that I suddenly decided to do because I am crazy!)
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I have no idea what these are called or who designed them. All I typed in was "hideous shoes" and this is one of the things that came up first. Absolutely horrifying, not only for the animal cruelty aspect, but also for the random gun for a heel and the now golden colored hooves (plural for hoof, for those who are curious). Not to mention that they look like they would be a pain to wear.

1 comment:

  1. Archibald Tabernathy Peniwinkle Rutherford III, EsquireMonday, September 19, 2011 at 8:13:00 AM EDT

    Egads, that last pair is truly grotesque! To think, some heathen ruined a perfectly good pair of revolvers!
