Saturday, April 04, 2015

Quick Rant.

Quick Rant.
1. Stop trying to demean someone else's experience by saying "Not all police men," "not all men," "not all white people," etc... YES not ALL police officers, men or white people behave a certain way. That is true! However, if you are using it against someone who has experienced something terrible at the hands of *insert person type here* then you are being just as BAD. I'm so tired of seeing people saying "if this officer had been black he would've gotten away with it..." or "would the media have reported about this if a woman had done it?" That's BS and it completely demeans the experiences of people.

2. YES bad things happen to EVERYONE. That is true! Its NOT a contest! No one has had it as bad as you think you have. We're humans. We're never going to fully understand each other because how we experience things is unique to US as INDIVIDUALS. That being said, don't come in and say that a guy who has been molested doesn't understand being raped because he is a guy. That's simply not true. And its not a contest. Stop making it a contest! If we would all just SUPPORT EACH OTHER through the bull instead of trying to make ourselves out to be the bigger victim we'd a bit better off.

3. People just need to stop doing bad things to each other! Seriously. How hard is it to be kind to someone? Just because you don't understand something, doesn't mean You have the right to judge!! DON'T JUDGE. We're all just trying to make it in this world. And its a crappy one. So, instead of making it harder on someone else, why don't you mind your own business and just love? Its not you. Just let it go.

End Rant.

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