Friday, August 23, 2013

A Dozen Reasons

A friend of mine on Facebook posted the following image:

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This was my response.
1. Dogs aren't sentient beings who can sign a marriage certificate and the fact that we relate homosexual people to animals is wrong in every sense of the word. (And if we are going biblically, I can think of several people I know who have sexual intercourse outside of marriage, which is also a sin. And lots of politicians like to have affairs, which is also a sin. And eating pig meat/touching pigs is a sin. The list of sins goes on and on. Someone loving someone else shouldn't be up for some politician to decide on.)

2. Oil companies make millions of dollars a year off of gasoline and they pay less taxes on it than you and I do.

3. The government shouldn't be spending our money on prisons, guns and what not when they could be spending it on feeding our children, fixing our roads and providing proper healthcare and education for the future voters.

4. You DO have freedom of speech. There are consequences for EVERY action. You can say what you like, doesn't mean that you should.

5. Its not about whether or not YOU are responsible enough to own a gun; its about making it safe for everyone and still maintaining the Second Amendment, which says nothing about being able to own whatever gun you want. For example: You live near a seemingly nice individual. He has been proven to be mentally unstable and has been in and out of the hospital for increasingly terrifying paranoid episodes where he believes everyone is trying to attack him. There is no background check for his mental history. He is able to purchase a gun and then he loses it and shoots a bunch of people up. Including children. I'm sorry, I just don't feel like someone who has been proven to be mentally unhinged should be allowed to have a weapon of any kind.

6. Global Warming is brought to you by Scientists and not Weathermen, so this argument is both invalid and silly. I don't know about driving a Prius, but you don't have to be any political party to care about whether or not your planet is being taken care of.

7. I do care about babies dying. I care about the millions of little children that are starving in the United States alone. I care about a young woman who has been raped and is being forced to carry the child of said rapist simply because someone's beliefs are different. I don't hold to Abortions. I don't like them. But I believe they should be safe and legal if someone should have to have one. And no one should judge what someone else is going through unless they've been through it themselves.

8. I think everyone should be able to have free health care. Health is part of the pursuit of life, happiness and liberty. And we were all illegal immigrants way back when we got here. That is not to say that I approve of disregarding immigration laws, because I don't. But if someone comes here illegally and tries to make up for it by becoming a legitimate citizen they deserve the same treatment as a legitimate citizen.

9. Businesses should be able to profit without beggaring the people that work for them. Wal-Mart makes millions of dollars a year while the majority of their employees have to be put on Government programs to take care of themselves. $7.25/hour is not enough to survive on in this day and age. Minimum wage in other countries that can compete with ours on economic levels are upwards of $16/hour.

10. No one is trying to re-write the constitution. However, no one seems to try to actually follow it either. Freedom of Speech, freedom of Religion, etc.

11. Actually the majority of our oil comes from here. Followed closely by Canada and Latin America. Only 12% of our oil comes from the Persian Gulf, while almost 40% comes from here.

12. I used to be a Republican. I started doing research and listening to other people's points of view. I started reading books and trying to understand where other people stood on different topics. I came away with the belief that I may never change the world, but I could change how I viewed it. Instead of being told what to believe I decided what I wanted to believe. And that's part of the reason I vote Democrat. I still vote from some Republicans, but I pay very close attention to where they stand on certain issues and I do my research, ALWAYS. I don't want to be led when I can lead.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


A lot of stuff has been happening recently, so I've been more than a little absent. This is only one small slice of the greater issues, but it is still an important piece.

On Saturday night my Aunt Barbara passed away after a long battle with Alzheimer's, a disease that also claimed my grandmother in 2011 and my great-grandmother years ago.

My Aunt Barbara was an amazing woman and I already miss her like crazy.

Today at the funeral I just kept thinking of all the wonderful memories, a little cache I have from my childhood that I keep for rainy days. And I want to share a few with you.

When I was a little girl, my Aunt Barbara gave me books about Princess Diana. Why? Because after I heard about Princess Di's death on the radio I wanted to know more about her. She gave me three or four books that I read and re-read, for years.

There were many times that Chris, Hannah and I would be at Aunt Barb's house and we would play with her dogs and watch "Free Willy." It was one of my favorite movies for a long time because of watching it at her house.

One time she recorded Chris and I singing Judy Garland songs (we were obsessed with her and sang her songs ALL the time, poorly I might add). She saved those videos and gave them to me a few years later.
She always smiled. I don't remember ever seeing her frown. Even when I knew she was sad. She was an amazing lady and I am so sad to have lost her.

The good news is I will always have these beautiful memories to pull out when I'm sad and miss her.

Rest in Peace Aunt Barb. Tell Grandma and Grandpa I said hi.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

A Dreamer

What would happen if we all shook hands with the "enemy?"

The "enemy" is us.

With love to Russia.

My darling Russia,
next to the United States you have been my biggest supporter on my blog(s). And, truly, it isn't your fault that Vladimir Putin is such a jerk-face that he has now relegated Homosexual/Bisexual/Transgendered people into a myth that Christians tell to frighten their children into submission.

Be brave, sweetheart. The world is changing. We are the ocean and we are shifting. Take heart in that there are those of us who believe in LOVE, no matter WHO you love or WHY. Be brave because one day there will be people, like Mr. Putin, who are no longer taken seriously and are merely ignored. I don't know when that day will come, but it WILL.

In the meantime, I still love you, dear Russia. And I still can't wait to visit you someday.

with much love,

Strip down or Ship out.

I read a lot. And I mean, A LOT. I read articles, books, posts, etc. I read just about anything I can get my hands on. Which explains a few of my posts and a few of the changes in opinion I've had over time. And, once again, it is reading that has brought up what I'm about to say.

One of the pages I follow on Facebook posted the link to an article about Mackenzie Rosman.
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If you are unfamiliar with the child star, she was in the WB tv show "7th Heaven," which was a Christian/family program that began in the mid-90's. On the show she played "Ruthie," not the youngest child, but almost. The show ended in 2007 and, officially, the only actor/actress to come out of it with a career was Jessica Biel.

Now it seems that Ms. Rosman has decided she wants a jump-start to her career. This decision has led to stripping down in the leading rag/mag "Maxim."

I am all for women being naked... or mostly naked. I love the expression of self that often comes with nudity. What I don't like is that so many women feel they HAVE to get naked to be famous or to jump-start a career. You are never going to be appreciated for what you can do if all anyone sees is your nakedness. And I'm not saying that to be cruel, but its true. With women especially!

If you strip down, men will only see you have a great body and women only see you as being a whore. Which is awful, but how society sees things.

It isn't just the patriarchy that keeps women down. Other women keep their sisters down.

Mackenzie, you are beautiful, you don't have to be naked to prove it. I'm sad that she chose this step.