Now that I've rambled on about that, let's go on to some more interesting topics. Such as:
Yep, Bacon.
As in that crispy meat that comes from pigs. Fun fact: I haven't eaten bacon in so long that the taste of fake bacon makes me sick and the smell makes me nauseous. I know, I know, I'm a communist. Who doesn't love bacon? But its true.
When I was 10 years old I gave up eating pork, of any kind, because I was going to a Seventh Day Adventist church. It started out as religious reasons (and because I wasn't a big fan of pork to begin with) and has developed into a keen dislike of our piggy friend.
Admittedly I will still eat my Aunt's ham salad because it is fucking tasty. And I have been known to eat a piece of bacon once in a couple of years. But as a whole I don't eat pork.
Anyway, getting back to the bacon for a moment, let's delve deeper into this interesting meat product.
Bacon is a cured meat prepared from a pig (wikipedia). Bacon is also the last name of Sir Francis Bacon, an English philosopher, author, lawyer and scientist (amongst other things). Who apparently also graces the cover of Peanut Brittle according to a picture on the "I Heart Bacon" website [].
Bacon (going back to the food) has also been featured on Cartoons such as Invader Zim. Let's preview a snippet shall we?
Speaking of bacon and soap, there actually is Bacon Soap. I have posted about it before, but it bears repeating. Seriously, BACON SOAP! As in you can wash yourself with bacon.
There's even bacon salt, bacon lip balm [], bacon gumballs, bacon popcorn and Fizzy Bacon Drink Tablets. I seriously couldn't make this shit up if I tried.
And, just for those of you whose mouths are already watering, here are some websites completely dedicated to Bacon and the love it. (which actually combines Zombies and Bacon)
And if you are crazy and not just a lover of Bacon, but a lover of KEVIN Bacon, here is a website dedicated to him as well.
I'm Sarai, this is my crazy blog and I am out like stale bacon.
[This blog is dedicated to Donnie, who loves bacon more than just about any person I know.]
Very good.