So the song of the day is in Japanese, but I really like it. And surprisingly NOT because it is some hot Japanese guy. It isn't a guy at all! I like it because it reminds me of some music I used to listen to with my older sister back in the early 2000's and the late 90's. Anyway here it is in glorious TECHNICOLOR! *just kidding*
That's all for now, more later, hopefully.
I am too political for my own good. I believe in Mermaids and Unicorns. I am the ringleader of Lunacy. I am sane inside insanity. I am who I am and I am what I am. And, truly, that is all I can ever be.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Tuesday, May 04, 2010
Word of the Day (April 22 - May 4)
Sorry that I am so far behind guys!!! Here are the words of the day from where I left off to now! ^^
April 22nd: Empyrean
April 23rd: Ambisinister
April 24th: Oneiric
April 25th: Egregious
April 26th: Gelid
April 27th: Aubade
April 28th: Eschew
April 29th: Coquetry
April 30th: Billet-Doux
May 1st: Quixotic
May 2nd: Arcanum
May 3rd: Islet
May 4th: Trepidatious
The sky was a cloudless empyrean, dusted with silver stars. An ivory moon combed out her black hair, her children dancing. It was a perfect night. He smiled at her, a million diamonds reflected in the mirror of her eyes. He knelt before her, the small box tenderly held out. "Will you marry me?"
It was difficult being ambisinister. Always so clumsy, always dropping stuff. Of course, it might be less difficult if you actually had hands to be ambisinister with. No, that just doesn't make sense! Having hands might make me less clumsy? I might drop less items that way?
The sands of time drip slowly through the hourglass for those whose outlook is oneiric. Often contemplative, they watch the sand sift down and psycho-analyze each grain. Dreamy, they see rainbows where there are blood streaked skies. They see stars through the smog, when the stars have all faded into non-existence. They do not see reality in black and white, but in shades of violet and cream. Maybe that is why they seem so much happier; existing in a dream world.
"You're such an egregious liar, Persephone! As if anybody really believes Hades kidnapped you. And not only that, you ate something so you can't come back?! If you didn't want to do the play with us you could've at least said so! Now, because of this stunt, we have to find a replacement last minute! Zeus' genitalia, this is ridiculous!"
That winter was particularly gelid; the roads coated in generous amounts of snow. Brian and Chelsea were sledding down the hill, racing. It was kind of a date, though neither had admitted their crush. Soon they were at the bottom, sprawled out and entangled. They didn't mean to kiss, it just happened. Snowflakes on eyelashes framing green eyes were not meant to be resisted.
The muse awoke from her rose petal slumber, an aubade on her lips. The sun's birth approached, the sky opening itself to his fiery entrance. She picked up her lyre and found her way to the balcony of heaven. She sat on the ledge, draping her blue skirts about her. Today's song would be a lullaby, a lure for the dawn. As her fingers danced, the newborn ascended his thorn, bloody embers glowing softly.
"To eschew sexuality, and its gifts, would be the worst kind of sin." The cult leader had been talking in this vein for days. "We must cast our virginity upon the altar of lust and love, giving it up as incense to the God of Heaven. We must lift up our rumpled clothes and rejoice in the good gift of sex." Women began stripping off their shirts and bras, men began to tug at their pants. A God induced sexual frenzy was in full swing before you could say "My penis' name is Boris".
The art of coquetry had not been entirely lost on her. It was just so subtle, too subtle for her tastes. She preferred boldly asserting herself to the subtle dalliance of coquetry. Her mother, however, wanted her to be quiet and meek. She was neither quiet nor meek, nor was she gentle and mild-mannered. She was wild and she intended to stay that way.
He had been up the entire night perfecting his billet-doux. His sweetheart deserved perfection in every way, especially in love letters. A sweet note to a sweet girl, he thought. Love was such a funny colored thing! One moment it flared red with passion, the next it was white with purity. This letter would never be finished, as love goes on forever.
It was a quixotic dance to them, rushing in, bullets flying. A damsel in distress was unnecessary for them. The sound of bullets ringing against concrete spurred fire through their blood. It was reckless and romantic, a modern fairy tale. They would go down swinging, rebels without a cause. Fighting only windmills on paper horses, they ride into destiny.
The professor was talking on and on about arcanum and long dead alchemists. Cindy was falling asleep. She began to dream as she drifted, the professor's words a lazy drone. She was lost in a cave, the walls rising high and glittering. She could feel secrets as old as time itself pressing down on her. This is what the professor meant by arcanum.
On a summer lit islet a girl watches as violets are gathered. She is a sacrifice to the heart of the small island. They fill the sea chest with the tiny flowers until it overflows with purple and green. They lead her to the box and force her down. Her eyes glimmer with fear as they prepare the knife. When the moon rises it rises over a murdered mermaid and bloody violets.
Trepidatious, she crawled out of the vault. Everything was so big! There was a blinding light coming out of the sky, at least she thought it was a sky. The first thing she came in contact with was a small building with a woman named Silver living in it. All fear gone, she spoke with Silver for a time and headed for a place called Megaton. The search for her father had now begun in earnest.
April 22nd: Empyrean
April 23rd: Ambisinister
April 24th: Oneiric
April 25th: Egregious
April 26th: Gelid
April 27th: Aubade
April 28th: Eschew
April 29th: Coquetry
April 30th: Billet-Doux
May 1st: Quixotic
May 2nd: Arcanum
May 3rd: Islet
May 4th: Trepidatious
The sky was a cloudless empyrean, dusted with silver stars. An ivory moon combed out her black hair, her children dancing. It was a perfect night. He smiled at her, a million diamonds reflected in the mirror of her eyes. He knelt before her, the small box tenderly held out. "Will you marry me?"
It was difficult being ambisinister. Always so clumsy, always dropping stuff. Of course, it might be less difficult if you actually had hands to be ambisinister with. No, that just doesn't make sense! Having hands might make me less clumsy? I might drop less items that way?
The sands of time drip slowly through the hourglass for those whose outlook is oneiric. Often contemplative, they watch the sand sift down and psycho-analyze each grain. Dreamy, they see rainbows where there are blood streaked skies. They see stars through the smog, when the stars have all faded into non-existence. They do not see reality in black and white, but in shades of violet and cream. Maybe that is why they seem so much happier; existing in a dream world.
"You're such an egregious liar, Persephone! As if anybody really believes Hades kidnapped you. And not only that, you ate something so you can't come back?! If you didn't want to do the play with us you could've at least said so! Now, because of this stunt, we have to find a replacement last minute! Zeus' genitalia, this is ridiculous!"
That winter was particularly gelid; the roads coated in generous amounts of snow. Brian and Chelsea were sledding down the hill, racing. It was kind of a date, though neither had admitted their crush. Soon they were at the bottom, sprawled out and entangled. They didn't mean to kiss, it just happened. Snowflakes on eyelashes framing green eyes were not meant to be resisted.
The muse awoke from her rose petal slumber, an aubade on her lips. The sun's birth approached, the sky opening itself to his fiery entrance. She picked up her lyre and found her way to the balcony of heaven. She sat on the ledge, draping her blue skirts about her. Today's song would be a lullaby, a lure for the dawn. As her fingers danced, the newborn ascended his thorn, bloody embers glowing softly.
"To eschew sexuality, and its gifts, would be the worst kind of sin." The cult leader had been talking in this vein for days. "We must cast our virginity upon the altar of lust and love, giving it up as incense to the God of Heaven. We must lift up our rumpled clothes and rejoice in the good gift of sex." Women began stripping off their shirts and bras, men began to tug at their pants. A God induced sexual frenzy was in full swing before you could say "My penis' name is Boris".
The art of coquetry had not been entirely lost on her. It was just so subtle, too subtle for her tastes. She preferred boldly asserting herself to the subtle dalliance of coquetry. Her mother, however, wanted her to be quiet and meek. She was neither quiet nor meek, nor was she gentle and mild-mannered. She was wild and she intended to stay that way.
He had been up the entire night perfecting his billet-doux. His sweetheart deserved perfection in every way, especially in love letters. A sweet note to a sweet girl, he thought. Love was such a funny colored thing! One moment it flared red with passion, the next it was white with purity. This letter would never be finished, as love goes on forever.
It was a quixotic dance to them, rushing in, bullets flying. A damsel in distress was unnecessary for them. The sound of bullets ringing against concrete spurred fire through their blood. It was reckless and romantic, a modern fairy tale. They would go down swinging, rebels without a cause. Fighting only windmills on paper horses, they ride into destiny.
The professor was talking on and on about arcanum and long dead alchemists. Cindy was falling asleep. She began to dream as she drifted, the professor's words a lazy drone. She was lost in a cave, the walls rising high and glittering. She could feel secrets as old as time itself pressing down on her. This is what the professor meant by arcanum.
On a summer lit islet a girl watches as violets are gathered. She is a sacrifice to the heart of the small island. They fill the sea chest with the tiny flowers until it overflows with purple and green. They lead her to the box and force her down. Her eyes glimmer with fear as they prepare the knife. When the moon rises it rises over a murdered mermaid and bloody violets.
Trepidatious, she crawled out of the vault. Everything was so big! There was a blinding light coming out of the sky, at least she thought it was a sky. The first thing she came in contact with was a small building with a woman named Silver living in it. All fear gone, she spoke with Silver for a time and headed for a place called Megaton. The search for her father had now begun in earnest.
Material Girl
So today's song is Material Girl by Madonna. I am unable to embed the video so I am going to post the link to it here:
Now onto the other stuff...
I'm going to post a couple of news pieces and then I'm going to post a picture or two. Nothing extravagant for this blog. My next blog I will post the words of the day. I don't have to be at work until 7 so I have time to post that before I leave. ^^
It is Star Wars Day!! Hooray for us nerds who think Star Wars rocks!!
A young woman is suing her former school for false expulsion. Supposedly the young woman was caught having sex with her former boyfriend in a bathroom, but she claims she was throwing up and that he was helping her clean her shoes.
A man in California was denied proper medical treatment for Penis cancer and his family cannot sue. This is terrible.
Awesome picture of the day!
Does that spell what I think it spells?

All for now, folks!!
Now onto the other stuff...
I'm going to post a couple of news pieces and then I'm going to post a picture or two. Nothing extravagant for this blog. My next blog I will post the words of the day. I don't have to be at work until 7 so I have time to post that before I leave. ^^
It is Star Wars Day!! Hooray for us nerds who think Star Wars rocks!!
A young woman is suing her former school for false expulsion. Supposedly the young woman was caught having sex with her former boyfriend in a bathroom, but she claims she was throwing up and that he was helping her clean her shoes.
A man in California was denied proper medical treatment for Penis cancer and his family cannot sue. This is terrible.
Awesome picture of the day!
Does that spell what I think it spells?
All for now, folks!!
Monday, May 03, 2010
A Full Course Meal.
I suppose it is that time again, where I post something. I have been a little lax in posting the words of the day, partially because everything has been so crazy here. So, this is a short apology and a post just for you!
I'M SORRY! (See, short apology)
Now onto the rest of the post...
On today's menu we have as an appetizer:
Je Reviens by Kaolin as our song of the day. I heard these guys after a friend of mine on Facebook posted a status about them. I really like this particular song and I hope you do too!!
and we have for the main course:
Some interesting articles I have found recently. Some of them warm my heart and others make it grow cold as ice, but for now, let's start with some that warm the heart!
A Tabby cat named Zoe has adopted 3 abandoned BOBCATS. Everything is being done to protect the tabby and the bobkittens, and hopefully the bobkittens can return to the wild!
A teenager (allegedly obsessed with death) dug up a corpse in a private Jewish cemetery and hacked off it's foot. No word yet from the corpse's lawyers. ^^
Apparently the U.S. and China are in a Honey war... Well, isn't that a sticky situation (I know, that joke was terrible, but still funny)!
and for dessert:
These are a few interesting bits that I found whilst stumbling around on the net. I hope you enjoy them as much I do!
Stephanie Metz creates wool sculptures. That's right, she takes wool and a felting needle and creates beautiful sculptures with it. I love the pictures of her work!
France, known as the Romantic Country, is home to a very bizarre statue. Born of the Renaissance, this statue is called Transi de René de Chalon. It is a replication of the decomposition of the human body, a skeleton with dried flesh hanging from its limbs and holding its own heart. It once held the REAL heart of the person it was created for (René de Chalon, Prince of Orange), but that has long disappeared.
The picture that I am about to post is a new thing called the "bijini" It is the combination of jeans and a bikini. I would really like to know your opinions on it, as it seems really crazy to me. I kind of like it though. ^^

That's all for now, I plan on posting the words of the day tonight before I go to work. Hope everyone has a good day!!
I'M SORRY! (See, short apology)
Now onto the rest of the post...
On today's menu we have as an appetizer:
Je Reviens by Kaolin as our song of the day. I heard these guys after a friend of mine on Facebook posted a status about them. I really like this particular song and I hope you do too!!
and we have for the main course:
Some interesting articles I have found recently. Some of them warm my heart and others make it grow cold as ice, but for now, let's start with some that warm the heart!
A Tabby cat named Zoe has adopted 3 abandoned BOBCATS. Everything is being done to protect the tabby and the bobkittens, and hopefully the bobkittens can return to the wild!
A teenager (allegedly obsessed with death) dug up a corpse in a private Jewish cemetery and hacked off it's foot. No word yet from the corpse's lawyers. ^^
Apparently the U.S. and China are in a Honey war... Well, isn't that a sticky situation (I know, that joke was terrible, but still funny)!
and for dessert:
These are a few interesting bits that I found whilst stumbling around on the net. I hope you enjoy them as much I do!
Stephanie Metz creates wool sculptures. That's right, she takes wool and a felting needle and creates beautiful sculptures with it. I love the pictures of her work!
France, known as the Romantic Country, is home to a very bizarre statue. Born of the Renaissance, this statue is called Transi de René de Chalon. It is a replication of the decomposition of the human body, a skeleton with dried flesh hanging from its limbs and holding its own heart. It once held the REAL heart of the person it was created for (René de Chalon, Prince of Orange), but that has long disappeared.
The picture that I am about to post is a new thing called the "bijini" It is the combination of jeans and a bikini. I would really like to know your opinions on it, as it seems really crazy to me. I kind of like it though. ^^
That's all for now, I plan on posting the words of the day tonight before I go to work. Hope everyone has a good day!!
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