Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Albania Week (Day Four)

Let's look at some fashion from Albania, shall we? That sounds like fun!

This particular piece was designed by an Albanian designer called Mimi in 2008 for the Albanian fashion week.
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This piece is also from 2008. It is by a designer named Rezarta Skifteri.
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This one is by Geraldina Sposa from last year.
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He popped up on my picture search and I realized he had some gorgeous eyes and was pretty damn smexy... therefore, he is here specifically because he is hot. That is all.
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This particular piece was designed specifically for pregnant women (and the men that can't get enough of pregnant bellies) by Merita Tocila two years ago.
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And I know absolutely nothing about this particular dress other than it was published in an article on Daily Times Pakistan!
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