Current mood: Argumentative
I have so much to post I hardly know where to begin... so I guess I will start with this...
So much to post right now I barely know where to begin here... so I guess I will just pull at random here...
the GazettE- STACKED RUBBISH ~vs~ DIM... A comparative rant.
I've been wanting to discuss this for a while now, and up until now I have been to lazy to do so, though upon sitting here with Sarai, showing her DIM, and I realized just how pissed off I really am at the Fandom... mostly for their blind lack of taste... and mindless way of thinking, that anything with the GazettE's name on it, is made of gold, when it is clearly not.
Okay so let's get on with the comparative rant...
STACKED RUBBISH- 14 songs. Youtubers and LJ asses alike have stated that the album sucks, that Ruki should never "rap", and that the album is generic and amature... Granted this is where I would say, "Awww, they dropped most of their visuals after NIL and you think all of a sudden because they look semi-normal, you are thrown for a loop and suddenly think that their music sucks... and when they go back to their visuals for DIM, you think they once again rock... yeah okay, visuals are a part of Visual Kei, but it's not all that is VK... the GazettE doesn't suck because they aren't as visual as they once were... give me a fucking break..."
You people have NO sense of taste...
Let's break this down one by one shall we?
ART DRAWN BY VOMIT- The name, while it sounds like it came from some obscure Diru album or the likes, it is anything but... while it is only 1 minute and 55 seconds... it is full of defilement that only the GazettE can achieve, with lyrics like "Hey Jesus... suck my grudge and hate..." how can you deny the awesome that is this...? I can't.
AGONY- Two words... OH SHIT! Sarai seems to be of the opinion that, that all that need be said about said song... I however love to elaborate..., seeing how it is my favorite song on the album. First of all... who says "Fuckboy"? And who was he copulating with for the last time... this song is random English, and hilarious like Silly God Disco... a really fucked up good time... and dare you say a damn thing about Ruki's fine rapping... fuck you. It's hilariously awesome.
HYENA- More copulation here... lyrically, this song is dirty and sexy and full of sexual and dirty connotations, it's almost as if he were talking down to a one time lover or an ex, I didn't realize he was capable of writing this way... Not to mention the PV... all of them in a steel cage... I seriously can't see anything wrong with this...
BURIAL APPLICANT- This song, lyrically is very fucked up... and obscure, I don't know whether he is singing about his own death or that of someone else, by his or someone else's hand... The song is full of torment, and self loathing... and rap... I think maybe that is what the turn off is for most of these scene kids, and this album, it being more raw, than even NIL or MADARA were, most of these generic teens didn't know what to think. This video screams tortured soul... a child so wrought with self hate, that he has to end things... his own parents giving him the means to do so.
Ganges ni akai bara (ガンジスに紅い薔薇)- Ruki doing Ska... say it ain't so... oh give me fucking break people... he at least goes the extra mile to not sound like *insert random generic rock band here*. This song although sounds happy to a point, lyrically it is random, and all over the place, much like Silly God Disco. But it's different and edgy and catchy. I like it, though I like other songs on the album better.
Regret- This song might be the REAL REASON that the scene kids hate this album so... it talks all about INSANE FANDOM... with lyrics like, "I got a piercing just like you
I wore a ring just like you, and put on rouge just like you. I colored my hair the same as yours." This has to be the real reason right here folks... they don't like when Ruki sings truth... I so love this song.
Calm Envy- This song is amazing both musically and lyrically. Aoi's intro makes me weak in the knees... literally. This shows Ruki's versatility as a writer, he is able to write from both his point of view and from that of a stranger... this song speaks of a girl not wanting her lover to leave her, a beautiful ballad, and a slight, yet nice departure from the first 6 songs on the album.
SWALLOWTAIL ON THE DEATH VALLEY- Much like Ganges ni akai bara, this song has a very Ska feeling to it, more than Ganges ne akai bara even... Sex Ska at that... with lyrics such as "A night of pussy." Wow...
MOB 136 Bars- This 100% English song (Yes it is in English, don't argue with me, I'm right, you're wrong, get over it...) is paranoia to the max... I have to wonder is it his or someone else... A very screamy song, another departure from the above songs...
Gentle Lie- Uruha's intro is very beautiful... this is yet another, very mature relationship ballad... talking about the trials of a relationship, from his point of view... This song is like Calm Envy, only not as melodic. I do like it all the same.
Filth in the Beauty- Oh my fucking God... mature content here... Two words for you here... "sexual disgrace" A father after his child in a sexual manner... Yeah this album is definitely NOT for children... Return it to CDJapan right this very moment, get your money back, you are not mature enough for this album...
CIRCLE OF SWINDLER- MORE ENGRISH!!! Such a cute song... okay yeah, not so cute, but Ruki's English is... This song is heavy on the guitar, and drum line. A real headbanger here.
Chizuru (千鶴)- APARTMENT!! God, if I hear one more retarded fan girl say that the GazettE sold out by doing a song for a Korean film, I am going to split some skulls with some tire irons... Have you seen the movie? Probably not, so quit ranting about it... This song is so lyrically profound, Ruki sings of a shattered relationship, broken beyond the point of mending, perhaps by death, I don't know, but damn the song is fucking amazing...
People Error- A classical instrumental piece that I have actually fallen asleep to on more than one occasion... Ruki knows how to compose some seriously good music... that's all I need to say about this...
Moving on to the suckage that is DIM...
I'm afraid this is going to be short as there are only 7 new songs on this album... yeah bitch and whine and moan and state "No Fawn, you're wrong, there are 17 songs on this awesome album." To this I say, shut the fuck up... More than half of them are either bullshit instrumental filler, and/or songs from singles more than a year old. It's like the boys up and decided "Hey let's make an album!", then got bored with the idea half way through and were under contract so they had to finish, so they threw in all this bullshit and called it good...
Okay the tracks are as followed...
「Hakuri」 (「剥離」)- Instrumental, I kind of figured there would at least be one of them on the album since they tend to use these as starts for lives. It's errie and very normal for Ruki's style.
THE INVISIBLE WALL- A song that was released prior to DIMs release. Very guitar heavy, lyrically tragic, it is basically a typical the GazettE song. Though the PV was visually stunning.
A MOTH UNDER THE SKIN- Reita can clearly be heard throughout this song... that's about the only thing that I can say regarding it... Lyrically it is a bit tame.
LEECH- Now I have to ask... what in the fuck is this song doing on this album, seeing how it was released as a single a whole nine months before the release of DIM... I don't really like the song, the PV was retarded and lyrically it just wasn't anything to write about.
Nakigahara (泣ヶ原)- This song is the one good thing about this album, lyrically, it was unexpectedly beautiful, yet tragic, and the melodies that Aoi and Uruha contributed were just stunning, I also enjoyed the fact that Kai's drum line was clearly heard throughout the song, which is a rarity.
Erika (「エ リ カ」)- Gah... another filler... this is meh... I was seriously hoping that this was the last one I would hear on the album, but well... yeah... you will see...
HEADACHE MAN- Granted while I love the song, it is HEAVY FUCKING METAL to the max, and reminded me so much of the GazettE's MADARA era... I find myself shaking my head wondering what (much like LEECH) the fuck it is doing on the album, as it too, was released as a single a full four months before the release of DIM...
Guren (紅蓮)- ARE YOU SERIOUS? Okay this is getting ridiculous... this (Granted I can not complain about the song itself as I love it, in fact it is one of my ultimate favorites ever... but that's beside the point.) song was released a full YEAR AND FIVE MONTHS before the release of DIM, what in the FUCK is it doing on the album... seriously guys? Why?
Shikyuu 「子宮」- Um yet another instrumental track... this is getting annoying... and this is just really to creepy for my tastes... especially after Guren, which lyrically talks of the lost of a pregnancy... and then for this track, which literally translates to "Womb"... is fucking creepy as fuck... screeching, crying, electronically distorted baby cries... Ugh, I don't like it... I would have much rather have heard an actual lyrical song...
13STAIRS[-1]- Okay... what kind of title is that??? Anyway... the song is sound and Ruki's voice is very nice... the song is sort of strong, studio wise, it's okay I guess, though I much rather preferred it live on THE DIM SCENE TOUR. He really played with the song. Ruki's cute counting to 12 in English, and that vibrato he does throughout the song, is really nice.
DISTRESS AND COMA- WHY (Granted much like HEADACHE MAN, I love the song, as it is a second to Taion and lyrically finishes the story of Junko)!!!! Another fucking previously released single, it was released with HEADACHE MAN... why is this on the fucking album? WHY!!!!????
Kanshoku 「感触」- ANOTHER INSTRUMENTAL... God I am almost ready to pitch this fucking album out my fucking window... and seriously if it weren't for Nakigahara, I probably would have already... as this is getting absurd.
Shiroki Yuutsu 白き優鬱- A generic ballad... not really as good as others they have done in my opinion, it just doesn't stay with me, it's like it's gone as soon as the song concludes... which normally doesn't happen with me, as I am a ballad whore, but this one just really didn't stick with me.
IN THE MIDDLE OF CHAOS- Ruki's reflecting on his own past and career with this mildly cheerful song... it's um okay I guess... just not really what I usually expect from the GazettE...
Mourou 「朦朧」- ANOTHER INSTRUMENTAL!!! ARGH! I am really getting tired of this shit...
Ogre- This song is just plain annoying, it's all over the place both musically and lyrically, it has no stability at all. I can't really say anything else about it.
DIM SCENE- This song confused me at first lol, the violins and orchestra bit, was really nice and then the guitar riff came into it, and it caught me off guard.
More vibrato, I like it, but much like Shiroki Yuutsu, it doesn't stay with me.
So yeah, I guess that's everything... now I feel a bit better having ranted a while.
Enjoy the albums, if you can stomach DIM, more power to you, though I seriously suggest you try STACKED RUBBISH, NIL, MADARA or DISCHARGE, because they are all 110% better than what DIM is.
Well I should get on with posting everything else now...,