I heart Jang Geun Suk. And for some reason I seem to have this song on repeat. I'm not sure if it is because I want to cry on his shoulder or just because. I'm going to say it is because he is sexy.
I am too political for my own good. I believe in Mermaids and Unicorns. I am the ringleader of Lunacy. I am sane inside insanity. I am who I am and I am what I am. And, truly, that is all I can ever be.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Let the Christmas Rants begin
I am so sick of people who try to force "Merry Christmas" down my throat.
I don't celebrate "Christmas," never really have. I have always believed that "Christmas" was a pagan holiday (partially because I do my research) dressed up as a "Christian" holy day to convert more pagans to Christianity during the early days of our history.
Newsflash, Jesus wasn't born on Christmas. In fact, we'll never know exactly when Jesus was born. Since Israel has roughly the same climate as the state of Indiana (in the USA), I'm going to say it definitely was NOT December, as no shepherd in his right mind is going to be out in the middle of winter with sheep that could freeze to death (or starve as there would be nothing for them to graze on) thus depriving him of his flock.
It offends me when people try to force me to say something I don't believe in. I'm not going to tell you Merry Christmas if I don't believe in it or feel like it. Please respect that wish. Also, think about what you are doing when you try to force your beliefs down other people's throats. Are you really being Christ-like?
I am all for people being Christians or Muslims or Jews or Hindus or Buddhists. But we need to learn that there is a difference between being an example and being a jerk. You can be a good *insert religious preference here* and not badger people about converting.
*End Rant*
I don't celebrate "Christmas," never really have. I have always believed that "Christmas" was a pagan holiday (partially because I do my research) dressed up as a "Christian" holy day to convert more pagans to Christianity during the early days of our history.
Newsflash, Jesus wasn't born on Christmas. In fact, we'll never know exactly when Jesus was born. Since Israel has roughly the same climate as the state of Indiana (in the USA), I'm going to say it definitely was NOT December, as no shepherd in his right mind is going to be out in the middle of winter with sheep that could freeze to death (or starve as there would be nothing for them to graze on) thus depriving him of his flock.
It offends me when people try to force me to say something I don't believe in. I'm not going to tell you Merry Christmas if I don't believe in it or feel like it. Please respect that wish. Also, think about what you are doing when you try to force your beliefs down other people's throats. Are you really being Christ-like?
I am all for people being Christians or Muslims or Jews or Hindus or Buddhists. But we need to learn that there is a difference between being an example and being a jerk. You can be a good *insert religious preference here* and not badger people about converting.
*End Rant*
Saturday, December 08, 2012
Marriage is hard. Relationships are hard. Love is hard. If you love someone you have to work at your relationship with them.
I once wrote a blog about Love. It's one of the few things I am very proud of, actually, because I wrote about what I see as a basic truth. You have to give all the parts of yourself to a relationship before you can truly have a relationship. So, what happens after you are in love?
That's when the work begins. Being in love is so much harder than most people realize. It's easy to play at love when you think there is no work to it. Its easy to use someone and play with their feelings. It takes real strength of character to make a relationship last.
I feel like this is what this video is about by P!nk. It's a good video. I don't like the song as much as some of her other's, but I adore this video because it is about working through the shit and working through the hard and the terrible and trying even when you feel like giving up.
Where there is a flame someone is bound to be burned.
I once wrote a blog about Love. It's one of the few things I am very proud of, actually, because I wrote about what I see as a basic truth. You have to give all the parts of yourself to a relationship before you can truly have a relationship. So, what happens after you are in love?
That's when the work begins. Being in love is so much harder than most people realize. It's easy to play at love when you think there is no work to it. Its easy to use someone and play with their feelings. It takes real strength of character to make a relationship last.
I feel like this is what this video is about by P!nk. It's a good video. I don't like the song as much as some of her other's, but I adore this video because it is about working through the shit and working through the hard and the terrible and trying even when you feel like giving up.
Where there is a flame someone is bound to be burned.
Thursday, December 06, 2012
Dream State
I had the coolest/weirdest dream last night. I dreamt that:
Bette Davis was Wonder Woman, except she had a better costume and a cooler weapon. Instead of the lasso of truth, she had an electrical whip. She was AMAZING.

Her outfit kind of looked like this except it had more gold, a darker red, no blue and it had sleeves. Plus she wore a golden headband in her blonde hair. She was SO pretty.

She had teamed up with Batman, who was played by Errol Flynn in this dream, to save these lovely young women from the Penguin. I can't remember who played the Penguin, but it was very interesting.

So Bette Davis/Wonder Woman is whipping at the bad guys with her electrical whip until one of them suddenly knocks her down and takes it. Then, while she and Batman/Errol Flynn are being whipped Spiderman shows up and shoots a compound web into the ocean (did I mention this was a Mountain Cave hideout overlooking the ocean? No? Well, that's where they were) and sets the lovely ladies on it like a zipline to safety. That is until they hit the water. Being stupid, apparently, they just keep riding the compound web down to the ocean floor, where they almost drown.
I'm super sad that there is no way this could be made into a movie, because Errol Flynn as Batman and Bette Davis as Wonder Woman is the BEST. THING. EVER!
It sucks not being able to record one's dreams!
Bette Davis was Wonder Woman, except she had a better costume and a cooler weapon. Instead of the lasso of truth, she had an electrical whip. She was AMAZING.
Her outfit kind of looked like this except it had more gold, a darker red, no blue and it had sleeves. Plus she wore a golden headband in her blonde hair. She was SO pretty.
She had teamed up with Batman, who was played by Errol Flynn in this dream, to save these lovely young women from the Penguin. I can't remember who played the Penguin, but it was very interesting.
So Bette Davis/Wonder Woman is whipping at the bad guys with her electrical whip until one of them suddenly knocks her down and takes it. Then, while she and Batman/Errol Flynn are being whipped Spiderman shows up and shoots a compound web into the ocean (did I mention this was a Mountain Cave hideout overlooking the ocean? No? Well, that's where they were) and sets the lovely ladies on it like a zipline to safety. That is until they hit the water. Being stupid, apparently, they just keep riding the compound web down to the ocean floor, where they almost drown.
I'm super sad that there is no way this could be made into a movie, because Errol Flynn as Batman and Bette Davis as Wonder Woman is the BEST. THING. EVER!
It sucks not being able to record one's dreams!
The Guy next door
I found out yesterday that someone that I almost dated (ick, I hate saying that in retrospect), someone I went to church with, someone who stalked me, someone who used to be a friend, was arrested for possession of Child Pornography. Yes, a Christian man that I used to go to church with was arrested yesterday for viewing and downloading child porn to his flashdrive at the Public Library.
I can't even begin to explain how I feel right now. I feel disgusted and dumbfounded. I'm seriously gobsmacked (as Pomme would say) right now. I knew he was creepy and strange. I knew he had issues, which is why we didn't end up dating, but Child Porn?!
I am naive. I know this. However, it is things like being called a "damn towel-head" and finding out someone I used to consider a friend has been arrested for possession of something so heinous that causes me to shake my head in disbelief. I can't even imagine what would make someone do that! Especially at a PUBLIC LIBRARY!
Most disturbing part about this?
"D. told police that because he does not have Internet access at his home, he has been resorting to the library computers to manage the child porn collection and transfer the content to a flash drive so he may view it on his personal computer."
This wasn't a one time incident. He had a COLLECTION on his home computer! I'm so disgusted and disturbed by this that I can't even form cognitive sentences on the subject.
I went to school with this guy. I had a terrible crush on him when we were in High School. That is until he converted to Christianity. He was much more attractive when he was a Goth kid who said he would bite my tongue and make me like it. Which in retrospect is even more CREEPY. I was his friend for a long time. We went to church together on several occasions. He just got creepy after his conversion however. And then I find this out.
I can't explain what I feel right now. I'm still in shock. It hasn't fully sunk in.
I can't even begin to explain how I feel right now. I feel disgusted and dumbfounded. I'm seriously gobsmacked (as Pomme would say) right now. I knew he was creepy and strange. I knew he had issues, which is why we didn't end up dating, but Child Porn?!
I am naive. I know this. However, it is things like being called a "damn towel-head" and finding out someone I used to consider a friend has been arrested for possession of something so heinous that causes me to shake my head in disbelief. I can't even imagine what would make someone do that! Especially at a PUBLIC LIBRARY!
Most disturbing part about this?
"D. told police that because he does not have Internet access at his home, he has been resorting to the library computers to manage the child porn collection and transfer the content to a flash drive so he may view it on his personal computer."
This wasn't a one time incident. He had a COLLECTION on his home computer! I'm so disgusted and disturbed by this that I can't even form cognitive sentences on the subject.
I went to school with this guy. I had a terrible crush on him when we were in High School. That is until he converted to Christianity. He was much more attractive when he was a Goth kid who said he would bite my tongue and make me like it. Which in retrospect is even more CREEPY. I was his friend for a long time. We went to church together on several occasions. He just got creepy after his conversion however. And then I find this out.
I can't explain what I feel right now. I'm still in shock. It hasn't fully sunk in.
The Girl in the Head Scarf
Up until now I have been keeping this to myself, but a few things recently have really made me think and when I think I have to write. So here it is.
I have recently converted to Islam. Or, at the very least, attempted to. I'm not very good at it, in my personal opinion. Of course, I've always been a little too independent for religion to begin with. I don't think I was a very good Christian either. So far, in my religious experiences I seem to have made a much better Atheist. Beside the point of course.
The biggest part of my conversion is my searching for something to believe in. I may be a Muslim forever, I may revert back to Atheism. I may decide to practice Judaism. Allah alone knows the answer to that. And I truly believe He knows the answer.
Does this seem very odd? I'm sure it does. With all the times I have ranted against God it seems silly to have this "eleventh hour" conversion. I'll admit that it seems odd to me as well, considering that I truly believe God and Allah are the same being. I refuse to attempt to explain it really. I have just decided this is the path I'm going to try and I'm going with it.
This also explains why I have been posting a few different things about racism recently. Because this is something I've been experience since I started wearing the hijab. Yes, I am wearing the hijab as part of my conversion. And something strange happened when I started doing that. I felt more comfortable as myself and everyone around me became more uncomfortable.
Former co-workers have threatened to run me over with their cars, men in Mexican restaurants say not so nice things about my "turban," and, most recently, random strangers drive past me shouting at me that I am a "damn towel-head." Former co-workers have embraced this newest me (as I am constantly evolving), offered to protect me, random strangers have invited me to come and speak with them at Mosque and there has been encouragement. In truth, it has been a bit of a polarizing experience.
I knew there would be resistance. This isn't the first time I have donned the hijab. Though the first time was in high school, in solidarity with a Muslim friend who was run out of town, and as a social experiment. And part of this is a social experiment. Life is a social experiment. Beside the point of course.
I knew that I would find out who my real friends were. Though it has been a bit painful. Some of the people I thought I cared about turned out to be the enemy. But I'm still here. And I am still wearing my hijab.
I've also come to the conclusion that Christians in the US (obviously if you are Christian and reside in another country this doesn't necessarily apply) have NO clue what they are talking about when they speak of "persecution." You've never been persecuted unless you've walked in someone else's shoes. Which is what I'm doing now. It is part of the refining fire, as the Bible says.
I'm scared, but I'm elated. I like pushing the boundaries, but I am afraid to go too far. Am I a freak? I suppose time alone will tell.
I have recently converted to Islam. Or, at the very least, attempted to. I'm not very good at it, in my personal opinion. Of course, I've always been a little too independent for religion to begin with. I don't think I was a very good Christian either. So far, in my religious experiences I seem to have made a much better Atheist. Beside the point of course.
The biggest part of my conversion is my searching for something to believe in. I may be a Muslim forever, I may revert back to Atheism. I may decide to practice Judaism. Allah alone knows the answer to that. And I truly believe He knows the answer.
Does this seem very odd? I'm sure it does. With all the times I have ranted against God it seems silly to have this "eleventh hour" conversion. I'll admit that it seems odd to me as well, considering that I truly believe God and Allah are the same being. I refuse to attempt to explain it really. I have just decided this is the path I'm going to try and I'm going with it.
This also explains why I have been posting a few different things about racism recently. Because this is something I've been experience since I started wearing the hijab. Yes, I am wearing the hijab as part of my conversion. And something strange happened when I started doing that. I felt more comfortable as myself and everyone around me became more uncomfortable.
Former co-workers have threatened to run me over with their cars, men in Mexican restaurants say not so nice things about my "turban," and, most recently, random strangers drive past me shouting at me that I am a "damn towel-head." Former co-workers have embraced this newest me (as I am constantly evolving), offered to protect me, random strangers have invited me to come and speak with them at Mosque and there has been encouragement. In truth, it has been a bit of a polarizing experience.
I knew there would be resistance. This isn't the first time I have donned the hijab. Though the first time was in high school, in solidarity with a Muslim friend who was run out of town, and as a social experiment. And part of this is a social experiment. Life is a social experiment. Beside the point of course.
I knew that I would find out who my real friends were. Though it has been a bit painful. Some of the people I thought I cared about turned out to be the enemy. But I'm still here. And I am still wearing my hijab.
I've also come to the conclusion that Christians in the US (obviously if you are Christian and reside in another country this doesn't necessarily apply) have NO clue what they are talking about when they speak of "persecution." You've never been persecuted unless you've walked in someone else's shoes. Which is what I'm doing now. It is part of the refining fire, as the Bible says.
I'm scared, but I'm elated. I like pushing the boundaries, but I am afraid to go too far. Am I a freak? I suppose time alone will tell.
Sunday, December 02, 2012
Lair of the Unicorn
So... Apparently North Korea has discovered a "unicorn lair" that may have once belonged to the King Tongmyong.
How did they discover this amazing find of the century? A very helpful rectangular rock with the words "unicorn lair" carved into its face. How helpful! Why didn't this get discovered sooner? I mean, unicorns should be important to anyone's country! We should all be looking for secret "unicorn lairs" for the good of our history and culture! I mean, having grown up a girl (against my will), I know just how important unicorns are to the world!
They are symbols of purity and virginity, which is why if you are a 'ho' you shouldn't go near one because they've been said to run you through with that horn of theirs. They are status symbols of wealth and prosperity. They are symbols of strength and magnificence.
All things that North Korea needs to prove that they are, in fact, the best country in the world.
I'm off to look for my own unicorn lair, feel free to read the following article discussing this amazing and transcendental find! Good on you, N. Korea.
How did they discover this amazing find of the century? A very helpful rectangular rock with the words "unicorn lair" carved into its face. How helpful! Why didn't this get discovered sooner? I mean, unicorns should be important to anyone's country! We should all be looking for secret "unicorn lairs" for the good of our history and culture! I mean, having grown up a girl (against my will), I know just how important unicorns are to the world!
They are symbols of purity and virginity, which is why if you are a 'ho' you shouldn't go near one because they've been said to run you through with that horn of theirs. They are status symbols of wealth and prosperity. They are symbols of strength and magnificence.
All things that North Korea needs to prove that they are, in fact, the best country in the world.
I'm off to look for my own unicorn lair, feel free to read the following article discussing this amazing and transcendental find! Good on you, N. Korea.
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