Thursday, April 02, 2015

Sexual Objectification and other weirdness

(This was a Twitter rant I went on. You can find me on Twitter: @wicked_roses)

How is it so easy to sexually objectify someone? I have a hard time believing my hubby has a dick until I see it. Even then, its a body...

We all have one... So why is MY body more sexual than his? Just because I have boobs? Dude, he has them too. They're just flatter...

I'm over here going "Oh wow... This person is trying to be sexually appealing. I didn't know they did the sex."

Maybe that's because I grew up in such a restrictive environment (Christian Nazi step-father), or because I was introduced early on?

I find it odd. I don't see people as sexual objects. Shockingly, I see people as (wait for it...) PEOPLE! Holy fuck!

Even people I'm attracted to... Its weird. I don't think of sex until I'm turned on I guess.

Even then, I don't think of objects. I think of flesh meeting flesh. Person with person... We're people sexing. That's a thing, right?

Do objects have sex when I'm not looking?

Am I missing out on some hot lamp on desk action?

Because really, I see someone and I can be like "Oh hey, he's gorgeous" or "oh hey, she's gorgeous."
Not "oh hey, I want to have sex with that object over there."

Though, admittedly, I might still think "damn, she has a lovely body" or "damn, he has a lovely body." Still seeing a person.

Not just a breathing sex doll. Or a walking dildo.

I guess this stream of consciousness is brought on by watching this video:

And thinking, "Oh yeah, she's an adult trying to be sexy." I'm still thinking of her as a young woman who might not be into that yet.

I suppose I'm not exempt from looking at the "naughty bits" (only naughty as defined by society mind you). But I'm still seeing a person...

Its not like I just see walking boobs. Or walking pecs...

I love boobs. I love penises. I just love bodies. All kinds of bodies. I like lots of people. I'd rather have sex with people than objects.

I'm just so confused on this sexual objectification shit. I've been objectified before, but I don't understand it. Why? Why do people do it?

How can you blithely turn a person into a thing only existent for your sexual gratification?

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