Sunday, August 11, 2013

Strip down or Ship out.

I read a lot. And I mean, A LOT. I read articles, books, posts, etc. I read just about anything I can get my hands on. Which explains a few of my posts and a few of the changes in opinion I've had over time. And, once again, it is reading that has brought up what I'm about to say.

One of the pages I follow on Facebook posted the link to an article about Mackenzie Rosman.
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If you are unfamiliar with the child star, she was in the WB tv show "7th Heaven," which was a Christian/family program that began in the mid-90's. On the show she played "Ruthie," not the youngest child, but almost. The show ended in 2007 and, officially, the only actor/actress to come out of it with a career was Jessica Biel.

Now it seems that Ms. Rosman has decided she wants a jump-start to her career. This decision has led to stripping down in the leading rag/mag "Maxim."

I am all for women being naked... or mostly naked. I love the expression of self that often comes with nudity. What I don't like is that so many women feel they HAVE to get naked to be famous or to jump-start a career. You are never going to be appreciated for what you can do if all anyone sees is your nakedness. And I'm not saying that to be cruel, but its true. With women especially!

If you strip down, men will only see you have a great body and women only see you as being a whore. Which is awful, but how society sees things.

It isn't just the patriarchy that keeps women down. Other women keep their sisters down.

Mackenzie, you are beautiful, you don't have to be naked to prove it. I'm sad that she chose this step.

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