So, as you could tell by previous blog I was more than a little upset. So what did I do to cheer myself up you may ask? I turned off the song I had listened to on repeat for an hour and listened to some other music. I talked to my mom on Facebook chat. I looked at pictures of pretty shoes that I want to buy.
Repeat that? The girl who hates shoes was looking at pretty shoes to cheer herself up?
Yes. That is correct. And now I am going to post pictures of said pretty shoes that cheered me up. All of them are by my favorite shoe designer Manolo Blahnik.
First off a white version of my all time fav shoe EVER!
I don't know why I like these, but I would wear them!! I am so strange. And have possibly been replaced with a pod person.
I don't think I would actually wear these, but I like the style. Once again, I don't know why. Normally I would think they looked dumb.
These red heels really made me smile. I love sassy red heels!
Lacy heels are even better! I like how he changes up the same basic designs with his shoes.
I honestly have no idea what is up this pair of shoes, but they are weird and therefore I like them. I don't like the looseness of the ropes though. There should be a way to tighten them.
LOVE LOVE LOVE this one!
My all time fave shoe, in black.
These ones remind me of a pair of shoes I almost bought. They were Frenchi lace pumps and they were at Maurice's. Unfortunately they went out of season so I'm going to have to wait to get a hold of a pair!
The last shoes of the evening. They are fun, pink and sassy. And I love the black feathers. ^-^
Shoes can sometimes make even me, the bare-footed heathen, smile. Thank you Manolo Blahnik!
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