You may often think to yourself (when you are watching the show), What the hell is wrong with us... Well here are a few other things you might wonder about:
What is up with Sarai's obsession with the Platypus? She brings it up quite often...
Sarai's Response?
How can you resist something that fucking cute?!
Seriously?! Just look at those cute little bills and those adorable little claws and that funny little tail and you should know why Sarai is a lover of them.
Besides, her love is pure, kind of like Shawn Spencer's love of Pineapples on the show Psych.
And who can blame him, Pineapples are pretty frickin' amazing.
Then of course there is Pomegranate's obsession with K-Pop. Once again we would like to point out the following:
We dare you to find someone cuter!! Okay, well there are some that are cuter, well not really cute but HOT! That brings us to the obsession with J-Rock... Well, We just can't help that.
And, for the record, Sarai would like to say that she DOES not HAVE an ADDICTION to KOREAN DRAMAS. None whatsoever.
So, from a purple cloud somewhere in the south-eastern-northern hemisphere of St. Johnny's (Depp that is) mind, we of the Crazy Show are OVER AND OUT!!
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