Sunday, February 19, 2012

To Whom it May Concern,

A friend of mine posted a video on their FaceBook with the comment: "I see nothing offensive about that worked!"
The video has to do with Birth Control, a rather popular topic at the moment. The video pisses me off immensely, but I'll let you decide for yourself about it

Now, in response to both her comment (and the video) I posted this:
"I do, because not everyone who is using contraception is using it to prevent pregnancy. There are some of us who have medical conditions that require birth control to help.
Speaking as someone who has awful cysts on my ovaries and needs to be on a contraceptive, this kind of thinking is not only very crude, but also harmful to those of us who AREN'T going out and slutting it up."

As of this moment she has yet to respond. That's right, a woman posted that. A woman that I love and, usually, admire greatly. Not only does this sadden me immensely, but really shows how we haven't come very far at all. We are still trapped in this mind set that a young woman who needs a contraceptive is a whore and should just keep her knees together.

Here is my opinion on the matter. Take it or leave it, agree or disagree, it doesn't matter. What does matter is that someone needs to take a stand on this.

To whom it may concern,
If you provide insurance to your employees you HAVE to provide for ALL types of healthcare. Not all women who use birth control use it to prevent pregnancies. It is NOT a violation of your religious rights, but it IS a violation of their freedom of choice if you refuse. If you want to be jerks about it, how about paying some taxes so these health items can be obtained some other way without breaking someone?
Thank you for your attention,

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