BABY GOT BACK by Sir Mix-A-Lot!!! A blast from the past, God I loved my childhood... lol....
AND "Table be Round" by Sir Mix-A-Lot (God, I love a good parody!)
Random cuteness for your viewing pleasure!
And now onto the news... Since I'm behind I'm going to catch you all up with ONE article from every day I've missed... maybe two if I feel like it. Ready? Set? NEWS!!
First we’ll start off with the news for today. I have four very interesting articles...
A young woman, after being attacked by a mugger, walks home. Why is this unusual? Because she had a knife lodged in her back.
Nicotine Addicted Reptile for your viewing Pleasure.
A 19 year old child porn victim seeks compensation.
Four women glue a cheating man’s penis to his stomach.
Jan. 06th.
A rescued reptile rescues his family from a house fire! Long Long the snake saves his adopted human family after a fire breaks out from an electric blanket.
Jan. 07th.
A falling dolphin injures one of the trainers. Who didn't see this one coming?
Jan. 08th.
Gorgeous pictures of the Harbin Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival in China.
Men who have sex twice a week can reduce their risk for heart attacks and heart disease.
Jan. 09th.
A kitten found frozen in the snow survives!
Jan. 10th.
A criminal loses his fake penis in a raid. O.O
Jan. 11 through 17.
Scary shark news… Did we cause them to kill us? (17th)
A sweet place to get a treat has 860 flavors of Ice Cream! (16th)
Pat Robertson gets a letter from the devil about Haiti… (I’ll write more about THAT later) (15th)
Woman Breastfeeds her DOG (14th)
After another Pat Robertson fuck up the White House says shut the fuck up. (well I wish) (13th)
Donald Goerke the creator of SpaghettiOs dies at age 83 (12th)
A sick man rapes his even sicker wife. Guess who was the real sickly one? (11th)
All for now, I’m starting to get depressed with the news… More later!!
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