Which is exactly what I did last Friday night (the name of a Katy Perry song).
Kid, L.E.D and I went drinking. It happened. And we have discovered that when L.E.D and I have been drinking we get silly. (The Friday night before this last one we had played Miss Merry Mack at our table, to my everlasting humiliation.) Okay, I get silly. Very silly and very unscripted.
Waiter Blush #1:
I ordered a Frozen Mudslide. Tastes just like a chocolate milk shake and is even better because you get a buzz. Plus, the glass looks gorgeous until you stir. Anyway, I always get a spoon so I can eat the whipped topping. With said spoon I scooped up said whipped topping and popped all of it into my mouth. Yes, my mouth was full of creamy white stuff.
Our waiter gave me a look. I mean, I just took a whole spoonful of whipped cream in one bite, I'm surprised more people weren't staring. My response to the staring?
"You know you like seeing me with white stuff in my mouth."
Did I mean for that to slip out? No, but I think the whipped cream and liquor lubed things up and out comes Miss Unscripted and Inappropriate.
Waiter Blush #2:
Our waiter convinces me that I should order a Sauza Gold Margarita as it is on special. I say, sure why not? What's the worst that could happen right?
Well, I chugged it. Yep. Took a sip to taste it and then downed the rest. Well I did it a little quickly and choked a little. At that moment he comes up and says,
"You know you are supposed to chew before you swallow."
And who should make a guest appearance right then? Miss Unscripted and Inappropriate. I reply with all the wit of a 6 year old.
"That depends on what you are trying to swallow."
He not only blushed so bad that he had to walk away from our table, he also face palmed. That's right, who is the girl? Me.
There you have it, the adventures of Sarai and her friends when they have been drinking. By the way, Frozen Mudslides are the bomb! I may, or may not, be a little in love with them. Just sayin'.
In fact here is a picture of one, not the exact same kind as the one I had (mine was cooler, just sayin').
Also, if you have the desire to make one of these babies at home here is a handy-dandy recipe.
2 oz Svedka® vanilla vodka
2 oz Kahlua® coffee liqueur
2 oz Bailey's® Irish cream
6 oz vanilla ice cream
Blend alcohol with ice-cream. Serve in a frosted glass.
Okay, now that I have posted all of that about drinking and partying (did I mention the gay bar dance scenes afterward? Or the brand new high heels I got?) I want to go out. Too bad it is the middle of the week and I have to work on Friday.
Well, that is all from me for now. Hope you enjoyed my craziness.
I am Sarai, this is my blog and I am out like my bottle of Vanilla Vodka.
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