I'd rather say nothing at all and pray, to whomever listens, that you accept me, than to say what I'm truly thinking right now and be rejected.
Is it unfair?
Is it wrong?
You said you loved me, once. That beautiful day, I couldn't say it back to you. You never said it again. Though I've said it a million times since then.
Is it hard?
Is it painful?
I thought I'd cried the last tears I was going to over you. But I keep thinking of the things you said, when you loved me. That beautiful day, I couldn't bring myself to say it back. I tried, but my throat closed and my eyes filled with tears. I showed you, the only way I knew how. I held you closer, I pulled up my walls. I didn't believe you then, though I wanted to. I wanted to hear you say that over and over until the end of time. I wanted to belong to you. I wanted to.
Do I regret it?
Should I try to forget it?
You come to me, in random moments. Random memories, glimpses of happier times. Times when we talked. Times when we hugged. Days I miss more than anything else.
Isn't it ridiculous how I still let you haunt me?
Isn't it sad that I wish you still loved me?
Did you ever truly love me? Was it for the best that you never said those words again? Can I forget the look on your face when I pressed my lips together? When I said "Yeah, right?" Can I ever forgive myself for that look on your face? Can I ever forget that you never said it again?
Isn't it tiresome how I keep coming back to this moment?
Isn't it bewildering how I never think of you, then you are suddenly all I remember?
All I keep thinking is that I am Scarlett O'Hara, standing on the stair landing, calling to you. Telling you I love you. Begging you to stay. You just turn, your Clark Gable sneer. "Frankly, my dear..."
And isn't it tragic?
Isn't it pitiful?
I am too political for my own good. I believe in Mermaids and Unicorns. I am the ringleader of Lunacy. I am sane inside insanity. I am who I am and I am what I am. And, truly, that is all I can ever be.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
A terminal illness has crept into our soul and we only have so long to live.
We spend all of our time thinking about what is going to happen to us.
We are a beautiful hourglass slowly losing all of its sand.
Time is Running Out.
Doomsday is near and I am Andromeda tied to the rock with no Perseus to save me.
Do we move forward?
We certainly can't move backwards. There is no going back and we can't stand
at this impasse forever.
There is no choice, but to move forward.
And what a bitter future lies ahead? What tests that we cannot pass?
What pieces of ourselves must be sacrificed to the heathen gods for just a few moments more?
Is all of this in my head?
Or am I doomed to awaken next to the bones of what could've been beautiful once?
We spend all of our time thinking about what is going to happen to us.
We are a beautiful hourglass slowly losing all of its sand.
Time is Running Out.
Doomsday is near and I am Andromeda tied to the rock with no Perseus to save me.
Do we move forward?
We certainly can't move backwards. There is no going back and we can't stand
at this impasse forever.
There is no choice, but to move forward.
And what a bitter future lies ahead? What tests that we cannot pass?
What pieces of ourselves must be sacrificed to the heathen gods for just a few moments more?
Is all of this in my head?
Or am I doomed to awaken next to the bones of what could've been beautiful once?
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Video Games: A Review
Hello Everyone! Today is Sunshiney Sunday and I am as crazy as ever! In fact, I'm going to "review" some video games just because I've been on a video game kick for about a week now. I've sacrificed like 80 hours to one game in particular, which I'm pretty sure makes me an addict. Just sayin'.
First up is my all time favorite video game (I'll blog about other video games as I play them), partially because of the game itself and partially because it was the first video game I actually wanted to try (after watching Donnie play it for a couple of weeks after we started dating).

BioShock is set in an underwater city called Rapture during the 1960's. Rapture is the brain child of Andrew Ryan, the worst kind of villain in that he truly believes in his cause. However, as many great civilizations, Rapture has begun to collapse.
"We all make choices, but in the end our choices make us." - Andrew Ryan.
You meet a myriad of villains/people in this game. The most prolific being "Splicers". The splicers are people who have become addicted to genetic modification (Plasmids) and have, in turn, gone completely insane. You use plasmids as well, after gaining "ADAM", which is the key to the genetic modification.
"Plasmids changed everything. They destroyed our bodies, our minds; we couldn't handle it. Best friends butchering one another, babies strangled in cribs... the whole city went to Hell." - Atlas.
"ADAM" is harvested by the "Little Sisters" from the many corpses populating Rapture and you can gain "ADAM" by either saving or harvesting the Little Sisters. Little Sisters are little girls taken by the scientists of Rapture and used to help create more "ADAM" through processes that would be Spoilerific.
"Look, Mr. Bubbles. It's an angel! I can see light coming from his belly." - Little Sister.
A couple really cool facts about this game
A good portion of the game is based on Ayn Rand, Randian Philosophy and Objectivism. Andrew Ryan is a male personification of Ayn Rand, Frank Fontaine's name is taken from her book "The Fountainhead" and Atlas' name is taken from her other book "Atlas Shrugged".
To use plasmids you must use "EVE" hypos, the counterpart to "ADAM".
BioShock was originally going to be about a "cult deprogrammer" (according to Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BioShock#Development). Reading what Wiki has to say, I would totally play a game like that and I hope someone follows that idea soon!
You can totally spot Pac-Man, play guitar, catch a creepy glimpse of a Little Sister, see Jack's (your character) face and spot Ayn Rand's face.
First up is my all time favorite video game (I'll blog about other video games as I play them), partially because of the game itself and partially because it was the first video game I actually wanted to try (after watching Donnie play it for a couple of weeks after we started dating).
BioShock is set in an underwater city called Rapture during the 1960's. Rapture is the brain child of Andrew Ryan, the worst kind of villain in that he truly believes in his cause. However, as many great civilizations, Rapture has begun to collapse.
"We all make choices, but in the end our choices make us." - Andrew Ryan.
You meet a myriad of villains/people in this game. The most prolific being "Splicers". The splicers are people who have become addicted to genetic modification (Plasmids) and have, in turn, gone completely insane. You use plasmids as well, after gaining "ADAM", which is the key to the genetic modification.
"Plasmids changed everything. They destroyed our bodies, our minds; we couldn't handle it. Best friends butchering one another, babies strangled in cribs... the whole city went to Hell." - Atlas.
"ADAM" is harvested by the "Little Sisters" from the many corpses populating Rapture and you can gain "ADAM" by either saving or harvesting the Little Sisters. Little Sisters are little girls taken by the scientists of Rapture and used to help create more "ADAM" through processes that would be Spoilerific.
"Look, Mr. Bubbles. It's an angel! I can see light coming from his belly." - Little Sister.
A couple really cool facts about this game
A good portion of the game is based on Ayn Rand, Randian Philosophy and Objectivism. Andrew Ryan is a male personification of Ayn Rand, Frank Fontaine's name is taken from her book "The Fountainhead" and Atlas' name is taken from her other book "Atlas Shrugged".
To use plasmids you must use "EVE" hypos, the counterpart to "ADAM".
BioShock was originally going to be about a "cult deprogrammer" (according to Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BioShock#Development). Reading what Wiki has to say, I would totally play a game like that and I hope someone follows that idea soon!
You can totally spot Pac-Man, play guitar, catch a creepy glimpse of a Little Sister, see Jack's (your character) face and spot Ayn Rand's face.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Your song of the day is from Spain! It is by a group called D*Nash and the song is called Amanda!! I love this song! My darling Phil introduced me to it and I have been hopelessly addicted ever since. So, if you are intrigued by music from around the globe here is your chance to listen to some. Enjoy!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
The Day the Earth was Supposed to End
Yesterday the world was supposed to end. Jesus was supposed to come back and rapture a bunch of the faithful home. After that who knows? Zombie Apocolaypse? All I know is that it didn't happen.
Some guy predicted this because of supposed events in tandem with the Bible's description of said events, numerology and the belief that he could figure it out all on his own, even though the Bible says,
* Matthew chapter 24, verse 36:
"But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only."
* Matthew chapter 24, verse 42:
"Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come."
* 1st Thessalonians chapter 5, verse 2:
"For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night."
For years, generations before us have believed that the world was about to come to an end. Every generation has been outlived by the world they claimed would end. Why would this be anything different? And why would Jesus (and Paul) say "of that day and hour knoweth no man" only to be proved a liar by some random guy on the news? God is perfect, according to the Bible, so how can he lie? Lying is a sin, as listed in the 10 commandmants, and God is perfect and without sin.
Therefore, anyone claiming to know the day and the hour is obviously lying, because the Bible says that God cannot lie, because he is perfect and He already said that no man may know the day or time!
Anyway, this kind of thing really bugs me. People claiming to be Christians and claiming to know the scriptures make complete fools of themselves and everyone that believes them. When I was a Christian that made me mad because I felt like it made all of us look bad. Not going to lie, but it still makes Christians look bad, even though I'm not one now.
How is it that at 22 years old, not having been a "Christian" for a few years now, I still know more than some 80-something year old man who claims he knows when the rapture is supposed to happen? How does that make any sense?
To anyone who actually believed this all I have to say is, as my, very wise, Aunt Peggy said to me:
"Time all fools were dead, don't you feel sick?"
Some guy predicted this because of supposed events in tandem with the Bible's description of said events, numerology and the belief that he could figure it out all on his own, even though the Bible says,
* Matthew chapter 24, verse 36:
"But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only."
* Matthew chapter 24, verse 42:
"Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come."
* 1st Thessalonians chapter 5, verse 2:
"For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night."
For years, generations before us have believed that the world was about to come to an end. Every generation has been outlived by the world they claimed would end. Why would this be anything different? And why would Jesus (and Paul) say "of that day and hour knoweth no man" only to be proved a liar by some random guy on the news? God is perfect, according to the Bible, so how can he lie? Lying is a sin, as listed in the 10 commandmants, and God is perfect and without sin.
Therefore, anyone claiming to know the day and the hour is obviously lying, because the Bible says that God cannot lie, because he is perfect and He already said that no man may know the day or time!
Anyway, this kind of thing really bugs me. People claiming to be Christians and claiming to know the scriptures make complete fools of themselves and everyone that believes them. When I was a Christian that made me mad because I felt like it made all of us look bad. Not going to lie, but it still makes Christians look bad, even though I'm not one now.
How is it that at 22 years old, not having been a "Christian" for a few years now, I still know more than some 80-something year old man who claims he knows when the rapture is supposed to happen? How does that make any sense?
To anyone who actually believed this all I have to say is, as my, very wise, Aunt Peggy said to me:
"Time all fools were dead, don't you feel sick?"
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
An Experiment in Flavors = FAIL
So the other day I was hanging out with Fawn and Pomegranate. Yep, that's right. I typed POMEGRANATE. As in, Pomme and I are now back on speaking terms. Which is good, because I did miss hanging out with her.
Anyway, we were at a local cafe which just so happens to be a non-profit cafe that donates all of its proceeds to different foundations around the world.
This cafe happens to serve Gelato which is kind of like a thick Ice Cream. One of the flavors they had for said gelato was Chocolate Bacon. That's right, CHOCOLATE BACON! As in there were bacon bits in my Italian Ice Cream! IT didn't taste good. Luckily I didn't buy it, I only sampled. And immediately afterward I had to sample something else to get the horrendous taste of chocolate flavored bacon (or was it bacon flavored chocolate?) out of my mouth. Yuck!
So note to self: Never order a Chocolate Bacon Gelato. EVER.
Anyway, we were at a local cafe which just so happens to be a non-profit cafe that donates all of its proceeds to different foundations around the world.
This cafe happens to serve Gelato which is kind of like a thick Ice Cream. One of the flavors they had for said gelato was Chocolate Bacon. That's right, CHOCOLATE BACON! As in there were bacon bits in my Italian Ice Cream! IT didn't taste good. Luckily I didn't buy it, I only sampled. And immediately afterward I had to sample something else to get the horrendous taste of chocolate flavored bacon (or was it bacon flavored chocolate?) out of my mouth. Yuck!
So note to self: Never order a Chocolate Bacon Gelato. EVER.
Tunak Tunak Tun
Today's song is Indian. I am, once again, trying to broaden my musical horizons and this is what I came up with! Donnie has been asking me to post this for a few days now and admittedly, I've been meaning to!
This song is sung by Daler Mehndi, who is just awesome. I mean, just look at him!

Doesn't he just scream awesome?
"Tunak Tunak Tun" was released in 1998 and was, apparently, the first music video in India to use the technology of Blue screen (also known as Green Screen and Chroma Key). It has become not only popular in India, but a cult hit in various other countries around the world and an Internet meme.
So, for your viewing and listening pleasure, here is Tunak Tunak Tun by Daler Mehndi.
This song is sung by Daler Mehndi, who is just awesome. I mean, just look at him!
Doesn't he just scream awesome?
"Tunak Tunak Tun" was released in 1998 and was, apparently, the first music video in India to use the technology of Blue screen (also known as Green Screen and Chroma Key). It has become not only popular in India, but a cult hit in various other countries around the world and an Internet meme.
So, for your viewing and listening pleasure, here is Tunak Tunak Tun by Daler Mehndi.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
These are moments I'll remember (and some I'll cherish) forever. I'm trying to savor all of these moments. I'm trying to live like I am dying. Enjoy everything, do everything. No more hesitating!
Breaking into a disco dance session at the stop light with Kid and L.E.D.
Coming up with reasons why the bunny stopped right in the middle of the road so that L.E.D almost hit it. (The bunny lost its bunny job and its wife left, so it had nothing left to live for; its life long dream was to be bunny stew; and it was emo)
Slow dancing with Donnie, in our bedroom, to a song that isn't even romantic.
Talking with Rick, from work, and L.E.D for an hour and half in front of a restaurant on the square.
Standing in front of the Lincoln Memorial for the first time and realizing just how small I really am.
Drooling over Gackt with Donnie.
Feeling pretty for the first time in a long time.
Singing "Good Morning" from "Singing in the Rain" at work, even though it wasn't morning anymore.
Riding in the car on a beautiful day with Kid, where we don't talk but just enjoy the beauty of nature.
Finally getting my GED.
Putting the wrong zip code for my address on the love letter I mailed to Donnie.
Joking about going to the "gangbang" while completely lost with Phil, my brother and Eric.
My sister saying "I'm a sucker for penis" in front of my mother on Mother's Day. The look on my mom's face was also quite priceless.
Meeting my best internet friend in real life.
Realizing that I am who I am and I want to be that person.
The look on Donnie's face when "Judas" by Lady Gaga came on.
Going to the movies with my friends.
Walking to work on a beautiful day, Starbucks Frappuccino in hand, and the complete feeling of contentment.
Making my favorite waiter literally run away from my table because I embarrassed the hell out of him, again.
Being the bigger person in an argument with a willfully ignorant person.
Re-discovering Mark Twain.
Buttering my face after losing my bet with Donnie.
Finally sending that letter to Barack Obama that I've always wanted to send. And realizing that he will NEVER actually read it!
Sending random cards to the people I love, the people I don't know and the people I admire.
Listening to the same part of "Nothing Else Matters" by Apocalyptica over and over and over as loudly as I can. Also, rocking out on the air cello!
Writing my Bucket List.
Several beautiful, unique and out of the blue weddings.
Getting story ideas from some weird and messed up nightmares.
L.E.D and Kid rolling me down the parking lot while I was trashed.
Getting trapped on the tire swing (in my beautiful dress) at L.E.D's graduation party because my feet couldn't touch the ground.
L.E.D, Kid and I all sitting on the swings, even though Kid was in the baby one!
L.E.D's graduation.
Sipping Eggnog Chai with Fawn.
Getting hit on by a random guy in a white SUV with my soon to be sister-in-law.
Discovering that May is Zombie Appreciation Month.
The talking red hamster!
Breaking into a disco dance session at the stop light with Kid and L.E.D.
Coming up with reasons why the bunny stopped right in the middle of the road so that L.E.D almost hit it. (The bunny lost its bunny job and its wife left, so it had nothing left to live for; its life long dream was to be bunny stew; and it was emo)
Slow dancing with Donnie, in our bedroom, to a song that isn't even romantic.
Talking with Rick, from work, and L.E.D for an hour and half in front of a restaurant on the square.
Standing in front of the Lincoln Memorial for the first time and realizing just how small I really am.
Drooling over Gackt with Donnie.
Feeling pretty for the first time in a long time.
Singing "Good Morning" from "Singing in the Rain" at work, even though it wasn't morning anymore.
Riding in the car on a beautiful day with Kid, where we don't talk but just enjoy the beauty of nature.
Finally getting my GED.
Putting the wrong zip code for my address on the love letter I mailed to Donnie.
Joking about going to the "gangbang" while completely lost with Phil, my brother and Eric.
My sister saying "I'm a sucker for penis" in front of my mother on Mother's Day. The look on my mom's face was also quite priceless.
Meeting my best internet friend in real life.
Realizing that I am who I am and I want to be that person.
The look on Donnie's face when "Judas" by Lady Gaga came on.
Going to the movies with my friends.
Walking to work on a beautiful day, Starbucks Frappuccino in hand, and the complete feeling of contentment.
Making my favorite waiter literally run away from my table because I embarrassed the hell out of him, again.
Being the bigger person in an argument with a willfully ignorant person.
Re-discovering Mark Twain.
Buttering my face after losing my bet with Donnie.
Finally sending that letter to Barack Obama that I've always wanted to send. And realizing that he will NEVER actually read it!
Sending random cards to the people I love, the people I don't know and the people I admire.
Listening to the same part of "Nothing Else Matters" by Apocalyptica over and over and over as loudly as I can. Also, rocking out on the air cello!
Writing my Bucket List.
Several beautiful, unique and out of the blue weddings.
Getting story ideas from some weird and messed up nightmares.
L.E.D and Kid rolling me down the parking lot while I was trashed.
Getting trapped on the tire swing (in my beautiful dress) at L.E.D's graduation party because my feet couldn't touch the ground.
L.E.D, Kid and I all sitting on the swings, even though Kid was in the baby one!
L.E.D's graduation.
Sipping Eggnog Chai with Fawn.
Getting hit on by a random guy in a white SUV with my soon to be sister-in-law.
Discovering that May is Zombie Appreciation Month.
The talking red hamster!
barack obama,
Mark Twain,
Friday, May 13, 2011
Zombie Appreciation Month
Yep, that's right. Not only is May Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month it is also *que music* Zombie Appreciation Month!
For those readers that are differently alive out there here is a song just for you!
Also, for all you health conscious undead out there here are a few pictures to help you sort out what you should eat and what you shouldn't.

For a zombie with a sweet tooth left, try this yummy brains cupcake on for size!

Now, some quotes about Zombies (and one from a Zombie!).
Yeah, I know I'm ugly... I said to a bartender, 'Make me a zombie.' He said 'God beat me to it.'
- Rodney Dangerfield
I used to lie in bed in my flat and imagine what would happen if there was a zombie attack.
- Simon Pegg
"Get that damn screwdriver out of my head!"
- Zombie (from "Return of the Living Dead Part Two")
And what about Zombies? You never hear from Zombies! That's the trouble with Zombies, they're unreliable! I say if you're going to go for the Angel bullshit you might as well go for the Zombie package as well.
- George Carlin
The purpose of man's life...is to become an abject zombie who serves a purpose he does not know, for reasons he is not to question.
- Ayn Rand
A really funny poem about Zombies that I found on a website called AllPoetry.com.
Unicorns VS Zombies
A luscious coat, a fiery eye,
creatures lashing out like a storm in the sky.
Hoof-beats of thunder, lightning reflexes
an ominous call that aptly perplexes...
Known mostly for beauty, rarely their power,
o'er many foes a unicorn will tower;
a flash of silver is all to be seen
before from your bones your flesh they will glean...
But only if you're mean.
Ravenous idiots claw at your face
intentions weak and strength displaced.
They'll gnaw on your skull, seeming irate
but rotten gums can hardly seal in your fate.
They're slow and they're lonely, communicate not.
Can't get anywhere fast and don't know a whole lot.
Making noises that sound like their mouth is still shut
claiming that upon brains they're going to glut...
Unicorns totally kick zombie-butt.
A love poem for a Zombie!
Zombie Love Song (even cooler, it is a Haiku Zombie love poem!)
You are my desire.
Eating your luscious love thoughts
My Junk Just Dropped Off
- Christopher Moore(author of You Suck: A Love Story)
Warning: Zombies can (and often will) eat, disfigure, harm, chase, fall in love with, marry, kill, hunt and/or choose you at any time. You should always keep your shotguns handy and always aim for the head. If, for whatever reason, one of your family, friends, acquaintances, enemies and/or unknown clowns is eaten, disfigured, harmed, chased, in love with, married to, killed, hunted and/or chosen by a zombie feel free to aim for the head. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. Yes, life with zombies is like Monopoly.
This warning was brought to you by the Mothers Against Zombies Coalition of Southern Nowhere (MAZCSN).
Thank You for reading and remember, do your part and appreciate a zombie by doing it a favor and sending it back to the grave!
For those readers that are differently alive out there here is a song just for you!
Also, for all you health conscious undead out there here are a few pictures to help you sort out what you should eat and what you shouldn't.
For a zombie with a sweet tooth left, try this yummy brains cupcake on for size!
Now, some quotes about Zombies (and one from a Zombie!).
Yeah, I know I'm ugly... I said to a bartender, 'Make me a zombie.' He said 'God beat me to it.'
- Rodney Dangerfield
I used to lie in bed in my flat and imagine what would happen if there was a zombie attack.
- Simon Pegg
"Get that damn screwdriver out of my head!"
- Zombie (from "Return of the Living Dead Part Two")
And what about Zombies? You never hear from Zombies! That's the trouble with Zombies, they're unreliable! I say if you're going to go for the Angel bullshit you might as well go for the Zombie package as well.
- George Carlin
The purpose of man's life...is to become an abject zombie who serves a purpose he does not know, for reasons he is not to question.
- Ayn Rand
A really funny poem about Zombies that I found on a website called AllPoetry.com.
Unicorns VS Zombies
A luscious coat, a fiery eye,
creatures lashing out like a storm in the sky.
Hoof-beats of thunder, lightning reflexes
an ominous call that aptly perplexes...
Known mostly for beauty, rarely their power,
o'er many foes a unicorn will tower;
a flash of silver is all to be seen
before from your bones your flesh they will glean...
But only if you're mean.
Ravenous idiots claw at your face
intentions weak and strength displaced.
They'll gnaw on your skull, seeming irate
but rotten gums can hardly seal in your fate.
They're slow and they're lonely, communicate not.
Can't get anywhere fast and don't know a whole lot.
Making noises that sound like their mouth is still shut
claiming that upon brains they're going to glut...
Unicorns totally kick zombie-butt.
A love poem for a Zombie!
Zombie Love Song (even cooler, it is a Haiku Zombie love poem!)
You are my desire.
Eating your luscious love thoughts
My Junk Just Dropped Off
- Christopher Moore(author of You Suck: A Love Story)
Warning: Zombies can (and often will) eat, disfigure, harm, chase, fall in love with, marry, kill, hunt and/or choose you at any time. You should always keep your shotguns handy and always aim for the head. If, for whatever reason, one of your family, friends, acquaintances, enemies and/or unknown clowns is eaten, disfigured, harmed, chased, in love with, married to, killed, hunted and/or chosen by a zombie feel free to aim for the head. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. Yes, life with zombies is like Monopoly.
This warning was brought to you by the Mothers Against Zombies Coalition of Southern Nowhere (MAZCSN).
Thank You for reading and remember, do your part and appreciate a zombie by doing it a favor and sending it back to the grave!
Friday, May 06, 2011
In celebration of my blog reaching 800 views (no small feat since I've had this thing forever!) I am posting my newest favorite song by God. I mean Gackt! Not only is Gackt God, but he is the sex as well. Tee hee!
Anyway, now that I'm done drooling *wipes mouth*, okay maybe not quite done. Also, Gackt is my Asian Pacific American Heritage Month person of the day. Even though he isn't from America. Which is something I kind of hate about this politically correct stuff, it limits us to learning about only people who were "Americans", not anyone else. What about Nelson Mandela? Or one of the Emperors of China? Being politically correct limits our hero choices. But enough of that tangent, Gackt is my person of the day. Go Gackt!
Ever - Gackt
Anyway, now that I'm done drooling *wipes mouth*, okay maybe not quite done. Also, Gackt is my Asian Pacific American Heritage Month person of the day. Even though he isn't from America. Which is something I kind of hate about this politically correct stuff, it limits us to learning about only people who were "Americans", not anyone else. What about Nelson Mandela? Or one of the Emperors of China? Being politically correct limits our hero choices. But enough of that tangent, Gackt is my person of the day. Go Gackt!
Ever - Gackt
Thursday, May 05, 2011
I haven't really been liking some of Lady Gaga's newest music. I am definitely not a fan of "Born this Way" and I didn't really like "Judas" the first time I heard it, but I'm a sucker for her videos so I decided to give the new "Judas" video a chance. I actually kind of liked it. Well, some of it. As per usual, a good portion of it didn't make sense.
Judas is an interesting character in the Bible, being the ultimate betrayer of Christ. After his betrayal the Bible says that he killed himself. There is a lot of symbolism in the video related to Christ's relationship to Judas, including the kiss of doom. Christ is the hot leader of a motorcycle gang in the video, with a golden crown of thorn appropriately placed on his head. I am leaning towards Gaga being Mary Magdalene mostly due to her actions through out the video. Her continous following of Jesus, the foot washing scene, so forth.
A couple other reasons would be the lyrics themselves. She refers to herself as a fame hooker, prostitute wench. Though Gaga, like many others, is under the false impression that Mary was a prostitute, even though there is no actual biblical evidence of this. She also mentions washing his feet with her hair, which is something Mary did.
Though, she is referring to Judas. Not Jesus. Mary of Magdalene did all of this for Jesus Christ. Not Judas. All in all, it is quite an interesting video full of symbolism realted to the biblical tales surrounding Jesus and Judas. If you are interested I would suggest Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. In the meantime, while you are searching for that Bible you never use, give a listen to "Judas" by Lady Gaga.
Judas is an interesting character in the Bible, being the ultimate betrayer of Christ. After his betrayal the Bible says that he killed himself. There is a lot of symbolism in the video related to Christ's relationship to Judas, including the kiss of doom. Christ is the hot leader of a motorcycle gang in the video, with a golden crown of thorn appropriately placed on his head. I am leaning towards Gaga being Mary Magdalene mostly due to her actions through out the video. Her continous following of Jesus, the foot washing scene, so forth.
A couple other reasons would be the lyrics themselves. She refers to herself as a fame hooker, prostitute wench. Though Gaga, like many others, is under the false impression that Mary was a prostitute, even though there is no actual biblical evidence of this. She also mentions washing his feet with her hair, which is something Mary did.
Though, she is referring to Judas. Not Jesus. Mary of Magdalene did all of this for Jesus Christ. Not Judas. All in all, it is quite an interesting video full of symbolism realted to the biblical tales surrounding Jesus and Judas. If you are interested I would suggest Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. In the meantime, while you are searching for that Bible you never use, give a listen to "Judas" by Lady Gaga.
Monday, May 02, 2011
Mark Twain
After searching for a particular Mark Twain quote (see previous blog) I read through several more of his quotations and have discovered that Mark Twain was a genius. I knew that he was a wonderful writer (I loved "Tom Sawyer"), but had never really read some of the quotes he has. They are magnificent! He has such wit and intelligence, that indeed, I think he may be a god. It was like being a parched and dying man in the desert suddenly finding a wealth of water he hadn't noticed before. That is just how I feel now, as if I am suddenly full of fresh water that I had not known was in existence.
My solution to this? I'm going to borrow a bunch of Mark Twain books. And I'm going to post several quotes that I found by this remarkable and wonderful man, who had gone quite under-appreciated by me. I'm sorry Mark Twain, I owe you a cookie! Also, I'm thinking of making him a deity. We need a religion based on Mark Twain's words. We should call it Twainism!
"I would much prefer to suffer from the clean incision of an honest lancet than from a sweetened poison."
"A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes."
"Never tell the truth to people who are not worthy of it."
"In a good bookroom you feel in some mysterious way that you are absorbing the wisdom contained in all the books through your skin, without even opening them." (I agree completely!)
"But who prays for Satan? Who, in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it most?" (This is something I used to worry about as a child. I never understood why we weren't supposed to pray for Satan, when the Bible says that we should pray for our enemies. Not only that, but couldn't Satan be saved? He was an angel once? But then you get into the "unforgivable sin", which who even understands what that is?)
"Wrinkles should merely indicate where the smiles have been."
"You believe in a book that has talking animals, wizards, witches, demons, sticks turning into snakes, burning bushes, food falling from the sky, people walking on water, and all sorts of magical, absurd and primitive stories, and you say that we are the ones that need help?" (Funny thing, I know exactly where almost all these references are in the Bible)
"I did not attend his funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it."
"Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society."
"Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as much as you please."
"Sanity and happiness are an impossible combination."
"Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option."
"Life is short, Break the Rules.
Forgive quickly, Kiss SLOWLY.
Love truly. Laugh uncontrollably
And never regret ANYTHING
That makes you smile." (did not know that Mark Twain said this, but I have always appreciated this bit of wisdom.)
"A banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining, but wants it back the minute it begins to rain."
"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it."
"I haven't any right to criticize books, and I don't do it except when I hate them. I often want to criticize Jane Austen, but her books madden me so that I can't conceal my frenzy from the reader; and therefore I have to stop every time I begin. Every time I read Pride and Prejudice I want to dig her up and beat her over the skull with her own shin-bone. -Letter to Joseph Twichell, 9/13/1898" (I'm not entirely sure why Mr. Twain didn't like Jane Austen, but he didn't like her much because he talks about her a lot!)
"History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme."
"I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it."
"Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see."
"The most interesting information come from children, for they tell all they know and then stop."
"When angry, count four. When very angry, swear."
"I didn't have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead."
"Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it."
"If animals could speak, the dog would be a blundering outspoken fellow; but the cat would have the rare grace of never saying a word too much." (Have to love a man that appreciates cats!)
"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained."
"Out of all the things I have lost, I miss my mind the most."
"Denial is much more then an Egyptian River."
"While the rest of the species is descended from apes, redheads are descended from cats."
"We are all stupid, just on different subjects"
"It is curious that physical courage should be so common in the world and moral courage so rare."
"There are many humorous things in the world; among them, the white man's notion that he less savage than the other savages."
"There was never yet an uninteresting life. Such a thing is an impossibility. Inside of the dullest exterior there is a drama, a comedy, and a tragedy."
"Why waste your money looking up your family tree? Just go into politics and your opponent will do it for you." (I'm thinking about all this stupidity over Obama's birth certificate!)
"If we were supposed to talk more than listen we would have been given two mouths and one ear."
"[The Bible] has noble poetry in it... and some good morals and a wealth of obscenity, and upwards of a thousand lies."
"There is a charm about the forbidden that makes it unspeakably desirable."
"My books are water; those of the great geniuses are wine.(Fortunately) Everybody drinks water."
"Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured."
"Action speaks louder than words but not nearly as often."
"The right word may be effective, but no word was ever as effective as a rightly timed pause."
"We need not worry so much about what man descends from; it's what he descends to that shames the human race." (All the ridiculous people who run their mouths about things they don't even know or understand, I am looking at you right now!)
"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."
"Golf is a good walk spoiled." (Sorry to everyone that actually enjoys golfing!)
"Last week I stated that this woman was the ugliest woman I had ever seen. I have since been visited by her sister and now wish to withdraw that statement."
"Let us live so that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry."
"The Rumors of my Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated."
"If Christ were here now there is one thing he would not be – a Christian." (Very true!)
"Unconsciously we all have a standard by which we measure other men, and if we examine closely we find that this standard is a very simple one, and is this: we admire them, we envy them, for great qualities we ourselves lack. Hero worship consists in just that. Our heroes are men who do things which we recognize, with regret, and sometimes with a secret shame, that we cannot do. We find not much in ourselves to admire, we are always privately wanting to be like somebody else. If everybody was satisfied with himself, there would be no heroes."
"Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day." (YUCK!)
"Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired."
"We may not pay Satan reverence, for that would be indiscreet, but we can at least respect his talents."
"Why do you sit there looking like an envelope without any address on it?"
"Don't wake up a woman in love. Let her dream, so that she does not weep when she returns to her bitter reality"
"I know the look of an apple that is roasting and sizzling on the hearth on a winter's evening, and I know the comfort that comes of eating it hot, along with some sugar and a drench of cream... I know how the nuts taken in conjunction with winter apples, cider, and doughnuts, make old people's tales and old jokes sound fresh and crisp and enchanting."
"A half-truth is the most cowardly of lies."
"The radical of one century is the conservative of the next. The radical invents the views. When he has worn them out, the conservative adopt."
"Peace by persuasion has a pleasant sound, but I think we should not be able to work it. We should have to tame the human race first, and history seems to show that that cannot be done."
My solution to this? I'm going to borrow a bunch of Mark Twain books. And I'm going to post several quotes that I found by this remarkable and wonderful man, who had gone quite under-appreciated by me. I'm sorry Mark Twain, I owe you a cookie! Also, I'm thinking of making him a deity. We need a religion based on Mark Twain's words. We should call it Twainism!
"I would much prefer to suffer from the clean incision of an honest lancet than from a sweetened poison."
"A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes."
"Never tell the truth to people who are not worthy of it."
"In a good bookroom you feel in some mysterious way that you are absorbing the wisdom contained in all the books through your skin, without even opening them." (I agree completely!)
"But who prays for Satan? Who, in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it most?" (This is something I used to worry about as a child. I never understood why we weren't supposed to pray for Satan, when the Bible says that we should pray for our enemies. Not only that, but couldn't Satan be saved? He was an angel once? But then you get into the "unforgivable sin", which who even understands what that is?)
"Wrinkles should merely indicate where the smiles have been."
"You believe in a book that has talking animals, wizards, witches, demons, sticks turning into snakes, burning bushes, food falling from the sky, people walking on water, and all sorts of magical, absurd and primitive stories, and you say that we are the ones that need help?" (Funny thing, I know exactly where almost all these references are in the Bible)
"I did not attend his funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it."
"Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society."
"Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as much as you please."
"Sanity and happiness are an impossible combination."
"Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option."
"Life is short, Break the Rules.
Forgive quickly, Kiss SLOWLY.
Love truly. Laugh uncontrollably
And never regret ANYTHING
That makes you smile." (did not know that Mark Twain said this, but I have always appreciated this bit of wisdom.)
"A banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining, but wants it back the minute it begins to rain."
"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it."
"I haven't any right to criticize books, and I don't do it except when I hate them. I often want to criticize Jane Austen, but her books madden me so that I can't conceal my frenzy from the reader; and therefore I have to stop every time I begin. Every time I read Pride and Prejudice I want to dig her up and beat her over the skull with her own shin-bone. -Letter to Joseph Twichell, 9/13/1898" (I'm not entirely sure why Mr. Twain didn't like Jane Austen, but he didn't like her much because he talks about her a lot!)
"History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme."
"I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it."
"Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see."
"The most interesting information come from children, for they tell all they know and then stop."
"When angry, count four. When very angry, swear."
"I didn't have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead."
"Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it."
"If animals could speak, the dog would be a blundering outspoken fellow; but the cat would have the rare grace of never saying a word too much." (Have to love a man that appreciates cats!)
"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained."
"Out of all the things I have lost, I miss my mind the most."
"Denial is much more then an Egyptian River."
"While the rest of the species is descended from apes, redheads are descended from cats."
"We are all stupid, just on different subjects"
"It is curious that physical courage should be so common in the world and moral courage so rare."
"There are many humorous things in the world; among them, the white man's notion that he less savage than the other savages."
"There was never yet an uninteresting life. Such a thing is an impossibility. Inside of the dullest exterior there is a drama, a comedy, and a tragedy."
"Why waste your money looking up your family tree? Just go into politics and your opponent will do it for you." (I'm thinking about all this stupidity over Obama's birth certificate!)
"If we were supposed to talk more than listen we would have been given two mouths and one ear."
"[The Bible] has noble poetry in it... and some good morals and a wealth of obscenity, and upwards of a thousand lies."
"There is a charm about the forbidden that makes it unspeakably desirable."
"My books are water; those of the great geniuses are wine.(Fortunately) Everybody drinks water."
"Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured."
"Action speaks louder than words but not nearly as often."
"The right word may be effective, but no word was ever as effective as a rightly timed pause."
"We need not worry so much about what man descends from; it's what he descends to that shames the human race." (All the ridiculous people who run their mouths about things they don't even know or understand, I am looking at you right now!)
"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."
"Golf is a good walk spoiled." (Sorry to everyone that actually enjoys golfing!)
"Last week I stated that this woman was the ugliest woman I had ever seen. I have since been visited by her sister and now wish to withdraw that statement."
"Let us live so that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry."
"The Rumors of my Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated."
"If Christ were here now there is one thing he would not be – a Christian." (Very true!)
"Unconsciously we all have a standard by which we measure other men, and if we examine closely we find that this standard is a very simple one, and is this: we admire them, we envy them, for great qualities we ourselves lack. Hero worship consists in just that. Our heroes are men who do things which we recognize, with regret, and sometimes with a secret shame, that we cannot do. We find not much in ourselves to admire, we are always privately wanting to be like somebody else. If everybody was satisfied with himself, there would be no heroes."
"Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day." (YUCK!)
"Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired."
"We may not pay Satan reverence, for that would be indiscreet, but we can at least respect his talents."
"Why do you sit there looking like an envelope without any address on it?"
"Don't wake up a woman in love. Let her dream, so that she does not weep when she returns to her bitter reality"
"I know the look of an apple that is roasting and sizzling on the hearth on a winter's evening, and I know the comfort that comes of eating it hot, along with some sugar and a drench of cream... I know how the nuts taken in conjunction with winter apples, cider, and doughnuts, make old people's tales and old jokes sound fresh and crisp and enchanting."
"A half-truth is the most cowardly of lies."
"The radical of one century is the conservative of the next. The radical invents the views. When he has worn them out, the conservative adopt."
"Peace by persuasion has a pleasant sound, but I think we should not be able to work it. We should have to tame the human race first, and history seems to show that that cannot be done."
barack obama,
Jane Austen,
Mark Twain,
A Letter to Stupidity
Dear Stupid/racist people that I am ashamed to call my friends,
It is days like today that make me wonder why I am friends with you. I seriously cannot even begin to comprehend what would make you say the stupid and racist things you say on Facebook. I cannot understand what possesses you when you let yourself practically vomit stupidity all over your page. Did your hands break as you were typing to create that heinous dribble that you call intellect?
Or is it your mind that has taken leave of itself? You write the worst conspiracy theories I could even imagine. Even a child would know that you were preaching trash! You call yourself a Godly Christian, then write some seriously disturbing rhetoric about the President and the United States. I am behind you saying the US sucks. For all intents and purposes it truly does. It is a terrible country, one built on blood and double standards and lies. I do not disagree with that point.
At least place the blame on the correct shoulders! "Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as much as you please." As the wonderful Mark Twain once said. Instead of just allowing whatever inane, insane, ridiculous, stupid and unsupportable dribble come out of your mouth and onto the computer screen, do the world a favor and shut up! Try to learn before you speak! When you present something, be prepared to show proofs as well, because I am tired of seeing this on social networking sites!
We go to these sites to bitch about our bad day at work or to celebrate something good, to share what moves us and what makes us smile. We also come to discuss different politics and religions, but that doesn't mean that as soon as we begin a discussion we start screaming like apes loose in the jungle! We are human beings and should learn to act as such. We are not children, we are adults, so let's act like that! Let's try to be mature every now and then, shall we?
In the meantime, I am going to continue to ignore your absurdity.
Postscript: It is hard to write a scathing letter when you are being enveloped by beautiful cello music.
It is days like today that make me wonder why I am friends with you. I seriously cannot even begin to comprehend what would make you say the stupid and racist things you say on Facebook. I cannot understand what possesses you when you let yourself practically vomit stupidity all over your page. Did your hands break as you were typing to create that heinous dribble that you call intellect?
Or is it your mind that has taken leave of itself? You write the worst conspiracy theories I could even imagine. Even a child would know that you were preaching trash! You call yourself a Godly Christian, then write some seriously disturbing rhetoric about the President and the United States. I am behind you saying the US sucks. For all intents and purposes it truly does. It is a terrible country, one built on blood and double standards and lies. I do not disagree with that point.
At least place the blame on the correct shoulders! "Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as much as you please." As the wonderful Mark Twain once said. Instead of just allowing whatever inane, insane, ridiculous, stupid and unsupportable dribble come out of your mouth and onto the computer screen, do the world a favor and shut up! Try to learn before you speak! When you present something, be prepared to show proofs as well, because I am tired of seeing this on social networking sites!
We go to these sites to bitch about our bad day at work or to celebrate something good, to share what moves us and what makes us smile. We also come to discuss different politics and religions, but that doesn't mean that as soon as we begin a discussion we start screaming like apes loose in the jungle! We are human beings and should learn to act as such. We are not children, we are adults, so let's act like that! Let's try to be mature every now and then, shall we?
In the meantime, I am going to continue to ignore your absurdity.
Postscript: It is hard to write a scathing letter when you are being enveloped by beautiful cello music.
barack obama,
Mark Twain,
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